Pokémon: Gyarados Evolution

Chapter 32

The huge figure of Boskodora instantly caught Jon's eyes.

Jon looked closely and saw more than a dozen Kokodoras rolling around in pain, groaning constantly.

Their metal bodies were covered with many shocking scars, which made people feel pity.

It was burns!

It turned out that Aaron was really catching Kokodoras. These serious burns must have been caused by Houndoom's jet of flames.

Boskodora heard the movement here and slowly turned around. Kokodora under Jon's feet kept explaining to it eagerly.

"Do you need my help, Boskodora?"

Jon asked tentatively.

Boskodora was slightly stunned, hesitated for a long time, and finally nodded slowly.

Jon immediately walked over in two steps and confirmed it again carefully and carefully.

The temperature on the surface of each Cocodora was frighteningly high. There was no doubt that they were indeed burned.

He immediately took out the burn spray he had bought in Kanaz City from his backpack and quickly began to treat them.

However, the burn spray could only temporarily suppress the injury. If they wanted to recover completely, they would need a burn reliever.

Fortunately, the method of making the most basic medicine, the burn reliever, was not a secret. You could find it by logging on to the official website of the Pokémon Center.

However, the most critical thing at the moment was the raw materials needed to make the burn reliever.

"Boskodora, can you help me find these berries?"

Jon said, turning the laptop over and showing it the pictures of the berries he needed.

Boskodora and a group of uninjured Cocodoras immediately swarmed over.

After confirming, Boskodora roared in a low voice and gave an order. Then the Cocodora strode out, probably to the forest to look for berries.

"Kokodora, please take me out. If you find the fruit, take it directly outside the cave. You can take me in after I make the anti-burning agent."

Kokodora, who had just brought Jon in, nodded obediently, and then called to Boskodora.

After getting the response, he took the lead in taking small steps towards the exit. Jon nodded to Boskodora and followed Kokodora closely.

Jon returned to the outside of the cave, and then he quickly set up the tent on the flat ground. He looked at the time and it was already very late, but the big wolfhounds were hungry.

He sat outside the tent, while grilling, he fell into deep thought, and finally decided not to report the matter.

Otherwise, judging from his experience, he believed that everything he got would probably have to be handed over. He was not that stupid.

As for the three Pokémon left, they were all elite level.

If they were sold on the black market, Shakiras alone could be sold at a sky-high price.

However, he dismissed the idea as soon as it came up.

This won't work. If he does, he probably won't be able to get rid of the shadow of the black market for the rest of his life.

He did this before because the Pokémon of the Magma Team were really not that good, and secondly, because he was short of money.

Although you can travel without money, you can't cultivate Pokémon well.

Now there is a shortcut in front of him. Houndoom and Toucans can be kept as backup, and Shakiras will definitely become the main member of his team after evolution.

In this way, the chance of winning in the Fengyuan League Conference will definitely increase a lot.

After eating and drinking, there was no talk all night...

When the first ray of sunlight in the morning sprinkled on the ground, Jon slowly opened his eyes.

He quickly got up, prepared six servings of food in one breath, and then released three of Aaron's Pokémon from the Poké Ball.

What surprised Jon was that after the three Pokémon came out, they did not attack as he expected.

Instead, they looked at Jon with curiosity, and the Pokémon food in his hand that exuded an alluring aroma.

Jon secretly guessed that they might also be Pokémon that were illegally captured, and they never really recognized Aaron as a trainer.

The weapons found on Aaron might mean that they were often abused by Aaron.

"I know that you may not have been subdued by the previous trainer in a legitimate way, but Aaron is dead, and you now have two choices.

Either, challenge the alliance with me and become stronger together. Or, I will give you a new master."

Jon stared at them closely.

"Shakiras, your potential is very strong, even stronger than the Boskodora inside.

But if there is no strong and suitable trainer to cooperate with you,You grow and progress together, but maybe you will never reach your ideal height. "

Jon said as he began to seduce them, and then he walked over slowly and steadily with the Pokémon food.

Gyarados and Wolfhound stared at the three of them intently, and as long as there was a sign of danger, they would be the first to attack without hesitation.

"Herod and Toucan, think back to your previous life, did you really like it? How did Aaron, the trainer, treat you? I believe you all know it clearly in your hearts..."

Jon gently placed three portions of Pokémon food in front of them, and then sat down calmly, "If you are willing to grow with me, eat the food, and then I will give you a simple treatment. "

If you don't agree, you won't give me food?

The three Pokémon looked at each other with speechless expressions on their faces, looking at Jon helplessly.

However, when their eyes were focused on the Pokémon food that they rarely had the chance to touch, their appetite finally overcame their hesitation, and they couldn't help but start to act.

Jon didn't subdue them immediately. Although the intimacy between them was currently 0, Jon had defeated them last night. According to the rules, they would not ask to fight Jon again.

Maybe they were really hungry, and the food was quickly swept away.

But Jon knew that he couldn't give too much at one time, and he had to give it slowly and step by step.

"Okay, I have completely destroyed your previous Pokémon balls, now..."

After destroying their three Pokémon balls, Jon took out a new Pokémon ball and threw it at them without hesitation.

Without any resistance, Jon subdued the three of them at once.

Jon didn't expect that it would be so easy to subdue Pokémon. Now he just happened to have 6 Pokémon.

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