Pocket Monster University

Making Some Money

According to Lina, when Trainers needed money, they had two easy options always available to them.

First, they could catch wild pokegirls. Just north of the campus there was a Beacon set up that broadcasted a signal with a five hundred-mile radius, drawing in wild pokegirls towards the walled-off park, with more dangerous pokegirls lurking the further you ventured in. But before I could head into even the first area, I’d need a Badge from at least one gym as proof that I wouldn’t get myself killed or worse at the first chance.

The second method sounded a lot easier. And a lot more fun.

Which is why I was now at the Pokegirl Rehab Center, filling out some paperwork, signing some waivers, before ending up in an exam room with my shirt off, a cold stethoscope pressed against my chest.

The other end of the device was in the ears of a mature, older woman with the poutiest lips I’d seen and maybe the most pillow-y of tits to boot, the design of her odd dress doing its best to emphasize that fact. Professor Wicke was an absolute knockout, even if she seemed completely oblivious to it.

“Deep breath in. And out. Good, good.” The stethoscope went to the center of my chest. “Lungs sound nice, but your heart rate is going off like a hummingbird. Do you know why that might be, young man?”

“Well, you are standing awfully close.” I admitted, struggling to keep my gaze above her neckline.


“Interesting hypothesis. Let’s test that, shall we?” Without giving me a chance to prepare, Wicke grabbed the back of my head and shoved her breasts into my face, leaving me barely able to breathe but not at all minding that fact. “Very strong spike in heart rate, though that could be adrenaline triggered from a fight-or-flight response. Let’s see if I can calm you down.”

The doctor leaned down, gave me a kiss on the lips. It wasn’t my first kiss, but it was the best. She knew how to use her tongue. She knew how to press against me, then yield when I pushed back, and there was a rhythm to the way she used her mouth that was leaving me dazed. I almost didn’t notice when she started rubbing at the bulge in my pants.

When she unzipped my pants and tugged my boxers away though… that, I noticed.

“Ohh…” Wicke licked her full lips as she leaned down for a closer look, her chest squishing against my thigh. “That’s at least two standard deviations above the mean.”

“Ah… is this still part of the exam, Ma’am?” I asked as I gripped the edge of the table with both hands.

Her soft hand did its best to wrap around my stiff cock and she tugged lightly, slowly peeling back my foreskin. “Of course it is. And you’re doing remarkably well so far. Just a little more you need to put up with.”

Wicke dropped her head down and swallowed the head of my cock. Those lips were just as soft as I’d imagined and her tongue was incredible, moving with a level of precision that had my toes curling as it danced.

“Hygiene well within acceptable standards. And let’s see…” Wicke stood herself straight up, then brought the stethoscope back to my chest. “Mmhm. Elevated heart rate is definitely related to an increase in arousal. Excellent. A strong libido is a must in this line of work. And your unique profile lends itself well to this work. And I know just who to start with first.”

I was panting for breath as she explained that, struggling to restrain myself so that I didn’t start stroking myself off in front of her or pin her to the floor. “That’s… good? Ah… why exactly is a strong libido important?”

Her eyes lit up with a brilliant sparkle. “You need to lower these girls’ corruption. And the best, fastest way to do that is through shared intimacy. And what do you think is the most intimate of acts?”

“Um… sex?” I asked, wondering if she was going to take care of the erection I still had, making it impossible to button my pants back up.

She wagged her finger at me. “Close! Cuddling while you talk about your deep-seated insecurities is ranked first in my research. But sex is the second most intimate, ahead of team sports, and it’s much more practical for someone you’ve just met. Plus, most of these girls can’t talk in the first place, which is why they need our help.”

When Lina mentioned Trainers could make extra cash purifying corrupted pokegirls, I’m not sure what I was imagining. Magic circles. Holy water. Lots of chanting, maybe some freaky stuff like in horror movies as the evil spirit was banished.

Sex though. That didn’t sound like the worst.

After the exam, I was handed a pokeball, and Wicke led me to the Treatment Hall. My assigned room was rather small, dominated by a queen-sized bed. In the corner was what reminded me of a shark cage, with a black curtain made of tiny chain links draped over the exposed sides.

“Fireproofing. Just in case. You can never be too careful with these things.” Wicke said as she locked herself inside the cage to watch. “Don’t worry! If anything goes wrong, I can recall her with this.”

Wicke held out a pokeball, though this one was black and pink rather than the standard red and white.

The safety protocol was getting me nervous, so before I brought the pokegirl out, I checked out her info one more time on my phone.

Wicke had already explained to me that I was perfect for the job. My Psychic ability meant that I should be able to communicate with her, and with my Born in Fire ability, I didn’t have to worry about being burned by the girl.

It made sense. In theory.

“Well, here goes nothing…” I tossed the pokeball onto the bed’s mattress, and with a flash of red light, my patient materialized into existence.


This wasn’t the first pokegirl I’d seen, but she was the first Corrupted pokegirl. What immediately struck me were the eyes. The red eyes looking at me were sharp but empty, staring at me like a wild animal. In her case, that was true. The corruption had taken away her ability to think like a human, leaving a beast behind.

