Pirates: Become invincible from capturing the goddess of the navy

Chapter 36

After a few days of getting along, Tina stayed in her hometown for a few days.

A few days later.

The father-in-law who had been promoted was like a spring breeze, calling him a good son-in-law, and personally went to the port to see everyone off.

"Good son-in-law, come and play with Tina again when you have time."

After a few days of getting along, Kelly found that this young man had both strength and potential.

The most important thing was that he was good to his daughter, and he was simply the best candidate to be a son-in-law.

"I know, uncle, you can go back."


Next, there is one last goal left for the trip to the East China Sea.

It is also the most important destination.

Half a month later.


"Is this the village of Seymour Chiki?"

Lin Qi looked at the ordinary little village, which did not look like a place where a master was hidden.

"Yes, Boss, the map shows it is here." Joseph said affirmatively.

"Let's go to the Isshin Dojo."

Lin Qi, wearing casual clothes and carrying two long swords on his waist, led Tina and Joseph to the Isshin Dojo.

Snap Snap Snap~

Before the door was opened, the sound of bamboo swords being swung continuously could be heard from inside.

Here, a solid foundation was laid for Zoro's sword-fighting path.

Creak Snap~

When the wooden door was opened, the sound of wooden swords colliding stopped abruptly.

One by one, the youngest was no more than six or seven years old, and the oldest was no more than a teenager, all looked over and looked at this outsider curiously.

"It seems that they are from outside. There are no such people in the nearby villages."

"Wow, the clothes they wear are so beautiful."

"Tsk, little brat, the older sister is beautiful, okay."

A group of children talked at once, and a little girl walked out from them.

She came to Lin Qi and bowed, "Hello, I am Gu Yuena, the daughter of the owner of this kendo field. Who are you looking for?"

"Please help to inform, I'm looking for your father." Lin Qi wanted to touch the girl's head, but the girl dodged him.

He always liked this unyielding girl, but fate played tricks on him.

"Okay, please wait a moment."

"Jeff, let the guests go on stage."

Guina was like a little adult, and she didn't forget to greet the guests when she went to inform.

"Thank you." Lin Qi took the tea handed by the boy and drank it.

Click, click.

The sound of wooden shoes stepping on the floor rang out, and a squinting man appeared on the scene with a smile.

He first dismissed everyone, and then said to Lin Qi vigilantly: "Your Excellency is very powerful, what are you doing here?"

"To be honest, I would like to ask you to learn swordsmanship from me, real swordsmanship." Lin Qi said seriously.

It is said that people with squinty eyes are monsters.

Koshiro is like this.

Don't be fooled by his harmless appearance, he is actually a general-level swordsman.

Why dare to say that?

Just because his name is Shimotsuki Koshiro!

The Shimotsuki family is in Wano Country.

Today's Wano Country is ruled by Kaido and is closed to the outside world. It is as difficult to get out as to go to heaven.

And such a man can bring the still-infant Kuina alone across the New World, the Grand Line, and come to the East China Sea.

Such strength is terrifying.

And Shimotsuki Koshiro's father and grandfather are not ordinary people, so how can he be ordinary?

His father, Shimotsuki Kosaburo, created the famous swords, Wataichimonji and the great sword Enma.

His grandfather even created the supreme great sword.

Neither Garp nor Zephyr knew swordsmanship.

If he wanted to achieve rapid success in swordsmanship, he had to be guided by a famous teacher, otherwise how could he compare with those who had practiced swordsmanship for decades since childhood?

Koshiro laughed dryly, "You are joking, sir. I am just an ordinary swordsmanship master in the East China Sea. How can I teach you?"

He came to the East China Sea from afar because he was tired of disputes.

Teaching this man would be tantamount to exposing his strength, and he would not do that.

"Sir, you don't want the swordsmanship of the Shimotsuki family to be buried, right?"

Koshiro paused while pouring tea. He didn't expect that the other party had already investigated his identity.

Lin Qi's words hit the gap in Koshiro's heart.

He was an extremely old-fashioned person. He always believed that girls could not inherit the family swordsmanship and that girls were always inferior to men.

Otherwise, the tragedy would not have happened later.

"Haha, what is Shimotsuki? I don't understand."

"Sir, why deceive yourself?"

Lin Qi pulled out the Dragon Slayer, looking like a gangster.

Kuina, who was hiding behind a pillar and eavesdropping, looked panicked. Was her father going to fight with someone?

Ken Koshiro began

Lin Qi was unmoved and swung out a sword.

I thought Koshiro would show his strength to block it.

Who would have thought that he would watch the house he had lived in for many years being split in half by a sword that was more than ten meters long.

Little Kuina was excited, "This! Is this also something that can be done by kendo!"

Koushiro sighed, and simply closed his eyes and stopped talking.

"Hey, hey, hey, are you really a master, why don't I believe it?" Joseph couldn't bear it anymore.

If he really is a master, he is too patient.

Even more patient than an old turtle.

"I said, I'm just an ordinary person. You want to learn swordsmanship, but you found the wrong person."

As a last resort, Lin Qi had to use a big move and pulled Kuina, who was eavesdropping behind the pillar, out.

"I tell you, you should be called Kuina Shimotsuki, the so-called Shimotsuki family..."

Koushiro's eyelids twitched wildly.

"Enough! I'll teach you."

"Are you willing to teach?" Lin Qi stopped talking, and little Kuina looked like she had eaten shit.

You have to finish what you are saying, it's very suspenseful to say halfway.

"I can see that you are not a bad person. I hope you don't disgrace the Shimotsuki swordsmanship."

Since he decided to teach, Koshiro no longer hid it.

"Come to class tomorrow."

"Thank you, I will have someone repair the house for you." Having achieved his goal, Lin Qi left happily.

Kuina was left with a thoughtful look on her face, "Father, what is the Shimotsuki family."

"Don't ask me anymore, I will tell you when the time comes, go practice swordsmanship."

From the next day, Lin Qi and Tina began to learn swordsmanship from Koshiro.

It was also from this day that Lin Qi had a little follower around him.

Kuina always asked him about the Shimotsuki family.

Lin Qi promised Koshiro that he would not talk about it anymore, which made Kuina feel like a cat's claw.

"Hey, Shimotsuki can't talk, so can we talk about something else?"

"Tell me, are there any great female swordsmen in this world?"

"Where are you from? Are there many masters there?"

"Bad guy, why don't you accept my challenge!"

"It hurts! Don't hit my head all the time, it will make me stupid!"

The days passed by in Kuina's words.

In the blink of an eye, time came to half a year later.

Girls grow up very fast. Compared with half a year ago, Kuina is half a head taller.

This day.

Lin Qi and Koshiro, kneeling on the tatami and drinking tea.

"You are very talented, and I have nothing to teach you." Koshiro poured a cup of tea for Lin Qi.

"Thank you for your care in the past six months." Lin Qi thanked.

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