Pocket Monster University

Thinking, Fast and Slow

“Be patient.”

Sabrina explained to me how exactly her Parallel Processing ability worked. Each fragment of her consciousness had just as much awareness and brainpower as the real her, which allowed her to divide her attention in up to ten directions at once, with none of the distractions taking away from her focus. Every fragment was created with a purpose in mind, and even though the fragment had the same personality and memories as Sabrina, it would doggedly work to finish that purpose. Once a fragment was finished with its job or when she manually recalled it, the fragment of Sabrina would meld it back into her main consciousness and the memories of the two would merge.

It became even more overpowered when combined with her Telekinesis and Clairvoyance skills, allowing these fragments of her consciousness to see and manipulate a computer or tablet, handling paperwork and bureaucratic busywork while the real Sabrina could take things easy.

On the downside, each fragment burned quite a few calories, especially glucose, which led to lots of snacking on sugary foods—though Sabrina also pointed out that it was a godsend for dieting. The larger downside was that even though she could multiply her personality, there was only a finite amount of psychic power she had to distribute. The reason I could force Sabrina into a trance like this was because she only had a small fraction of the original’s power.

Thank goodness for that! If Sabrina could fragment herself a dozen ways, each as powerful as the original… yeah, I’d never stand a chance. Not in a million years.

Once all those explanations were through, Sabrina explained how I could take her down.

“You have an ability, Light Touch. Using that, you can install a sleeper trigger inside of me. That trigger will remain after I merge with Sabrina again.”

Of course, it wasn’t that easy.

First, I had to learn how to place the trigger inside of her, a delicate, frustratingly difficult process that took hours. Second, the trigger was only set to activate when Sabrina created a fragment of herself weak enough to be influenced by it. That fragment would then reinforce the trigger. Each new fragment would reinforce the trigger, making it more and more powerful, until it was strong enough to dominate the professor herself.

Assuming she didn’t find it first.

Finally, I had to cover my tracks, wiping out this fragment’s memories of the scheme and fabricating new memories. That part took hours too. It would have been boring as hell, but in the meantime, I had plenty of other fun with Sabrina. Here, the limit of what we could do was quite literally our own imagination. I had her taking the form Yang, Wicke, Flannery, and every other hot girl I’d met since coming to this school. Not to mention the cosplay. Maids, harem girls, librarians, plus a whole slew that Sabrina ended up introducing me to.

Have you ever heard of the reverse bunnysuit? It’s amazing.

“Ah. There. Just like that, Master. Go slower… don’t rush.” Sabrina guided my mental powers as I slowly, precisely erased my tracks inside of her mind. As she did, she was dressed in nothing but suspenders and the tiniest pair of denim shorts I’d ever seen, her breasts swollen to triple their actual size as she massaged my cock between them. The logic being that if I could maintain my concentration with a distraction like this in front of me, I could maintain it in a battle too.

That was the logic. The reality was that I just couldn’t help myself.

“Done. I can’t feel it anymore. The real me shouldn’t be able to, either.”

I pushed her head away; I had a feeling that if I did orgasm, the post-nut clarity would make me pull back from such a reckless plan. Even now, there were no guarantees, and I had no idea if the buried trigger would last long enough to subvert her will.

But if this worked? God, I couldn’t wait.

For now, though, it was time to wake. Sabrina was on the back-burner, and the duel on Friday was my priority.

Waking up, leaving the mindscape, was strange. It felt like I was swimming through water at night, trying to get to the surface, my body getting heavier every moment, until…

…I opened my eyes.

I was still in my bedroom. I was lying on my back. Out of one eye, I saw someone with a black metal mask leaning over me. Out of the other eye, there was nothing but a shifting blue light.

“Subject’s lacrimal secretions are not evaporating, indicating the method of heat dissipation is unrelated to his organic chemistry and linked to a passive aura. But no… the water poured on the subject did evaporate immediately. Why would there be such a distinction? Collecting sample for further analysis.”

Whoever this was, she was small. She was sitting on top of me, straddling my waist, but I barely felt the weight.

“Mind getting off of me?”

“Oh fuck!” The petite woman fell backwards, what I realized was a welding mask falling off of her face as she dropped her handheld blowtorch. She had a pretty face. Short white hair with bright red eyes. And cat ears. Two big, fluffy cat ears. She looked to be around my age, and as I slowly sat up, she was scrambling to get back to her feet.

I took a look around, blinking my right eye to try and get rid of the afterimages left by the blue flames she’d been hitting me with. Looking down, I had a towel placed across my lap, but that was it.

“Mind explaining who the hell you are and what you were up to?” I asked, standing up and letting the towel drop to the floor.

“Oh right! Yes. Introductions. Of course. My name is Marie, and… ah… well, you know… scientific research…?” She answered, backing herself against the wall, covering up her eyes with both hands… and peeking through her fingers.

