Pokemon: A New Path

Chapter 106: Homecoming

The storm almost enveloped the entire island, and to avoid affecting the other inhabitants, the two Dragonites moved their battle to the open sea. 

Seeing this, Naoki quickly mounted Koraidon and followed after them. The other Dragonites, Dragonairs, and Dratini on the island also gathered at the edge, standing on the cliff to witness the spectacular scene unfolding over the ocean.

The sky above churned with dark, swirling clouds as the storm raged on. In the midst of it, the two Dragonites clashed fiercely, their battle intensifying with each passing moment. The female Dragonite's attacks were relentless; she flapped her wings, generating an even more powerful storm that began to overwhelm Naoki's Dragonite.

Despite being battered by the ferocious winds, Dragonite's thick scales offered some protection, preventing severe damage. Gritting its teeth, Dragonite recalled Naoki's teachings and began to gather powerful electric energy within its body.


A deafening thunderclap resonated through the dark clouds, as lightning crackled ominously above. The female Dragonite, momentarily startled by the sound, narrowed her eyes and surged forward with incredible speed, closing the distance between them before the thunder could strike.

Dragonite, caught off guard by the female's sudden acceleration, stumbled, its concentration is broken. In a flash, the female Dragonite closed in, her Dragon Tail attack landing with precision, sending the Dragonite hurtling back towards the island.

As the battle concluded, the dark clouds above began to disperse, revealing the clear sky once more. The female Dragonite gracefully descended to where Dragonite had landed, her eyes scrutinizing the now powerful Dragonite that had once been considered weak.

"Awoo!" she declared with authority, 'Although I don't know what you've been through during this time, it's still not enough!'

Dragonite, though bruised and battered, wasn't disheartened by the loss. Instead, it saw the battle as a way to measure its growth. But it knew, as the female Dragonite had pointed out, that there was still much work to be done.

"Ouch..." Dragonite murmured to itself, already planning its training regimen back at the ranch. There were more moves to master, and more challenges to overcome.

With newfound determination, Dragonite rose from the ground, its eyes burning with a fierce resolve. This resilience and fighting spirit did not go unnoticed by the female Dragonite, who observed the change in the once timid and forlorn Dragonite. It was no longer the same Pokémon that had once sat on the island, burdened by self-doubt.

Finally, Dragonite turned back to Naoki, its expression serious. "Awoo!" it called out, signaling that it was time to return to the ranch.

Naoki understood Dragonite's intent. He glanced back at the female Dragonite and noticed she was watching him as well. Raising an eyebrow slightly, he decided not to dwell on it. Instead, he turned to bid farewell to the petite Dratinis and Dragonairs that had been following him.

"I'm heading off now. I'll come back and play with you all next time!"

'And when I do, I'll make sure to bring a bunch of Pokémon snacks to share with these adorable little ones,' Naoki thought.

Dragonite waved its chubby claws, saying its goodbyes to its companions on the island. Several Dragonites, having witnessed Dragonite's transformation, looked on with envy. They were intrigued by the human trainer who had helped their companion grow so much.

After exchanging glances, a few of them made up their minds and rushed over.




Seeing them approach, Dragonite immediately went on the defensive, using its large claws to push them back.

"Ouch!" (This trainer is mine!)

One of the Dragonites protested: "Ouch!" (He could be ours too!)

"Ouch!" (No way!)

But Dragonite, already exhausted from two battles, couldn't fend them off for long. Eventually, the persistent Dragonites managed to reach Naoki.

Naoki was taken aback as three young Dragonites surrounded him, their eyes filled with anticipation.

'What's going on?' he wondered. Then, an idea struck him.

'Could it be?' His thoughts raced as he looked at the Dragonites. "Do you guys want to come with us?"

"Ouch~" The three Dragonites nodded enthusiastically.

But before Naoki could respond, Dragonite, having regained a bit of strength, rushed over and wrapped Naoki in a protective hug with its big claws.

Naoki: "…"

Koraidon, observing the scene, let out a roar that startled the three Dragonites. It then shifted into its galloping form and slowly approached Naoki, gesturing for him to ride.

