Pirates’ enlightenment

Chapter 388

“Lang, on!”

“Roar~~” In response to the command of righteousness, King Nido also let out a deafening roar.

Immediately afterwards, the entire battle field began to shake and shatter violently, and soon it seemed that even the dojo trembled with King Nido’s trick.

“It’s the power of the earth again, but Bosco Dora can’t eat too many times.”

Zhao Xi adjusted his body, as a Bosco Dora with both steel and rock systems, the ground system’s trick has 4 times the damage for it, and the effect is absolutely outstanding!

Zhao Xi will definitely not let Bosco Dora eat such a trick in vain, but with Bosco Dora’s movement speed, it is undoubtedly a fantasy to avoid it. Moreover, Yi Xuan has said things like ‘find a good opponent for King Nido’, if Zhao Xi chooses to change the elves now, it will be a bit of a shame….

So, to convince people.

“Boss Dora, bombardment!”

At the same time that King Nido exerted the power of the earth, Boscodora’s whole body also emitted a violent steel-based silver-gray luster, and then stepped on the constantly shaking ground, leaving a series of potholed footprints on the soles of his feet, and rushed towards King Nido.

King Nido ignored the enemies who rushed towards him, and he had already focused all his energy on the power of the earth.

The shaking ground kept cracking, and those gaps extended from under the feet of King Nido, and the two cracks meandered forward, soon approaching the moving Bosco Dora, and then gathering under it.

Suddenly, the frenzied earth energy burst out from it, rushing straight into the sky one after another, releasing surging power. But Boss Dora was moving, and the two strands of energy erupting from the ground did not hit.


King Nido roared, and the cracks extending under his feet instantly increased to ten, and the extra eight gaps spread chaotically around the field, and then approached Bosco Dora in an encircled situation, and kept spitting out the energy contained in the earth.


The collision of earth energy and the steel elements of the Bosco Dora body made a loud sound, and then stirred up a huge amount of smoke, and for a while the entire hall was filled with smoke, and almost nothing could be seen.

Soon, a loud bang erupted from a striking collision in the smoky field, mixed with the angry roar of King Nido.

“Roar!” Bosco Dora also roared, followed by a muffled noise in the smoke, followed by a subtle vibration of the ground under his feet.

“It’s an earthquake.”

Very familiar with the signs of this trick, Zhao Xi frowned.

Bosco Dora’s bombardment hit the other party, but after all, they are also kings, and just one hit of a trick obviously cannot kill the other party in seconds. What is even more helpless is that Bosco Dora was also hit by the power of the earth of King Nido.

Although the power of the two skills is not at the same level, the damage multiplier between attributes compensates for the power of the skill.

“Bosco Dora, you also use earthquakes!”

Immediately afterwards, a huge fluctuation visible to the naked eye came out from the field, spreading a thick layer of smoke and dust, revealing the battle field that had been covered for a long time. At this time, the battle site was already cracked, and many rock fragments were completely uplifted.

On one side of the field, King Nido stood straight, his big eyes glaring angrily at the other side. Bosco Dora also stood proudly, his blue eyes under the steel helmet firmly staring at each other.


Just as the showdown between Bosco Dora and King Nido was heating up, a man returned in the hall owner’s office at the back of Tokiwa Dokan.

He is a mature man in his forties, exuding stability, confidence and coldness, full of the majesty of a superior person, full of admiration charm.

Wearing an orange suit trousers, a green shirt and a red tie, with a hand full of expensive rings, it is clear that he looks like an upstart, and he is strangely matched.

Back in a familiar place, Sakaki rubbed the cat boss’s head with his left hand, and pinched his chin with his right hand in thought.

He was very dissatisfied with the recent status of some of the events at hand.

Suddenly, the door quietly opened, and two young men with solemn and respectful looks walked in in turn.

Sakaki raised his eyes to look at the two people who came in, and said casually: “What about Yiji?” ”

One of the lean young men replied, “Testing the challenger.” ”

“Challenger?” Sakaki raised his eyebrows, “How much time did it take?” ”

“It’s been a while, I’m afraid it’s been ten minutes.”

“Ten minutes.” Sakaki tapped on the tabletop, seemingly impatient, “So long? ”

“The person who came is very strong, he is with Nazi, the master of the Golden City Taoist Hall, called Zhao Xi.” The thin young man said, “Without knowing the purpose of the other party, Si and I were just watching the live broadcast of the battle. ”

The young man called Si was a somewhat wooden guy.

“Golden Zodiac Hall, Nazi…” Sakaki’s brows immediately furrowed, and he said in a low voice, “A certain base on the other side of the earth was cleaned up by this trainer named Zhao Xi, right?” He seems to be able to use lightning birds. ”

“Yes, the information we found shows that this person named Zhao Xi should be the top trainer on the other side of the earth, and he also has a high status on the official government.” Mu Nean spoke, his voice very calm.

“The elf group, the son of the one called Zhao Anguo, his family works very closely with Shiruf, and he himself is also a superpower, which is very valued by Nazi.”

Sakaki directly broke Zhao Xi’s life and situation, the circle of upper society is too small, and there are no secrecy measures on the other side of the earth, so in front of such a huge force of Sakaki, there is something that cannot be hidden, especially such a glorious event as Zhao Xi.

“The triad plan was destroyed by him.”

“Triad… Scold. The emaciated and capable young man snorted coldly, apparently scoffing at the plan.

Mune’s division ignored his companion and continued to ask Sakaki, “Do you need to get in touch?” ”

“No need.” Sakaki waved his hand, a pensive look on his face, “With Nazi by his side, he himself can command the Lightning Bird, now we can’t take him…. Is there any hope for cooperation? ”

“Not yet.”

Sakaki nodded expressionlessly: “Well, investigate what his preferences are, such a trainer, we should turn him into a partner.” ”

“Chief, but he destroys…”

“It doesn’t matter, the triad plan was originally just a test data copied by genes, and he has a real divine beast.” Saying that, Sakaki waved his hand, “Forget it, we can’t move him now.” What happened to the team sent to Ourudlan, did you find it? Sakaki asked.

“Boss, I was about to mention this to you.” The emaciated young man changed his expression into a solemn expression, “The squad we sent to Ourudran City was attacked by the locals and the alliance, and suffered heavy losses. However, two teams have broken through the blockade and are currently exploring deeply, and they have reported that the Three Holy Pillars are haunted there. ”

“Three Holy Pillars…. Useless. Sakaki shook his head, “I don’t need them to find the exact location of the tree, as long as there is a general location, I will then send the three beasts to lead the scientific troops over, and I must get its genes again!” ”

Sakagi gave the death order with a straight face.

The young man and Si hung their heads and agreed.

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