“Right.” I went to my dresser, fishing out a fresh pair of boxers and a t-shirt for now. “And just who gave you permission to come into my room?”

It had to be Faye. I couldn’t imagine Yang or Yuna being okay with it. Not that Yuna really got a choice anymore if Faye said otherwise. Damn, why was the memory of her begging like a puppy before her new Mistress so fucking hot?

“Oh, um. The school? They assigned me to the room this morning when the vacancy came up.” She seemed slightly disappointed that I had chosen to get dressed, even if she’d been keeping me covered up with the towel. Those bright red eyes remained fixed on the tent in my boxers. I didn’t know if I was flying my flag because of what I’d just been doing with Sabrina’s fragment or if it was the thoughts of my lesbian roommates or maybe just mundane morning wood, but my shaft didn’t seem like it’d calm down any time soon. Wait. What had she just said?

“Vacancy?” The hell was she talking about? “I’ve already got a roommate. Yang.”

I know that the last time I saw her, she’d wanted to avoid me, had been afraid of transforming, but I didn’t think she’d be so adamant about it that she’d move out!

“Oh. Yes, she’s a pokegirl now,” Marie clarified.

I winced, then let out a sigh. I suppose that once she’d reached that level of corruption, it had been inevitable. Still, after how submissively she’d behaved last night, I couldn’t imagine she’d hate being my pokegirl. I’d be sure to take good care of her. Still, I hadn’t realized that becoming a pokegirl meant that you didn’t get to stay in the dorms. But then, Lina didn’t have her own room either, I supposed. That meant that Faye would be getting a new roommate as well. I hoped the new girl would be at least as hot as Yuna… though, come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve seen a single girl on this campus that would register as anything below a nine.

“Where is she? Do I need to go to Wicke’s office to pick her up, or…?” I asked, not sure if Marie would know.

“Oh… mm. Bad news.” She carefully backed up a few steps. “...she already belongs to someone else.”

It turned out Marie hadn’t backed away quite far enough. In a flash, my body had been engulfed in blazing hot red flames, and the resulting force wave was enough to shove her painfully against the wall as she fell to her hands and knees. The surge of burning emotion lasted for only a second, but there was now a black ring on the carpet of the room and sear marks on the furniture. If I’d been alone in the room, I’d still be burning, but fear of hurting Marie kept the heat simmering inside of me.


“Perhaps we should continue this conversation outside…?” Marie asked meekly even as she scrambled back to her feet, looking for the nearest exit.

I didn’t have the patience for that. I planted my hand on the wall next to her head, a thin curl of smoke rising up. “Who took her?”

She shivered and whimpered, swallowed. “Ah… well… she heard about your scheduled match, but with you unconscious for so long, she decided to try and talk to Terry on her own, convince him to delay things. And it… well, she didn’t come back.” She gave a pause. “Remember—don’t shoot the messenger. Please?”

What was she talking about? I’d only been out a few hours. I looked out the window and saw that the sun had already set. Okay, I’d been unconscious the whole day. I hadn’t…

I backed away from Marie, the dread building up inside of me, pressing tight on my chest. “What day is today?”

“September 9th. 20XX. Ah… Thursday.”

That training with Sabrina… it hadn’t taken all day… it had taken all of TWO days! Which meant that tomorrow was the duel with Terry.

I was out of time.

What was

I going to do?

A Brief Change to the Point of View of Lina Krimson

It’s hard to keep track of time inside of a pokeball. Time doesn’t pass by any faster or slower than it does outside the ball, but rather that it’s so hard to remember all of that time as you shift in and out of one dream to the next. It’s like that half-dreaming, half-awake state you find yourself in whenever it’s the weekend and you’ve just hit the snooze button, the alarm seeming to go off again less than a minute after you smashed it.

Now, there was an unsettling thought. I was starting to forget what that felt like to wake up inside of a bed. I’d been a pokegirl for a few years now, and sometimes I’d go whole days stuck inside the infernal contraption. Even when I was allowed out, it was only for an hour or so before I’d be forced to return.

Ben was supposed to change all that, and when I heard that Daddy had a son, I’d foolishly gotten my hopes up, especially when it turned out that Daddy hadn’t just had a son, but that of all the pokegirls in his harem, it was with the self-proclaimed goddess of fire.

I’d hoped he could be the kind of powerful, dominant Master I needed. Succubus-type pokegirls like me were more dangerous than most. We kept our intelligence as our Corruption increased, but we lost our humanity instead. An escaped feral pokegirl was like an animal from the zoo breaking loose. For a pokegirl like me, it was like hearing a serial killer broke out of prison. With that kind of threat hanging over my head, only the most capable trainer would let the restrictions placed on me relax.

