Pirates: Become invincible from capturing the goddess of the navy

Chapter 51

The king said that he would not be able to take the throne until the king was in power.

"Okay, I'll give you three days to spread the news. After three days, hold a ceremony to give up your throne to me. I want to ascend the throne."


The young king did not feel reluctant, but felt as if he had unloaded a burden that had been weighing on him for many years.

"I will immediately send someone to convey the message to my people tomorrow."

"This is the money I promised you."

Lin Qi opened the suitcase, took out several stacks from it, and threw the remaining 3.5 billion into the king's hands.

"Aren't you afraid that I will regret it after getting the money?"

The king was surprised that the money was given too easily.

Lin Qi pulled out his long knife and put it back into his waist, saying, "Then you will regret coming to this world."

The king shuddered, and in the blink of an eye he found that the person was gone, and he was scared.

"Could it be that those two people are ghosts?"

"No, that's not right, the money is real."

The king was silent for a long time, and called his father-in-law, who was also the Minister of Finance, to discuss where to go for fun in the future.


Three days later.

Hundreds of thousands of residents got the news in advance, and surrounded the coronation site in several layers inside and outside.

At a glance, the dense crowd was crowded and lively.

"Who do you think our new king is? Has anyone seen him?"

"I don't know, I hope to have a tougher king."

"That's right, the previous king lived too aggrieved."

"Alas~ I have a little news, which was spread by the father of the nephew of my brother's sister's husband who worked in the palace."

"It is said that the new king is a ghost-like figure..."

Because it involves the residents' future lives, millions of residents across the country pay great attention to this registration ceremony.

The people of the previous king's country are all looking depressed.

They didn't expect anything else, just hope that the new king could protect them from being robbed.

"The auspicious time has come~ Please invite the new and old monarchs to the stage~"

With a report, gongs and drums were loud, and the atmosphere on the scene instantly became festive.

The young king was waiting on the 15-meter-high platform early.

Lynch was wearing a gorgeous dress, holding a gemstone scepter representing royal power, stepping on the red carpet, and walking towards the platform step by step.

Robin acted as a maid, gently holding Lynch's left hand.

Every step, he had to pause, and a large number of camera phone bugs around took a lot of photos of Lynch.

"I say, do you want to be so troublesome? This dress is not comfortable at all." Lynch complained to Robin in a corner that the crowd couldn't see.

Robin pursed his lips and smiled, "You bear it, who let this be the tradition of their country since ancient times."

"Look~ The new king is out." The crowd cheered.

"He looks so handsome, I wonder if he has a girlfriend." A girl said crazy.

"Bah, how can he look down on you when he's the king?"

"Very majestic, much better than the previous king."

Lin Qi walked on a red carpet for twenty minutes.

The king stood beside the throne on the high platform, holding the crown in his hand, and greeted Lin Qi with his eyes.

"Please ask the new king to sit on the throne~"

"Please ask the old king to put the crown on the new king!"

"My hero, the country will be in your hands from now on."

The young king put the crown on Lin Qi with a complicated look.

It is impossible to say that he has no feelings for this country at all.

"Don't worry, I'm here. Whoever dares to make trouble will be killed by me." Lin Qi whispered.

The king nodded, walked down the high platform from the back of the throne, and boarded the carriage prepared in advance.

He lived a happy and happy life with his father-in-law and his family.

"Long live the king! Long live the king! Long live the king!"

Hundreds of thousands of people in the audience shouted excitedly.


At this moment, a huge explosion occurred in the center of the crowd, and dozens of people died instantly.

Several lunatics holding bombs shouted loudly:

"We heard that a new king ascended the throne, so we came to congratulate him."


"After congratulations, should we pay the protection fee?"

"Not much, each of us brothers only needs 3 million, a total of 12 million."

"Give us the money, and we will still be good friends."

"Otherwise, we will kill people."

"The boss is right!"

Several lunatics sang in unison, and it was justified.


Robin was worried about talking about Lynch, but he didn't expect that the people in the Sin Paradise were more arrogant than he imagined.

Only four people dared to bring bombs to the registration ceremony to cause trouble.

"A few flies, looking for death!"

Lynch frowned,

I haven't found these guys yet, but they come to me.

My good mood was ruined, and a thunder gun appeared in my hand.


The thunder gun was thrown, and with a bang, the four lunatics died without leaving any residue, and were electrocuted into charcoal on the spot by thunder and lightning.

"From today on, those who violate our country and our people will be killed without mercy!" Lin Qi said loudly.

"So... so strong!"

Seeing the new king kill four robbers in one move, the citizens were extremely excited.

"Long live the king, long live the king, long live the king!"

The cheers this time were stronger than any previous time.

At the same time -

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task and becoming the master of a country within three years. ]

[The emperor's belief system is being activated...]

[Activated successfully! ]

As the system was activated, the system prompt sound kept ringing in Lin Qi's mind.

[Faith value +1, faith value +1, faith value +1...]

"System, what's going on with this faith value?"

[Ding! Back to the host, the faith value is determined by the citizens. 】

【The more citizens there are, the more loyal and worshipful they are to the host, and the faster the faith value will increase. 】

【Therefore, the host's behavior will greatly affect the accumulation of faith value. 】

【As the host showed off just now, the faith value obtained in the next period of time will increase significantly. 】

【Faith value can be used for lottery. 】

【Currently, the Emperor Faith System has only opened two prize pools, namely: Bronze Lottery Pool, 100 Faith Values ​​Draw Once. 】

【Naruto Lottery Pool: One Thousand Points Draw Once. 】

【Subsequent lottery pools will be opened after a certain number of accumulated draws. 】

"Bronze Lottery Pool? Naruto Lottery Pool?!"

The first one is okay, but the second one made Lin Qi's heart jump.

Could it be the Naruto he thought of?

The system is so powerful that it can travel through the heavens and worlds and bring things from other worlds here?

Click on the information of the two lottery pools.

[Bronze Lottery Pool: A lottery pool used to test the waters. Because it is cheap and has a low drop rate, the host should not hold too high hopes that any item from any world will appear at will. ]

[Hokage Lottery Pool: Get a random item from the Naruto world. ]


After reading the introduction, Lin Qi only had two words left in his mind.

[Faith value +1, Faith value +1, Faith value +1...]

The sound of increasing faith value kept ringing in his mind. After hearing it too much, Lin Qi felt a little annoyed.

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