Pirate's Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 2 The Buffalo and the Zipper

Victor closed his eyes, feeling the new power surging in his body.

There was no unfamiliar feeling, instead it was like an innate talent. Victor felt that this power was like his other arm. But before he could continue to study the Devil Fruit's abilities, an unpleasant voice interrupted him.

"Hey, Victor! Isn't the Chain Fruit very powerful? Show it to us all!"

The speaker was the 'Three-fingered Fox' Dam, a tall dark-skinned man with sharp metal fingertips on the index, middle and ring fingers of his left hand. It was he who came up with the idea of ​​using chain fruits as rewards.

Dam considers himself second only to the leader Pippin in strength, so he is very jealous of Victor who stole his title as the top master of his gang when he first arrived. This time he tried his best to see Victor make a fool of himself. It would be best if Victor couldn't bear the humiliation and took action in anger, so that he would have the opportunity to teach this brat a lesson!

Victor opened his eyes, glanced at the 'Three-fingered Fox' Damm coldly, and then looked at the boss Pippin.

Then the boss Pippin, who was slumped on the sofa and smoking a cigar lazily, had no intention of trying to persuade Dam.

Obviously, he intends to watch the show.

Victor showed a teasing smile and turned to look at Dam: "Mr. Dam, you want to watch a show? It's not as interesting as watching a show in person. Come and have some fun?"

Boss Pippin, who was puffing away his smoke, raised his eyebrows when he heard this. Is there something in this kid's words? If it’s interesting, let Dam teach him a lesson and smooth things over for this kid.

On the other side, 'Three-Finger Fox' Dam was delighted instead of angry when he heard the words, and what he was waiting for was Victor, who couldn't bear to be provoked.He strode forward, moved his shoulders and said with a sinister smile, "Little Victor, go out and play, Uncle Dam will let you do..."

Before Damm could finish speaking, a fist had already appeared in front of his eyes!He only had time to raise his arm to protect his face when he felt as if he was being hit head-on by a rhino sprinting at full speed. An unimaginably huge force came from his arm!

The next second, the stone wall of the bar collapsed directly, and Dam was directly blasted into the air along with gravel and broken boards!

Dum was dizzy in mid-air, and his arms were even unconscious, but before he could react, a huge pulling force came from his chest, pulling him to the ground violently!Immediately afterwards, the second heavy punch hit Damu's head hard!

Click! Click! Click!

With a series of dull and dense bones breaking sounds, Dam staggered and fell straight at Victor's feet, a pool of blood quickly seeping out from under him.

The boss's skin is ugly, and the other subordinates may not be able to see it because of their lack of strength, but he sees it! When Dam was knocked into the air, a long zipper appeared on his chest, and the other end of the zipper was in Victor's hand!

Damm was like a yo-yo in the hands of a child that Victor played with easily until he died.

Heh heh heh... Well, Victor, I admit that I underestimated you.But the auxiliary effect of the chain fruit stops here, in terms of strength, I am much stronger than you! !

Boss Pippin kicked the luxurious round table in front of him and flew away. Victor jumped up to dodge the round table flying toward him, and jumped onto the street outside the bar.

Passers-by watching from a distance felt the ground beneath their feet trembling, and a huge figure in the smoke-filled bar continued to stretch and enlarge.

Following a burst of stronger footsteps, a huge beast with a height of 5 meters appeared on the damaged wall of the bar.

This is an extremely huge monster with a bull's head and human body. The black jacket and jeans that Boss Pippin used to wear have been stretched to the limit. The parts of the body that are not covered by clothing are covered with short purple manes like steel needles, and two sharp His pitch-black horns stretched toward the sky, and the most terrifying thing was his blood-red eyes.

‘War Bull’ Talma Pippin, in the form of an animal-type cow-fruit buffalo!

"Victor! Do you really think you can beat me?" The tower-like tauren exhaled white air from his nostrils, and roared in a low voice: "For the sake of your usual obedience, I will give you a chance . Kneel down and repent! Or die!!”

Facing the tauren who was three times bigger than himself, Victor's response was no longer the peace of the past, but with a biting chill: "Then I will answer you directly, Tarma Pippin. From today Let's talk... the leader of 'Coral' is about to be replaced!"

"Victor!!" Pippin roared angrily, lowered his head, pointed his huge and sharp horns at Victor, and rushed over.

"Battle Bull Shock!!"

The ground shook like an earthquake, and the huge tauren rushed to Victor with unparalleled momentum, ready to crush him to pieces!

"Hold treasures without knowing it...you know too little about devil fruits, Pippin!"

At the moment when he was about to be hit by the charge, Victor moved a few meters to the right as if being pulled by a puppet string, and easily avoided the heavy impact.

The naval captain Crohn, who was in civilian clothes among the crowd of onlookers, narrowed his eyes, and he keenly noticed that there were tiny sparks under Victor's feet when he shifted strangely.

This kid...is he using Piping as a trial sandbag for Lianlian fruit?Although this Talma Pippin was not offered a bounty, after discussion and research within the Navy branch, it was determined that if Pippin were to become a pirate, he would be able to set a bounty of at least 4000 million Berries based on his own strength alone!

Aren't you afraid of screwing up? What a bold kid...

Pippin smashed two houses in a row before stopping the charge.Just as he was about to turn his head to look for Victor, he suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing from the left.

Pippin instantly raised his arm and easily blocked the punch with just a slight stagger. He was about to strike back at Victor, but found that he had moved back more than ten meters using the weird translation just now.

"Victor, you bastard! Do you just float around like a ghost!"

"Oh? It seems that Mr. Pippin doesn't like my move very much? I call it 'Metal Zipper Spark Parade', isn't it very vivid?"

With that said, Victor easily avoided several heavy punches from Pippin.

Another tiny spark flickered on the soles of Victor's feet.It was only then that Pippin realized that when he dodged, two golden zippers appeared on Victor's shoes and the ground under his feet.With the power of the zipper closing, this kid can move quickly to avoid his own attack like a ghost.

Pippin has experienced many battles and has an extremely keen sense of smell in battle.In the blink of an eye, he thought of a countermeasure, raised his hooves and stomped hard on the ground!

boom! !

The ground was cracked inch by inch, and the stone pavement shattered and flew up!

Victor staggered and couldn't stand still, and the zipper under his feet disappeared.

Heh heh heh... as expected!No matter how genius this kid is, it's only been 3 minutes since he ate the Devil Fruit, how could the coordination between the ability of the Devil Fruit and his body be so lightly balanced!

Pippin seized the opportunity, twisted all his strength and slammed a right fist at Victor!

"War Bull Million Impact Hammer!!"

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