Pirates’ Demon Hunter Dante

Chapter 013

After a while, Kabaji and the others of the Bucky Pirates took a pair of gold coins and diamond necklaces and other treasures.

“Sorry, Captain, because the treasure house was cut open by the sword just now, absolutely most of them fell into the sea, only, there is only so much left.”

Deputy Captain Mochi touched the back of his head.

Dante pinched his chin and looked at the gold and diamonds that had fallen on the ground.

Robin walked up behind him, and Jade Finger also nodded his chin, “These gold and diamonds add up, about …”

“260 million Baileys,”

Before Robin could finish speaking, a girl’s voice said.

Everyone subconsciously turned their heads to look.

It turned out to be a girl about fourteen years old.

Because of his age, his appearance still looks a little immature.

But the degree of fullness of the body and the level of D, I believe that the future will not be much inferior to Robin.

“Wow~~ This is really an unexpected meeting.”

Dante twisted his neck and exaggerated.

Nami blinked her eyes curiously, “You, do you know me?” ”

She didn’t remember knowing such a great person.

Dante shrugged.

I really didn’t expect to meet Nami in such a situation.

Without saying a word, Robin put the remaining gold and diamonds of these Trager Pirates into the office.


Suddenly, the ship under everyone’s feet made a movement.

The deck beneath your feet began to crack rapidly, the plank walls began to break, and the whole ship looked shaky.

“Ship, ship is going to fall!”

Bucky shouted in horror.

Think about it, originally the ship was split in three by Dante in the first place.

After experiencing the ravages of the battle just now, it is now the limit to be able to hold out.

“Captain, there is a life-saving boat here!”

Kabaji on the other side suddenly shouted.

“Well done, Kabaji, hurry up and get on board!”

Two small lifeboats that could only accommodate four or five people were swarmed down like dumplings by more than twenty people from the Baki Pirates.

“That’s it! Dante, the next time we meet, we will be enemies! ”

Bucky, who was stuck in the pile of human flesh, shouted funically at Dante.

I don’t know if these two ships will last until they reach the next island.


The deck broke again with a huge crack, and the violent shaking made Nami unstable.

If the body is crooked, it will fall into the sea.

Just when Nami’s footsteps slipped and she saw that she was about to fall into the sea.

Suddenly I felt someone grab my wrist.

The next second, Nami looked up.

I saw Dante leaping in mid-air and landed on the [Devil.May.Cry] boat next to him.

“Thank you, thank you.”

Nami thanked her a little confused.

“Dante is inexplicably a gentleman.”

Robin, who had put the diamonds and gold away, smiled and walked over.

“Shut up, I hate people who talk more than I do.”

Dante rolled his eyes and walked inside.

The commission is completed, and he has to strengthen himself with the red soul obtained in this battle.

“You guys… What the hell is…”

Nami looked at the two blankly.

Her information is only limited to the East China Sea, and it is naturally impossible to know these two people who have not yet made a name for themselves.

“He’s Dante, our captain, but just call him by name, you can just call me Robin.”

Robin replied as if like an intellectual big sister.

Like a real secretary, he took a can of beer from the refrigerator and placed it next to Dante on the sofa.

Then he said to Nami, “What about you?”

“I, my name is Nami, an adventurer who was accidentally captured by Mader Treger.”

Nami’s face didn’t blush when she told the lie.


The corners of Robin’s mouth curled into a smile.

Nami’s lying technique, deceiving those lecherous men is okay, for nearly twenty years in the dark world, it is really not worth mentioning.

It’s just that Robin hasn’t told this girl a lie.

Sit on the other side of the sofa, pick up a history book purchased on the previous island, and sip the black tea while flipping through it.

“That, that…”

After hesitating for a while, Nami seemed to have finally made up her mind and shouted to Dante

“I just heard that Bucky say that you accepted the commission to save him, right?”

Dante, who was trying to turn on the stereo, but did not respond even pressing the play button several times, heard this and moved.

After an awkward but polite smile, Dante slammed his right hand into a knife and slammed it on the stereo.


The sound machine burst out a burst of spark electric light, and after the surface was punched into an extremely deep irregular cavity, it finally made a sound:


You can steal a soul to get a second chance


But you can never do great things


I chose God to make me strong through the torture I was subjected to


However, to live comes with a desire to survive


My life is in search of the freedom I yearn for




Hearing the sound of the sound machine, Dante nodded in satisfaction.

Nami in the back looked confused.

Robin glanced up and pursed his lips, “It seems that by the next island, I have to buy a new player…”

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