Pokémon: Gyarados Evolution

Chapter 24

In the vast area east of Kanaz City, there are many Pokémon living here.

Except for those relatively docile grass-type Pokémon, most of the wild Pokémon here will clearly express their dissatisfaction with humans setting foot in their territory.

In order to ensure safety, the wolfhound has almost never returned to the Pokéball in the past two days, but has been following Jon.

Jon himself has a lot of experience in surviving in the wild. There are a lot of food and fresh water in his backpack, which are enough for him and his two Pokémon to eat for several days.

Moreover, every night, he will deliberately look for a place with a lake to set up camp, and by the way, he will also release Gyarados for some training.

Along the way, Jon did not meet too many people, but every time he met someone, someone would ask him to fight Pokémon.

After all, almost all the people who appear here come with the purpose of conquering Pokémon or taking risks.

Pokémon of the rock, grass, and bug types are relatively easy to cultivate, and are almost always the first choice for civilian trainers.

From the conversation with these people, Jon learned that there was an extremely powerful Pokémon at his destination this time, and the forest here was just its periphery.

At this moment, Jon had climbed to the highest mountain, standing on the top of the mountain and looking down. He looked far away and finally saw his goal this time.

It was indeed a wasteland, with only some scattered green vegetation dotted in between, and the rest of the place was almost covered with loess.

Such an environment is obviously very suitable for the survival of ground-type or rock-type Pokémon.

After determining the direction, Jon carefully began to go down the mountain, and then continued to walk forward.

"Wait, what is that?"

After going down the mountain, Jon's eyes were suddenly attracted by a conspicuous tire mark not far ahead.

He trotted over with full of doubts, and when he got closer and took a closer look, he found that the traces were still very new. It was extremely rare to find this in such a jungle.

The jungle environment here is completely unsuitable for driving cars, and according to the information he had learned before, the forest rangers here do not have standard cars, but choose to use Pokémon as their daily means of transportation.

He slowly squatted down and immediately measured the width and spacing of the tires with his palms.

"This is a truck!"

Jon quickly got this exact information. He touched his chin and pondered, while the big wolfhound followed the smell and told Jon the direction of the car.

Surprisingly, the direction was the same as the direction he was going.

What he was most worried about at the moment was encountering those hateful Pokémon hunters.

Generally speaking, Pokémon hunters usually look down on Pokémon that have not evolved, unless they are those with great potential, and the big jaw ant happens to be one of them.

This possibility flashed through Jon's mind quickly. After all, in such a sparsely populated place, those evil forces tend to become more unscrupulous.

It seems that he has to be extra careful on the way back. He gently touched the head of the big wolfhound and said solemnly:

"Big wolfhound, stay highly alert and pay attention to the movements around you at all times."

The big wolfhound barked when he heard it, and his eyes instantly became sharp.

Jon could only move forward slowly and cautiously at this time. After all, in this dangerous wilderness, people are sometimes more dangerous than wild Pokémon.

The big wolfhound seemed particularly alert. Even without Jon giving any orders, he walked in front of him with his head held high, always maintaining a high level of vigilance and carefully observing everything around him.

"Oh, I should have known not to sell the Toucan!"

Jon couldn't help but feel a little regretful at this moment.

Although he has always sneered at the strength and unpleasant appearance of the Toucan, and it is also malnourished, there is really no need to cultivate it carefully.

However, at this moment, if there is a flying Pokémon, it can play the role of an excellent scout.

Just like being blocked by the lush and dense forest now, the Great Wolf Dog, a Pokémon that only relies on four limbs to run, does have many shortcomings.

The only advantage is that when an emergency occurs, it can react in the first time, so that it will not waste the short time to release the Pokémon.No.

Although he had seen many flying Pokémon on the way, it was too late to consider catching them now.

"Let's take it one step at a time. Anyway, there is still a long distance to the destination."

Jon sighed helplessly. At this moment, there was a slight movement in his backpack, and he hurriedly took the Pokémon egg out of the backpack as quickly as possible.

It seems that his careful care and careful care every day these days have finally responded. At this moment, the Pokémon egg has begun to emit a faint light.

Obviously, the hatching time is coming soon.

Jon's eyes were nervously staring at the blue and white Pokémon egg. At the same time, his heart was filled with full expectations. He didn't know what kind of Pokémon would hatch out.

Ten minutes passed...

Thirty minutes passed...

The elf egg floated in the culture medium, and the shaking frequency always attracted Jon's eyes.

Three hours passed in a flash...

Jon didn't know how much water he had drunk, and he choked himself accidentally.

Suddenly, a dazzling and brilliant white light burst out instantly, and behind the light, a cute little thing with charming and deep blue skin appeared in front of him.

It was very lively and active just after it was born. Its small teeth were playfully exposed, and it had a hard skull and two small and exquisite arms. This series of unique features clearly told Jon its identity.

"Baby Dragon!"

Jon was so excited that he almost cheered out loud. It turned out to be Baby Dragon. You know, after it evolved into Flying Dragon, it was a famous dragon-type quasi-god in the Hoenn region!


Jon was so excited that he couldn't help himself. He immediately hugged Baby Dragon tightly. Baby Dragon also knew that Jon was its trainer and behaved very intimately in his arms.

It waved its little arms excitedly, but its bright eyes showed its endless yearning for the vast sky.

Jon quickly put it down and took out the milk in the big can that he had prepared in advance from his backpack, and carefully fed the baby dragon.

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