Pirate? No, I want to be the Sea King!

Chapter 33

The two of them were very close, and the two sides had a lot of difficulties.


"Have you finished talking? Leave Fishman Island now!"

"We still have to solve the problem you left behind!"

Neptune, the king of Fishman Island, said in a deep voice.

He got the news when Adolf came back, and came with Jinbei, but he had not interrupted before.

He also felt that Adolf's words made sense, and as a king, he had an unshirkable responsibility!

"Oh? How are you going to solve it?" Adolf looked over in doubt.

"Rely on the handwritten documents of the world's nobles and the signatures of 5 million people in Fishman Island!" Jinbei said.

"Hmm?" Adolf was stunned, looking at the pile of signatures in the box beside him, he couldn't help but "Hahahahahahaha..."

"What are you laughing at!" Princess Otohime couldn't help asking with a mocking look.

"Asshole, do you know how many people across the country are working hard for your business?" Jinbei was annoyed.

Adolf took out a signature from a pile of signatures beside him. "We obviously have the power to choose, but we believe the tricks of the Celestial Dragons to deceive children. I am convinced."

"Laughing?" Neptune frowned.

"Impossible, this is what I saw the world nobles write when I went to Marijoa!" Princess Otohime was firm.

"So you have been to Marijoa, then you also saw the slaves led by the Celestial Dragons, right?"

"Why choose to turn a blind eye? Why don't you rescue those slaves? At least rescue our compatriots?!"

"You said you can feel the pain happening to us, you really feel the same way!!"

Adolf's sarcasm is really ridiculous.

Princess Otohime opened her mouth to refute, but she couldn't say a word. She was completely dumbfounded.

"Okay, Adolf! Fishman Island is indeed sorry for you, but you are not much better! Just tell me why you can't be trusted." Jinbei interrupted in a deep voice.

"Do you still need to ask why? Can those Celestial Dragons be trusted?"

Adolf asked back, and he kept silent, and couldn't say anything when he asked.

"If they are really sincere, they will not capture us as slaves after writing the documents! They will even let the original fish-man and mermaid slaves go. This is the minimum attitude!"

"————!" Princess Otohime was sluggish as if she had lost her soul. She lowered her head and her face could not be seen.

"Do you have any way to destroy the Celestial Dragons? You don't have any!!"

"After landing, five million compatriots were captured and turned into slaves. Princess Otohime, do you have any way? Or can Neptune turn the tide? What about you, Jinbei?"

"What can you do if it really comes to that? Five million compatriots are wailing and enduring torture, what can you do?"


Adolf looked at everyone one by one, but no one dared to look at him. They all lowered their heads and couldn't stand up straight.

"We shouldn't speculate on others with the greatest malice, but when it comes to the safety of all the people in the country, we must plan for the worst case scenario and there can't be any gambling involved! ! This is the responsibility of a king!"

"Even if there is only a slight deviation, it may cause the life and death of tens of thousands of people. Who of you can bear it?!"

As a Chinese citizen, the thoughts accumulated over thousands of years of history are engraved in our bones.

Even a college student seems particularly mature and has a big picture view of the world! !

"How can we trust those guys!"

"Adolf is right, Princess Otohime is too idealistic."

The fishmen of the Sun Pirates who had been enslaved by the Celestial Dragons gnashed their teeth and could understand Adolf particularly well.

"It's terrible, we almost all became slaves!"

"With a population of 5 million, even if 1% didn't escape, that's 50,000 people!"

The truth, consequences, disaster, and slavery were all directly placed in front of everyone, making it impossible for them to feel any relief, and making everyone furious! !

In the square, millions of people sided with Adolf.

Who dares to gamble with their own lives on the morality of others, especially when this person is a Celestial Dragon!

If it's like this in the seabed, won't they be caught in one fell swoop after landing? ?

'Adolf! ' Hody Jones, who had trained himself in the army, looked deeply at Adolf. The fact that he killed a Celestial Dragon made him particularly admire him.

And now I have another understanding...

"What are you going to do about this? If it is not resolved, Fishman Island will be destroyed! We will also be hunted down by the World Government until we are extinct!" Jinbei said solemnly.

Adolf's mouth curled up slightly "It's easy to solve."

"Since they are going to do it, let them attack us and destroy Fishman Island!!!"

"What——" Everyone was shocked.

"But!!" Adolf's eyes became fierce and cruel "The World Government will also face our revenge——"

Came to the center and faced the crowd "Everyone, what are you afraid of? What are you afraid of??"

"Leave Fishman Island! Can't we survive?"


"The whole ocean is our world, our playground!! We can live anywhere, can they still destroy the whole ocean?!"

"We are the darlings of the sea and the natural fantasy beasts!!"

"We are the fantasy tribe that controls the right to navigate the sea! We have the right to dominate the sea——"

Adolf raised his arms, his passion surged, and his strong emotions drove everyone present!

He didn't have the ability of Princess Otohime, but language was powerful, and he used speeches to convey his thoughts and will.

Yes, they are a race that lives in the sea, why should they be afraid? ?

"Why should we be afraid? Because of Fishman Island? When did Fishman Island become our spiritual bondage??"

"We live and work here peacefully, they should be thankful, but they dare to treat us as fish? Capture us as slaves at will?! How dare they? Who gave them the courage?!"

"If they dare to come, let them all sink into the sea! Let all the warships in the entire sea sink!! Let them regret for the rest of their lives, regret being enemies with our clan!!"

"Can they still stop us from attacking from under the sea? Can they stop it? Can they find it??"

"They are the ones who should be afraid!! They are the ones who should be afraid--"

"Stand up, my compatriots!!"

Adolf raised his will, poured all his emotions and strength into his words, and shouted from the heart!

And this is also his most sincere thought.

How dare those people? ? ?

They are the sea people!

In this world, 99% of the sea, except for the red soil continent, only 1% of the islands and land, how dare those people do this to them?

Even if the high-end combat power is not comparable, can you equip each of your warships with a vice admiral who is proficient in observation Haki? What about the four seas? ?

I will not entangle, but only poke the ship, which can completely cut off the connection between various places. Can you still maintain your position? Will your subordinates listen to you?

They have 5 million people!

How dare you break up the whole into pieces and scatter the entire sea? ? ? ? ? ?


As he spoke passionately, dark clouds rolled in the sky, dark red and black thunder flashed from his body, and an invisible oppression filled the sky over the entire Fishman Island.

Only that man seemed more powerful and full of aura!

As if the center of the world! !

“This is! The spirit of the king·Heroic Haki——”

“How is it possible!!”

Jinbei was shocked and unbelievable.

Countless people were stunned and shocked, and they were also more excited and fanatical, looking at the man on the stage with great yearning, who was full of confidence in his hands and feet.

"We are the legendary elves, the darlings of the sea, and the natural fantasy beasts!!"

"We don't have to envy the people on the ground for having sunlight and air, because we can go to land by ourselves!"

"No one's permission is needed! No one's consent is needed!!"

"Let us be our own sun, without relying on anyone's light--"

Raising fists and shouting, with high morale, they shouted the last cry!




The whole Fishman Island was boiling with enthusiasm, raising arms and fists and shouting, responding heartbreakingly, and their hearts were burning.

They repeated the sentence: Become your own sun, without relying on anyone's light--

Given them infinite power, they are fearless at this moment! !

Countless voices gathered, shouting and breaking through the clouds, resounding throughout the Fishman Island!

Why are they afraid? ?

They are the masters of the sea! !

They want to be their own sun--

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