Fire wasn’t the only thing I had to look out for. With an Athletics of +2, she was at least twice as strong as me, with claws that could easily tear through flesh and jaws that could bite through bone. Thankfully, it had been taken care of ahead of time. Helen wasn’t wearing any normal clothing that I could see, but her powerful fangs were sealed behind a rubber muzzle gag. The claws on her hand were sealed in rubber paw mittens, and her legs were folded in a leather binder, so I didn’t need to worry about her pouncing or clawing me with her toes.

Even so, she was more than twice my level, and even though Wicke was watching with one hand on her emergency recall pokeball, I wasn’t going to underestimate her.

Helen made the first move, easily hopping off the bed and crawling towards me on all fours like she had moved like that all her life. Her mouth was blocked and filled, but her nose was free to sniff at me, starting with my feet and working her way up.

She pressed her nose against the crotch of my pants briefly, but then she pulled back, looking up at me with a quizzical look in her eyes.

If only I knew what she was thinking…

Oh wait. Duh.

I did my best to remember what I’d done with Yang. It hadn’t been conscious at the time, but afterwards, ending it, I’d felt something being cut between the two of us, like slicing through a rope.

I tried extending that mental image towards Helen, and to my surprise, I felt little resistance coming from her.

<what doing?>

<who he?>

<want play!>

<smell nice!>

Helen’s thoughts came through as images and feelings more than words. Simple, basic urges as she watched me with curiosity. Despite her rather dangerous looking appearance, there wasn’t a hint of malice or aggression in her thoughts.

“Heyyyy, Helen. I’m Ben. Can you understand what I’m saying?”

“Mrrph!” The pokegirl gave a bright yip muffled by the gag. <hi ben!> <friend?> <ben smell nice!>

Interesting. She might be behaving like a dog, but there was still some intelligence there if she could understand human speech.

That gag couldn’t be comfortable. “Helen, if I take off your gag, is there any chance you might bite me?”

“Mmph mphh!” Helen started bouncing on her paws, her tail wagging behind her as she worked herself up. <good girl!> <maybe nip!> <not food> <but smell nice!> <maybe food?> <NO!> <not bite!> <maybe bite> <small bites>

I mentally crossed fellatio off my list of options. Still, she seemed very sweet, not the type that would intentionally hurt a fly. I looked to Wicke for confirmation, and she not only nodded vigorously, she gave me two thumbs up.. “Turn around. Let’s get that gag off of you.”

She obediently turned around and held still, making it easy to get at the straps on the back of her neck, then pulling the gag out. Behind the leather plate, there was a squat, black rubber phallus that had been pushed to the back of her mouth. Seemed like overkill to me.

“There. Now we can talk to each other.”

“Arf! Arf! Awooo!!” Her mouth free, Helen tested out her new freedom briefly before whirling back to face me. <nice man!> <feels good!> <no bite!>

“...or not. But at least you can understand me and I can… kind of understand you.” I reached out and put my hand on top of her head, scratched behind her ears.

“Arf arf!” Helen leaned into the touch, bumping her nose against my leg. <feel good!> <harder!>

I’d never had a dog growing up, but one of my friends in middle school had a big golden retriever. Memories of that dog were flooding back to me as I scratched behind Helen’s ears, her tail wagging furiously behind her.

...which really was the problem.

Helen had an athletic, voluptuous body. Sure, there was a lot of fur in the way and she occasionally released spouts of flame, but that only added to her exotic appeal. The real problem was with her mind as simple and innocent as it was, the thought of sex with her was getting more and more uncomfortable.

As Helen flopped on her back and I kneeled down to rub her belly, I looked over at Wicke. “Is it really okay to, uh… be intimate with her? I’m not sure she can reasonably consent in the state she’s in.”

“Hm? It’s fine, it’s fine!” Wicke waved off my concerns. “She’s a fully grown woman, not a dog or a child. And if you don’t, her condition is only going to continue to degrade. If nothing is done for too long, the damage can be irreversible.”

I looked down at Helen.

<bellyrub feel good>

That one feeling seemed to play on a loop for her, the rest of her head completely empty as she simply enjoyed the sensation, her mouth open with her tongue sticking out as she panted with excitement.

“Arf!” Without warning, Helen twisted herself back upright and pounced me, bringing her tongue to my face as she knocked me down onto my back. Ouch. I might have been underestimating when I thought she would only be twice as strong as me.

<bellyrub feel good!> <ben nice!>

“Gack! Jeez, come on, that’s…!” I pulled my hands up to defend myself, but they got the lick treatment, too. After a bit of fumbling, the only thing that worked to calm Helen down was a hand behind her head, rubbing at her furry ears, her body collapsing on top of me as she closed her eyes to savor that sensation.

<scratches feel good…> <relax> <safe>

I breathed out a sigh of relief as I slowly lifted her off of me. I looked over at Wicke. “Yeah, I know she’s a woman. And that I need to do something. But uh… doesn’t this work too? You did say cuddling was the best thing, right?”

