Pirates’ Demon Hunter Dante

Chapter 070

Before leaving, Jinpei gave his life paper to Dante, and agreed to meet in Mistria, the three starting islands of the New World.

Life paper is a good thing, not afraid of fire or flooding.

Unless the owner of the paper of life dies, the paper will always point to where that person is.

Jinping’s handing over his life paper to Dante also means that he really has no perfunctory or deceived ideas.

Otherwise, Dante could have used this life card to clean him up.

However, although Jinpei promised to explain the situation to Whitebeard, he would definitely protect Robin and Nami from getting caught up in the whirlpool.

But it also means that after Dante arrives in Mistria, Whitebeard will also be waiting there.

The harsh environment of the New World is a step up from the first half of the Great Voyage.

Even Nami’s sailing skills could not perfectly avoid all bad weather.

Because the weather changes so fast.

Many times, the first five minutes are still windy, and the next minute it will turn into a blizzard.

Even if Nami’s navigation skills first entered the new world, they only minimized the damage.

It can’t be completely avoided.

Today, two hours have passed since the coated Devil.May.Cry washed out of the seabed.

The news bird carrying the envelope on the new day fell, holding the newspaper on one wing and signaling money on the other.

Robin skillfully took out a silver coin and handed it to the other party, taking the newspaper.

“Worthy of it, the Whitebeard Pirates.”

Seeing the first page of the newspaper, Robin couldn’t help but sigh.

“Whitebeard Pirates?”

Nami also came up nervously.

[More than 20 pirate groups out of the 42 pirate groups under the Whitebeard Pirate Group gathered in Mistria! ] 】

It shows that except for half of the people who remained, they were guarding the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates.

More than half of the total number, that is, thousands of elite pirates of the New World, have gathered in Mistria.

Among them, there are very famous elite pirates under Whitebeard.

Like what:

[Great Vortex Spider] Skuado, [Lei Qing] Makugayi, [Ranger] Dorma, Dicalban Brothers, etc.

They are all famous sea pirates in the New World.

It is completely different from the dispensable pirates of the Slickby Pirates, who have no sense of existence.

The purpose, obviously, was to wait for Dante to come.

Dante, on the other hand, focused his attention on the second page – [Fire Fist Ace is famous again, new bounty: 275 million Bailey! ] Confirmed as one of this year’s Pirate Supernova】

Although Nami and Robin resolutely decide to face it with Dante.

But when they got closer and closer to the Whitebeard Pirates, their hearts couldn’t help but beat faster and faster.

If you don’t know about the Whitebeard Pirates, I’m afraid you will think that Whitebeard’s behavior is really a fuss.

You are a pirate group of four emperors, and it is rumored that the pirates are “comparable to the One Piece”.

Just because a bounty hunter who has just emerged for a long time, dispatched half of his combat power, thousands of pirates.

It’s just a fuss.

But in reality, this is not the case.

First, these people did not order them to come by Whitebeard, but by themselves.

Part of it may be that he really has a good relationship with Slibby and wants to avenge him.

But more than that, I’m afraid, is to show his loyalty to Whitebeard.

This is also the first reason why most pirates dare not provoke the white-bearded pirate group and the pirate group under their command –

As long as you touch their people, even if it is the end of the earth, they will hunt you down until you die.

Therefore, if you don’t know how to be a villain, go and challenge Whitebeard, maybe Whitebeard will keep you alone.

But if you touch his son, he will not forgive!

The Whitebeard Pirates, it’s just that crazy!


The telephone worm in the hall suddenly rang.

This time it was not Dante who answered, but Robin, who said in an intellectually mature female voice: “Hello, [Devil.May.Cry]~”

“Is it Miss Robin? Tell you one thing, Daddy, along with his 16 captains and 1,600 crew members, arrived in Mysteria about four days later. ”

The phone worm immediately marked the contours of his face.

Robin’s face instantly became serious, “I see. ”

“I have already told my father about the whole thing, and although my father has calmed down a little, he has promised not to do anything to anyone other than Dante,

But for those who shot at the Whitebeard Pirates, they still can’t be easily forgiven. ”

Jinping said apologetically: “Sorry, there is only so much I can do.”

“How so? In the end, is it still impossible to avoid collisions between the two sides? ”

Nami said worriedly.

“We have about two days to reach Mistria.”

Robin replied.

“Although I promised Dante to fight to the death to protect you two, and Daddy promised not to hurt you, once Daddy personally participates in the battle, what kind of consequences it will cause is unimaginable.”

Jinping said: “I mind the two of you changing your ways, first go to Rischiled, the three starting islands, wait for the incident to subside, and then join Dante.”

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