Dragonite and Koraidon shared a rare moment of understanding, united in their stance on this matter.

Despite being tempted by the idea of the three Dragonites joining him, Naoki ultimately decided to turn them down. He understood why they wanted to follow him: they wanted to become stronger, just like Dragonite.

But Dragonite's growth was largely due to its own determination and effort. Naoki had merely offered guidance and suggestions. His own Dragonite was simple and easygoing, allowing him to put it (manipulate) as needed. However, he knew this might not be the case with other Dragonites.

Additionally, the thought of trying to care for and feed so many Dragonites was daunting. Just preparing meals for them daily would be exhausting.

'However, that doesn't mean I'll completely give up on these cute Dragonites,' Naoki mused. 'Maybe someday, I'll create a dish that can help them grow strong like my Dragonite.'

Then, when the ranch expands a little more, Naoki would need more deliverymen to help with the distribution of goods. At that point, he could use his cooking skills to lure all these Dragonites into working for him, ultimately building his own Dragonite delivery company.

'After all,' Naoki thought, 'Dragonite Island isn't going anywhere, and the Dragonites aren't likely to leave.'

With this in mind, Naoki turned to the three eager Dragonites and said, "I understand what you want, but I'm afraid I can't take you back with me right now."

"But don't worry. Perhaps the next time we meet, I'll have something to help you become stronger. Until then, please be patient and wait here."

The three Dragonites blinked, then happily nodded in agreement. 'At least this human didn't reject us outright,' they thought. 'We have long lives—there's plenty of time to wait.'

Looking at the group of Dragonites, Dragonairs, and Dratinis in front of him, Naoki felt a twinge of reluctance. However, before he could say anything more, Dragonite and Koraidon began to pull him away.

"Ouch!" (Alright, enough talking, it's time to go home!)

Naoki, now seated on Koraidon's back, waved goodbye to the group of dragons. "Goodbye, Dragonairs! Goodbye, Dratinis!"

As Dragonite Island slowly disappeared from view, the sea breeze brushed against Naoki's face. He turned to Dragonite and asked, "So, what did you think of today's adventure?"

"Ouch…" Dragonite responded with a soft nod, followed by a slight shake of its head.

'Although it still holds some affection for the other Dragonite,' Naoki thought, 'Dragonite has experienced life on the ranch, seen powerful and mysterious Pokémon, and grown significantly. It's no longer heartbroken over being rejected.'

'Just like Teddiursa said,' Naoki mused, 'the world is vast, and there are so many things left to do.'

For example, Dragonite thought, 'I could cover the whole world in my rain!'

With a determined look, Dragonite faced the setting sun, let out an impassioned roar, and poured all its strength into a powerful 'Rain Dance'.

Dark clouds rolled in, covering a large portion of the sky. Heavy rain began to fall, the raindrops forming into lines as they splashed onto the sea, merging with the ocean below.

Dragonite flapped its wings, creating gusts of wind and soaring freely in the downpour. Naoki and Koraidon, drenched to the bone, could only watch in awe at Dragonite's enthusiasm.

"Really…," Naoki muttered, half-amused and half-exasperated.

Koraidon, however, was less than pleased with Dragonite's habit of summoning rain anytime and anywhere. It let out a loud roar, and the dark clouds quickly dispersed, the sunlight intensifying as it shone down. In response, a crimson energy began to pulse around Koraidon's body.

'Wow,' Naoki thought, 'Koraidon's Sunny Day' not only cleared the rain but also activated its characteristic ability.*

Raising a hand, Naoki called Dragonite back, putting an end to the weather war. "Alright, enough playing with the weather. Restore it to its original state before you two cause any more chaos."

The intense sunlight faded, and the sky returned to the soft hues of evening. The beautiful sunset bathed the sky in shades of red, which reflected on the sea, painting it with the colors of dusk.

Toucannons and Pelippers, who had spent the day flying about, began their journey back to their nests. 

Looking at the serene scene, Naoki couldn't help but sigh, "It's so beautiful."

Dusk was approaching, and it was time to head home.

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