Pirate: Thunder Titan

Chapter 039

“I don’t want to be your maid!”

Anyway, they all confessed to Roya, and Nameso shouted out arrogantly, looking disgusted.

For pirates, she hates it from the bottom of her heart!

Nami was born in a small village.

A good childhood ended because of pirates.

The pirates ransacked the village, and before the navy arrived, it was in ruins, and only she survived with the help of Bermel.

Bullying the weak, burning and looting, doing all kinds of evil, this is the pirate she knows!

Although Roa gave her a good feeling, it was not so easy to change her mind.

What’s more, the two are now going to die.

The evil dragon is cruel and tortures the town with the natural advantage of the fish man.

In the eyes of the evil dragon, humans are inferior species!

And Nami was unwilling, but she couldn’t do anything, and she was not in the mood to think about the maid or anything at the moment.

“You don’t get the point, you can’t go to Orange Town.”

“I won’t steal anything from you either, if you weren’t the kind of pirates who bullied the villagers, let me go and take a detour.”

“Don’t go near the evil dragon, my town, I’ll find a way to protect it myself!”

Nami wants to avoid the risk, and even if she decides not to steal money for the dragon, she can’t let the two go to Orange Town.

Luo Ya smiled slightly.

“Nami, the world you see is too narrow.”

Nami has excellent navigator talent, which has been lamented by many bigwig-level characters in the original work.

But now she has not seen the world at all.

She only knew that the evil dragon was now the strongest, and the fate of the town was in his hands.

Until now, only a little fur was shown for Nami to see.

Luo Ya immediately straightened up, and the sky began to change, and the clouds were thick.

For a time, the entire ship was enveloped in terrifying air pressure.

Nami was shocked and immediately got up and gripped the rudder.

She also thought it was a fusion of weather at sea, such a bad place, and she had to escape quickly.

Feeling the pressure of the dark clouds, Solon also opened his eyes slightly.

“Really, get some sleep, give me ups and downs like this!”

The corner of Luo Ya’s mouth flickered, and a terrifying momentum burst out from his body, and then summoned a terrifying heavenly thunder.

“Let you see, the power of ten million bounties!”

Thunder fell, thunder passed, and dark clouds collapsed.

The huge roar seemed to explode through the eardrums, and even Solon was not calm, and his body trembled.

If he hadn’t known that this was the captain pretending, he would probably have been shocked.

Nami instinctively raised her hand, closed her eyes, and screamed.

“It’s over, it’s going to die!”

“Being killed by lightning, too unwilling!”

After the loud noise, the eyelids felt a dazzling twinkle, but the body was unscathed.

Nami slowly opened her eyes, and then Mu Leng stood in place.

At that time, the thunder was like a toy, and Luo Ya grabbed me in my hand casually.

The heavenly thunder tore and condensed, and it seemed that it would collapse at any time, erupting with terrifying destructive power.

What the hell is this pirate, even thunder and lightning can be grasped so easily.

Nami did not dare to breathe, let alone approach, nor did she have the mind to dodge.

If this thunder explodes, this ship may not be able to hold up, where to run?

Solon swallowed his saliva abruptly, and I have to say that this action is too pompous!

It seems that the captain’s ability to pretend to bluff people has grown a little, that is, this thunder, can you quickly put it aside, look flustered!

Under Roya’s control, the thunder and lightning condensed into a spear.

Roa threw out, and the spear flew out like an arrow, and Nami was slightly relieved.

Suddenly, the sea water exploded in the distance, and then fell like a waterfall!

Countless drops of water come to the face, cool and comfortable.

The remaining water droplets in the air are even more irradiated by the sun, forming a rainbow!

The beautiful and gentle rainbow, like the skylight that the world opens for her, is yearning.

Nami’s stubbornness dissipated in front of this rainbow.

And her nervousness was also dispersed by water droplets!

What kind of strong person is this, to be so terrifying!

Nami stammered and couldn’t help but take a few steps back.

The rainbow slowly dissipated, the ripples on the sea surface, and even the boat was pushed back a little.

If this thunder hits a person, it is not an easy second kill!

No matter how strong the evil dragon is, it cannot be Luo Ya’s opponent.

Hope lit up in Nami’s heart, and the throbbing in her heart could no longer be suppressed.

“Roya, please, go to Orange Town!”

“Please defeat the evil dragon, only you can eradicate him.”

Looking at Nami’s sincere and cute request, anyone will be moved.

Roa laughed wickedly.

“So what’s the benefit to me?”

Thinking of what Roya said before that she wanted to be a maid herself, Nami blushed.

“So, what benefit do you want?”

“It’s simple!”

Roa gave the conditions directly.

“I lack a maid, and my pirate group lacks a navigator!”


Nami was a little unprepared for a while, did the other party really want to pull herself on the boat?

And there is also the identity of a navigator ….

“No, how did you know I could sail?”

Roa glanced at the rudder.

Because the rudder can be easily controlled, Nami swings twice at will along the way.

If this is changed to Roya, walk for a while and look at the map and look at the compass.

It really can’t be seen and smelled domineeringly to perceive the vicinity and determine the location.

Nami is like walking in her own house, and she can find her way with her eyes closed.

Of course, this is also because she is too familiar with this sea route.

But even if you change to other places, it is not a little stronger than Roya.

There is a specialization in the art industry, and Luo Ya has no heart to learn this.

Nami also understood, and she couldn’t imagine that as a pirate, the other party’s mind was so sharp.

All the way down, I kept being shocked.

Nami gritted her teeth and decided to agree to this agreement first, the evil dragon is there, and she will have nightmares when she sleeps at night.

“Okay, I promise you!”

“But you must completely eradicate the evil dragon, as well as his pirate group, or the town will be retaliated.”

Roa nodded slightly.

“In a word!”

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