Pirates: Song of Weary

Chapter 854

Chapter 854: Blank 100 Years Of History, The Real Master Of World Government: Im

Three days, in the past, were very fast; but now, these three days are like years for the whole world.

During these three days, the World Government counterattacked frantically, causing heavy losses to the Revolutionary Army and the Pirates, because the World Government was completely dead, it was purely suicidal attack.

It can be said that in the past three days, there have been countless casualties on both sides, and the people who have been affected are even more difficult to estimate.

In the end, Long and others successfully survived these three days.

On the third day, when the sun shines, the whole world is watching, and a big earthquake that changes the world has come.

All forces, using all means, are all waiting.

In the Kingdom of God, in the discussion hall, Kalifa had already arranged everything, and a video phone worm larger than the other phone worms was placed on the hall.

And Xuan Ye also left, even though he already knew all this.

That’s right, Xuan Ye knew all about the 100-year blank history, or the identities of Tianlong people, or even the identities of Roger and Im.

Of course, all this is a gift from the king.

At the same time, in the kingdom of God, countless video phone bugs were also placed in various squares.

It didn’t take long for the live broadcast to begin when the whole world was itching for it.

The first thing that appeared on the screen was a tall figure. It could be seen that this figure stood on the edge of a cliff and looked out at the sea.

Turning around, that familiar face is still remembered even after decades.

Suddenly, the whole world was buzzing, because this person was One Piece, Gore D. Roger, the first One Piece.

Then, the screen turned slightly, and the leaders of the former revolutionary army, Monkey D. Long, Hades Rayleigh, appeared on the screen…

As a result, the whole world rioted again, especially the races who had friendship with Roger, all blushed and watched the live broadcast without blinking.

Among them, there was a lot of fluctuations in the fur tribe living on Zou Island in the Kingdom of God.

“In order to save the races of the world, now, I will tell the history of the blank 100 years, and expose the evils of the current world government and the dragon people.”

As soon as he came up, Roger told the story without a single word of nonsense.

“900 years ago, the four seas, the great route, and the new world were connected by a continent, and in this continent, there was a country; this country loves peace, and everyone is free and equal.

The harmony and well-being of this country has attracted many other countries, so countless races and countries have joined, and they have formed a new country: OnePiece

The new country, known as a whole, is based on the idea that all are equal, regardless of race, level, or status.

Originally, all this should be passed down forever, but when a transmigrator appeared, everything changed.

This world is not the only one. There are many worlds outside our world, and the traversers are other worlds. They came to our world for special reasons.

This traverser used deception to gain the trust of OnePiece’s royal family, the D family, and thus became the top of OnePiece, stealing the power of the D family’s guardian, the devil fruit.

This traveler is an extremely cruel, vicious, and inhumane demon. After he obtained the Devil Fruit, he launched a conspiracy and began to decompose the country of OnePiece.

Subsequently, OnePiece began to fall into differences because of this demon, and frictions also occurred among various races, which led to the split of OnePiece.

The world, which had been peaceful, began to fall into war.

The true identity of this traveler is the king of the moon people. They used technology to invade OnePiece from the moon. The D family rose up to resist, but in the end, they were defeated.

With the defeat of the D family, other kingdoms were unable to resist the aggression of the moon people, so they were ruled by the moon people.

In the next 100 years, the moon people wantonly killed the humans who knew the truth. In order to erase this history, the moon people did everything they could.

Also because of that huge invasion, the whole world collapsed and turned into countless islands.

That’s right, the moon people are the current Tianlong people, the nobles of the world.

In order to rule the world, they used slavery, destroyed all peace, and caused the world to fall into an unfair system. …

Moon people, these invaders, ruled us as captive slaves for 800 years; they invaded our homeland, killed our ancestors, enslaved our fellow men, this world is ours, not their moon human.

Now, as the prince of the D family, I call on everyone to rebel against the world government and send these **** invaders to hell.

We are not slaves, we are the real masters of this world, we want peace and equality, and take back our identity, our blood, and our homeland. ”

“Im, you insidious and cunning betrayer, now I am declaring war on you, and I will definitely take back our homeland. This 800 years of slavery will definitely make you lunar people pay the price.”

Roaring angrily, Roger’s last cry made the whole world quiet.

Although it was only a few words, there were even doubts in many places, such as news about the three ancient weapons, devil fruit… and so on, Roger didn’t say anything, just said a general idea, a lot of details, mention all Did not mention.

Later, Roger took out the evidence, and it turned out to be some videos. It can be seen from the videos that the era of life inside is indeed different from the present.

And many historical texts have also been translated, with pictures and explanations, and it is true at a glance.

These evidences are like dynamite, and the whole world is shaken.

Now, people all over the world have been subverted, three views, ideas, everything, all collapsed.

Are the Dragons the invaders? You are the ruler of this world!

The invaders, who have enslaved this world for 800 years, are the pigs and dogs being ruled?

We are the masters of this world, those celestial dragons, the invaders…

I was stunned, the whole world was stunned, and then, shockingly, everyone was boiling.

“Damn Tianlong people, I actually live under the rule of the invaders.”

“We are the legitimacy of this world, the world government…”

“I want to join the revolutionary army, and I want to avenge my ancestors…”

“I will join too, I want to take back my home…”

In 800 years, the oppression of the world government and the enslavement of the Tianlong people have long made people all over the world rebel.

800 years of unequal relationship, 800 years of slavery, 800 years of stealing, even if what Roger said now is false, it cannot quell the anger of the world today.

The original orthodox people have been changed by the invaders. Like slaves, they have ruled for 800 years. If they are any other people, they will rise up and resist.

The world is even more chaotic. It can be seen that the places ruled by countless world governments are either rebels or riots.

Now, whether they believe it or not, they will step on their feet and face the anger of the world, the world government, and the result can be imagined.

However, the world government has existed for 800 years, how could it not have some trump cards and die-hard loyalists?

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