And an awkward teen who had only lost his virginity a few days ago like my brother Ben was light-years away from that.

So no doubt when he summoned me tonight, it was to once more ask for advice, or to have the simplest of concepts explained to him, or maybe he was starting to get pent-up and couldn’t stop thinking about that time in the shower? I’d hoped to motivate him, telling him that he’d need to wait until the weekend for our next session… but maybe a bit of edging would really do the trick?

“Hello again!” It took me a few seconds to get my bearings after being released, and when I did, I saw that Ben hadn’t been the one to release me. It was his new roommate, Marie. I had only briefly talked to her before when she was moving in, but anyone who was that eager to fill a vacant slot when the previous tenant had been transformed had to be at least slightly off their rocker.

“What’s going on?” I tried to not let my disappointment show but inwardly I lowered my expectations for my clueless half-brother even further. I can’t believe neither one of them knew how dangerous this could be. A rookie like her letting herself be alone with me was stupid for several reasons. She didn’t know what I might pull, and if I did, she didn’t have the authority or ability to put me back in my ball. I looked around the bedroom, saw that Ben wasn’t lying down on the futon that had been rolled out for him when he’d passed out a few days ago. “Where’s Ben?”

“Oh! He woke up. Don’t worry, he’s not gone anywhere. He’s just in the living room right now, but doesn’t want to be distracted. Want to take a look?” Marie motioned to the door.

Curious, I cracked the door open and took a peek outside.

Ben was awake alright, and he was busy. It was impressive the level of soundproofing these rooms had, because as soon as I opened the door, I could hear the fevered moans of a pokegirl in heat. Even more, I could smell her and the pungent tang of sex in the air. The girl in question was lying on her back, pinned to the floor, her legs bent upwards by Ben’s muscular thighs as he plunged his cock in and out of her dripping pussy.

“Master…! Master…!! Cumming…!!! C-can’t stop… cumming… Master…!!!” The girl underneath him said breathlessly before letting out a howl like a wolf, her whole body lighting on fire as though she were drenched in gasoline.

Ben didn’t stop, he only grunted and kept going. Looking around the room, the black scorch marks on the floor underneath them weren’t the only signs of the lovemaking so far. The couch was ruined, thin wisps of smoke still rising up to the ceiling, and there was char on the walls, and one of the curtains had gone up in flames completely. The coffee table was on fire, and why hadn’t anyone put it out yet?

I slowly shut the door, then looked over to Marie, wanting answers to the madness. “What the fuck?”

“Right. So. Ben thinks that in order to win his duel with Terry tomorrow, he needs to strengthen his bond with his two pokegirls as much as possible before then.” Marie explained. “Right now, it’s Helen’s turn, but I think he’s well past the point of diminishing returns with her. And once he’s finished with her…”

My tail started whipping through the air, an annoying nervous tic I’d never been able to get rid of. “I am not his pokegirl.”

“Yes, well… all the more reason for his interest in you, then.”

I wrapped the tail around my thigh just to keep it still. “And that still doesn’t explain why you were the one to take me out of the ball and not him.”

“Oh! Right! Yes. It’s part of our deal. My deal. With Ben.” She beamed up at me with a bright smile. “All I had to do was let him cum using my thighs, and he agreed to let me have a quick interview with you before he started with you.”

She had an infuriatingly smug look on her face. “Fufufu… the joke is on him, though. I was interested in testing whether his bonding abilities worked via non-penetrative intercrural stimulation already! So it’s a win-win for me!”

This girl wasn’t going to last a month outside of a pokeball.

“And what makes you think I’d agree to this interview?” I asked, arms folded under my chest.

“Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained! Is there anything you’d like in return for your time?” Marie stepped right into my personal space.

“What I want, you don’t have.”

“Ooo… fascinating! Is it some kind of abstract concept then? Or is it expensive? Oh, a dead loved one? Or maybe—” The girl just would not stop guessing.

I slapped my hand over her mouth to shut her up. “I want to not be a goddamn pokegirl. Obviously! I don’t want to spend most of the rest of my life cramped inside a pokeball. I want to do whatever I want to do. Talk to whoever I want to talk. Independence. Freedom. Not be treated like a maximum security prisoner or a goddamn family pet!” I tried not to let my voice crack as the bitterness of my reality hit me.

I pulled my hand away from her mouth, huffed out a breath of wet steam. “Think you can help me out there?”

Finally, Marie was at a loss for words, thoughtfully tapping her chin in contemplation. “Interesting… the transformation is generally a one-way process. I don’t think there are any records of pokegirls transforming into humans. But that would be a fascinating field of research. And what a solution to the P Singularity Hypothesis… oh. But as for right now… Hmm. No, I suppose not.” She reached into her lab coat, pulled out a small, colorful plastic wrapper. “Would some pineapple-flavored poffins be an acceptable bribe instead?”

