Pirates’ Demon Hunter Dante

Chapter 048

On the negative ground floor of the new ship, half of which is the aquarium, and on the other side is the swimming pool, and the specially modified transparent glass can even see the fish swimming from time to time on the wrinkled seabed.

“Awesome !!!”

Wearing a swimsuit, Nami swam around the pool and marveled at the fish swimming from time to time outside the transparent walls of the pool.

Robin is also wearing a swimsuit, and Nami, who has gradually evolved from D to E compared to nearly four months.

Her pair of J’s is obviously more seductive.

Robin, lying on a beach chair, pressed a button next to it.

The first-floor deck that serves as the ceiling above the head opens up like the open top of a sports car, and the warm sunlight is pouring in from above.

“So comfortable~~”

Nami stroked her wet hair from the pool water and looked up to enjoy the reflection from the sun.

Across the table, Dante lying on the recliner on the other side did not change into swimming trunks, but hung aside the red trench coat he usually wore.

Lying shirtless on a beach chair, covered with a magazine with two beautiful models on the cover, from time to time there was a soft call.

Seeing this, Robin smiled.

Get up and take the magazine off Dante’s face.

The sun shone on his face, and Dante was a little unaccustomed to using his hand in front of his eyes, and then slowly opened his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Robin’s pair of exaggerated J cups crowding his field of vision.

Ignoring the Furi who sent it, Robin bowed down slightly and said with a smile: “Is this the time to take a nap?”

The embarrassment of Robin’s so-called “thanks” a week ago seems to have disappeared.

In its place are the riches and teases that are sent from time to time.

“Haa~ Then you can teach me?”

Dante was not polite, and put one hand on Robin’s smooth willow waist.

Feeling the crispy feeling coming from the caressing in Dante’s hand, Robin’s body trembled slightly, and he sat directly on the other party’s waist.

In an extremely ambiguous tone, he said: “Of course ~~”

“Yay! What are you doing!? ”

There was an exclamation from Nami behind her, and she suddenly ran out of the pool.

One pulled Robin off Dante’s waist.

Even Dante, at this time, he couldn’t help but cast a “getting in the way” look at Nami.

Robin pursed his lips and smiled, and thought darkly: “Ah, it seems that with Nami here, it is not so easy to get it~~”

The red-faced Nami coughed dryly, picked up the juice and sucked it with a straw, changed the topic and asked, “Dante, are we going to the second half of the Great Voyage next?”

The second half of the Great Route, alias – New World.

At present, it has been completely occupied by the four sea thieves known as the [Four Emperors].

The first half of the Great Voyage is called “Pirate’s Grave” by pirates from all over the world, and “Paradise” by people in the second half.

Pirates with a reward of more than 100 million can almost win the first half of the Great Voyage.

In the New World, however, it is as common as a carp crossing a river.

It’s enough to see how brutal the New World is.

“There is no commission at the moment, so I plan to do so.”

Dante didn’t have the idea of dominating the Great Voyage or finding Rahudel to become One Piece.

He just went with the flow, and while accepting the commission, he drifted around the world and became stronger.

But at the moment, the blood of the demon has been initially awakened.

In the first half of the Four Seas and the Great Voyage, it can basically be said that no opponent can be found.

And at the moment, there is no special commission, and naturally entering the new world is the only option.

Robin blinked, indicating that he had no opinion.

Nami, on the other hand, was still a little nervous.

The pressure of the new world is indeed extraordinary, and it is normal for Nami to have such thoughts.

Dinner time.

The three gathered on the deck, and Dante ate Robin’s special, unolive pizza as always.

The two of them couldn’t stand eating this thing all the time, so they had to distinguish their dinner from Dante.

See those orange trees overgrown with oranges planted by Nami on the lawn.

Dante suddenly had an idea.

Seeing Dante holding a piece of pizza and getting up and walking to the orange tree, Robin and Nami were both stunned.

I don’t understand what Dante wants to do.

“It’s time for you to appear, Baby!”

The next moment, I saw Dante with a palm, like an orange covering something on a tree.

Actually, it was Robin and Nami who couldn’t see it.

Dante takes out the Gate Fruit obtained from Bruno and Luki before, as well as the Demon Fruit Demon in the form of Cat Cat Fruit and Leopard.

Then cover two oranges on the orange tree.

The next moment, the picture that the second daughter couldn’t believe happened——

The two oranges covered by Dante with the palm of his hand change rapidly.

The two oranges gradually swell to the size of a small cantaloupe and a banana.

After half a minute, it looks like two green cantaloupe and golden bananas.

I can’t see the appearance of an orange at all!

“This, this is, Devil Fruit!”

Robin immediately shouted out.

The corners of Dante’s mouth turned up slightly, and he clapped his hands, “Done.” ”

As Dante expected, if a Devil’s Fruit Powers dies, the fruit’s “soul”, or “demon,” re-possesses the new fruit.

Turns into a new devil fruit.

He is the demon who covers the door fruit and the cat fruit on the orange.

Sure enough, it turned into a new devil fruit.

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