“Cuddling is only a part of it! Intimacy is the key. You need to deepen your bond, and the bond between a man and a woman is magnitudes stronger than the bond between a boy and his pet. Well… in a healthy relationship.” Wicke took out her tablet, fiddled with it, then projected the data to the far wall.

“Take a look. You two have established a weak resonance, but at the rate it’s declining, it’d take hours, maybe days, to get her corruption down to manageable levels.” Wicke said as a visual full of numbers and a line graph lit up. “It’s not enough to be comfortable. You need to be in a state of heightened arousal—ah, clinical arousal, but there’s an overlap—not just being comfortable with one another.”

“Well… I mean, I would. But just look at her.” When I stopped with the ear scratches, Helen leaned forward and licked my cheek. “The rational part of my mind agrees with you, but I’m not sure I can… ah, perform.”

You’d think that having a naked girl with the curves of the ultimate porn star would get you rock hard, but the idea of having sex with Helen was feeling more akin to bestiality than anything at the moment.

“It’s fine, it’s fine. It’s your first time. We’ve got plenty of options.” Wicke started ticking them off on her fingers. “I’ve an aphrodisiac we can use to trigger an artificial heat in the pokegirl. With her mind in its reduced state, your own Psychic powers could induce her into arousal too. It might be easier for you to imagine her as a sexual creature if she were gagged and immobilized in stricter bondage. That way, there’d be no difference between her and any other woman treated in such a way. Or…”

Once again, I needed to make a decision. I hesitated as I considered my options, then decided to…

“Hey, Helen. Want to go for a walk?”

“Arf yip arf arooo!!!” The Psychic image in Helen’s head for a walk was pure excitement and joy, the anticipation of getting to sniff all the new smells, see all the new people, running around and stretching her legs, and doing it all together with me.

“That’s not against the rules, right?” I said, as I looked back at Wicke.

She let out a deep sigh, her shoulders slumping down. I hadn’t been able to read her mind, but if I didn’t know any better, I think she was really looking forward to indulging in her voyeuristic kinks watching me fuck the brains back into Helen. “She’ll need the muzzle again, and you should take her to the Fire Gym so she doesn’t cause any accidents, but no. That’s fine.”

Wicke pulled out the pokeball—for the first time, I noticed she’d long put it away when it became clear that Helen wasn’t going to be violent—and recalled Helen. “There will be some extra paperwork. Come on. I’ll take you downstairs.”

“You were really looking forward to this, weren’t you?” I asked, feeling bold.

“What? No. Nooo! I mean… rehabilitating these poor women so that they can have some semblance of a normal life after their corruption, of course. I’ve spent my life researching pokegirls, looking for the most effective treatments for Corruption. But if you were implying that…”

Well, the worst she could do was say no. Scratch that, the worst she could do was reveal herself to have Psychic powers on the level of Sabrina and make me truly regret what I was about to say.

But I said it anyway.

“How about I take you for a walk too while I’m at it?”

Wicke’s eyebrows lifted up just the slightest amount. She inhaled sharply with her mouth open, then stayed silent for five long seconds.

“...I suppose… with it being your first time. I should keep an eye on you two. Just in case something goes wrong.”

I shook my head. “Both of you. Side by side, crawling around on all fours. And with the right bondage… no one will see you as anything but another Corrupted pokegirl.”

Wicke swallowed. Her nostrils flared and this time, she licked her lips. “...oh, what the hell?”

Half an hour later, I was back in the fire gym, inside one of the private faculty changing rooms, wearing a pair of fireproof shorts and sandals, holding on to two fireproof leashes. Tugging at the end of one leash was Helen Shaw, bouncing around on her front paws as her tail was wagging furiously enough to drive away the steam.

And on the other leash was Professor Wicke.

She had the same leg-binders as Helen, forcing her to crawl along the hard stone ground, but her long latex gloves ended with normal fingers rather than the paw-shaped mittens Helen had, albeit with some cushioning on the palm to make moving on all fours easier. Rather than going nude like Helen, she was wearing a black leotard with red stripes that kept her truly impressive breasts from dragging along the ground, though with the deep V-neck cut going down past her navel, there was a real danger of those breasts slipping out at any moment. The back of the leotard was no less impressive, with a realistic-looking cat tail that moved on its own through some sort of neural interface I didn’t understand. Even better, the material was so thin around her ass that it was practically a thong, both of her pale cheeks left completely exposed to the open air.

“Oh my! It’s been a while since I’ve done this.” Wicke’s voice was tinged with excitement as she pulled on the last piece, a full face mask. Black and red to match the leotard, with a slightly protruding snout to give the illusion of a feline face. The hood kept her voluminous purple hair concealed, though there was no gag for her. “Be careful though, young man. If I start pulling on the leash, I want you to get us some privacy ASAP, understood?”

I thought of how Wicke had teased me during the exam. How I still hadn’t had any satisfaction all day.

“Of course, Professor.”

Little did I know that on our walk, I'd end up getting challenged to a life-changing duel against another Trainer.




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