I pinched the bridge of my nose, but snatched the bag out of her hand, floating up into the air as I opened the snack and popped one into my mouth. Pineapple was like my second or third favorite flavor, damn it. “Whatever. Let’s get this over with.”

“Great!” Before I knew it, Marie had a digital tablet in her hands that she started reading off of. “Then, on a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your love for your trainer?”

I’d known him for like a week, and we’d still not spent much time together either. I knew that he was technically family and we’d had sex once in the shower, but as for love? “Like a two.”

“Okay, I’ll put down two for you. Next question! On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your attraction to your trainer?”

“Like…” He was tall. A little on the skinny side, maybe. A pretty face. Maybe kind of handsome. Definitely no complaints about his cock: that thing is a monster. Still, like I’d say any of that to this girl. If I was being honest, he was a six at least. “...a two. It’d be higher if he had a better attitude.”

“Ehehe…” Marie giggled, beaming at me with a smile. “A two? The way your pupils dilated and your thighs squeezed together while you were watching him mate with his other pokegirl… not to mention the self-lubrication, that would indicate…”

I threw the rest of the bag of poffins at her face so hard she stumbled back into the wall, her face red as the bag fell to the floor. “...ow. I’ll just mark you down as a five on the ‘have you had any violent urges’ question, so that was aggressive, but restrained.”

“Any other questions?” I asked as I slammed my palm into the wall next to her head, looking her square in the eyes.

“Oh. Just one more. On a scale of one to ten, how satisfied are you with your sex life?”

It was a wonder a vein didn’t pop out of my forehead. “Are you fucking kidding… what sex life? It’s a zero!”

“Ah, the scale is from one to ten, so…” Whatever she wanted to add, she changed her mind halfway through as she looked into my eyes. “Okay. Putting that down as a one. Thank you for your cooperation. Ehehe…” She tried shielding her face with her tablet. “No more questions.”

I let out a growl in the back of my throat, but forced myself to stay calm. Hurting her, dominating her… I was already in the high-risk category for pokegirls. Losing control was not an option for me. No point in making more trouble for myself.

Ben, on the other hand… trainers were responsible for their pokegirls. Whatever I did to him, he’d take the blame for it. And after so long cooped up inside that ball and just five minutes around this airheaded nerd, I had plenty I needed to vent.

I slammed open the bedroom door and marched out. “Ben! We need to talk! Now!”

While I’d been taking Marie’s intrusive little survey, Ben had finally gotten up off of Helen. The exhausted pokegirl was still there, drenched in sweat she was too weak to dry off with her flames, her considerably large chest heaving up and down as she panted, her body twitching, her legs still spread open wide, and a messy puddle of his cum oozing out of her well-fucked pussy.

Ben was on his feet, naked as the day he was born. For someone who had spent two days in a coma, he looked to be in great shape, his muscles slightly larger, more toned. When he turned around to look at me, it was the eyes that made me take a step backwards. Before, I thought he’d had eyes something like a dead fish, his disinterested face a cipher that was hard to read. Now… his eyebrows were slightly drawn in, his gaze was crystal clear, and he had an aura of danger and violence emanating off of him.

“A dead fish? Harsh.”

“What, I didn’t…” Was the bastard reading my mind? Just when did he get this strong? And this quickly too? Sure, he had the same broken Ability that Daddy did, but he actually seemed to know what he was doing now.

“Don’t worry, Sis. I’ll stop. Just need to ask a question first.” He started walking towards me and I took another two steps back, purely on instinct. My back hit the wall, and he kept coming, not stopping until I could feel his body heat. My heart did its best to leap out of my chest even though I tried to maintain that practiced air of disinterest. “What I did to Helen. Do you want the same treatment?”

“What…? Of course not!” I spluttered. “I’m not some dumb bitch who you can bend over whenever you feel like. I’m not even your pokegirl. I’m here to watch and supervise you. Don’t get cocky just because you’ve got one pokegirl under your belt. And… and you had your chance, and like I said, you’re not getting another one till this weekend. If you can even manage to last that long.”

The glower on his face softened slightly, his lip curling up into a smirk. He leaned forward and stole my lips with his, and I felt myself melt. His tongue dominated mine as the moan escaped my throat, and when he finally pulled back, I realized that at some point during the kiss I had lifted my leg, wrapped it around his back, and pulled him tight against me. My tail lashed back and forth behind me in an agitated frenzy until I grabbed it in a clenched fist and pulled it taut. I didn’t want to meet his gaze.

Ben had the decency not to laugh as he pressed our forehead together. “That’s what I thought. Neither of us wants to wait that long, do we?”

“...I know I’m an absolute hypocrite for saying this, but fuck mindreaders.” I grabbed his head in both of my hands, then went in for another kiss.


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