Pirate? No, I want to be the Sea King!

Chapter 190

The ship was built on the ground, and the ground was covered.

A multi-sail warship over 300 meters long, with a three-story viewing platform...

Under the lazy sunshine, Adolf lay on the bubble bed, flipping through the first edition of the Criminal Law.

"It is fair enough and also regulates the judiciary itself. I have no problem with it."

After Adolf finished reading it, he asked Zefa to do it because of Zefa's fairness!

As for more details, they will be exposed naturally during use, and they can be supplemented at that time.

The law is not only the justice of the people, but also the extension of his will here. It mainly depends on whether it deviates from the general direction of the idea. The rest can be handed over to professionals.

"I will tell Teacher Zefa now." Ian nodded happily.

"Thank you for your hard work..."

On his shoulder sat a thermos-sized silicone doll, with completely simulated skin and feel, wearing a purple princess dress.

"Are you used to this body?" Adolf asked.

"I've adapted, and Sugar has given me some sense, not so cold anymore." Violet pinched her arm and stretched it out, just like rubber, after all, it was a simulated doll.

That's right, this bionic doll is Violet, the Staring Fruit!!

But after becoming a doll, everyone except Adolf, Sugar, and Hancock forgot about her.

After all, not many people knew her.

And those powerful and domineering people basically don't know her, and even if they remember, they won't realize the existence of this person, let alone think that she will be by Adolf's side, and there is even no file.

It can be said that she has truly disappeared from the world, silently contributing under an assumed name...

"For Lord Poseidon..." Monet came over with a tray and handed over his favorite milk.

Even Monet, who had seen Violet before, completely forgot that this person existed. After all, she was not a strong person...

"Thank you." Adolf took it.

"This is my job!! Lord Sea King, come and eat strawberries~" Baby-5 in maid outfit puffed up her cheeks in dissatisfaction, and then competed to feed her.

"Okay~" Adolf chuckled, this poor woman who was given away for free.

In the swimming pool, Shirahoshi half-lying on the platform to enjoy the warmth of the sun, and Otohime was also taking a short break.

Xia Li lay on her side on the bubble bed, holding a crystal ball in her hand, emitting a faint light, meditating seriously, practicing the domineering of observation...

The one who really worked hard was Ain, sorting out the situation of the countries and major pirates in the New World, and constantly reporting the problems in the occupied kingdoms...

Adolf wanted Monet to help her, but Doflamingo's gang and two senior officials.

Monet, Sugar, and Baby-5 were also beside him. They were already in a relationship, so they couldn't be allowed to have more power...

But Ian was not too busy. She was mainly responsible for information transmission and data sorting. Others were in the command room and other staff.

"Wait a little longer, wait a little longer Stella! I will pull them down from the altar soon!"

On the deck below, Gild Tesoro looked at the undulating sea with his fists clenched tightly.

Crow and Enelu stood on the mast and looked into the distance, standing side by side as the mast king...

And under the battleship, Aaron and Hodi Jones led the team.

They could lead a thousand fish warriors and ten sea beasts at any time to cooperate with mobile high-level combat for support...

"How is Magellan?" Adolf asked.

"I'll ask with the Den Den Mushi." The blond deputy warden, police officer Domino, took out the Den Den Mushi.

'Puff, puff, puff...'

"Lord Sea King, I'm in the toilet..."

First there was a series of diarrhea sounds, and then Magellan's words.

"I told you to control it a little bit. If the ability user has diarrhea because of his own ability, wouldn't that be useless?"

"Theoretically, it's okay to eat any toxin as food, right? Can you really have diarrhea because of poisoning?!"

"This joke is not funny at all!!"

Adolf was speechless and had a headache.

Obviously a top-level combat force, but it was weakened like this! !

"Sorry, I will try my best to strengthen the control of the fruit ability." Magellan was criticized honestly.

"If it doesn't work, wear the sea floor stone handcuffs and practice life return more! If it doesn't work, keep wearing it and take it off when you need to fight."

After Adolf finished speaking, he hung up, and he was also convinced! !

"Lord Sea King, when can we catch the pirates? Little Sadie can't stand it anymore!!"

"I want... I want to hear the heartbreaking screams of the pirates!!"

The pink leather pervert Little Sadie twisted her cooked meat, made a coquettish sound, and asked from behind on Adolf's chest.

She has been patient for so long, is it

I really can't stand it anymore!

"Hold it any longer, hold it any longer, or I'll make you scream!!" Adolf's fingertips flashed with dark red arcs, she's also a problematic girl.

Little Sadie's scalp was numb, but her body was inexplicably excited...

"Your Majesty the Sea King, we're here..."

"Yes!" Adolf stood up.

Others around him also noticed...


At the port of the Dressrosa Kingdom, King Riku personally greeted them, including Scarlett, Cyrus, and Rebecca.

There were also many royal soldiers standing on both sides, and the only thing missing was the red carpet...

"Sea King... Adolf!"

"The lunatic who once killed the Celestial Dragons and committed heinous crimes..."

King Riku looked at Adolf and others who came down from the huge warship with a complicated look.

Last time, they had to hide and even use threats to avoid being exposed, but this time they can appear openly in front of the whole world!

As a king --

As a conqueror and ruler --

"Is he going to take over the rule of the Kingdom of Dressrosa? I wonder how he will arrange us..." Scarlett was nervous and worried.

"Don't think too much, at least he helped us drive away Doflamingo." Cyrus comforted.

They remembered that Adolf had appeared in the Kingdom of Dressrosa, and they also remembered that Adolf and Hancock forced Doflamingo back and threatened them.

But they forgot the most important thing, taking Violet away, and even looked at the photo and couldn't remember who it was.

"Mom, didn't you say he was a good man? He helped so many people?"

"Everyone in our country can eat well because of him."

Rebecca didn't understand, forgot the existence of her aunt, and her hatred for Adolf disappeared.

This is also the horror of the Childlike Fruit.

"This..." Scarlett was embarrassed.

After all, this man also said that if Cyrus died, he would "take care" of her and Rebecca! ! !

"Adolf!! You bad guy! I'm so tired!"

Princess Manshirley of the Dwarf Tribe popped out from behind Scarlett's shoulder, jumped onto Adolf crying, and punched him in the chest.

The cow-horse princess second only to Seka...

"Princess Manshirley, do you know?!"

"Because of you, tens of thousands of dying warriors are alive!"

"You saved not only them, but also their families, the future of the entire country, and the hope of the whole world--"

"It is because of your silent dedication that I can defeat the bad guys."

"Because of you, countless people have been cured of years of chronic diseases. They have escaped from the desperate pain and saw new hope!!"

"All this is because of your appearance. You are the real hero, Princess Manshirley--"

"People all over the world should know your name, know everything you have done, and the efforts you have made for everyone--"

"I want to build a statue of Manshirley to commemorate your greatness--"

Adolf picked up Manshirley, seriously and solemnly, with a sacred tone!

There was no mention of the exploitation of cattle and horses!!!

"Wow...Princess Manshirley is so amazing!"

"Does everyone in the world know about this? I'm so envious!"

"She even wants to build a statue. What a great person she is."

One by one, the little people appeared from the corners, admiring Manshirley who was held up by Adolf.

At this moment, the palm of Adolf's hand seemed to have light and became sacred.

"No...no, I just listened to what you said, Adolf, and kept making healing dandelions. In fact, I didn't do anything..."

Manshirley was embarrassed by everyone's admiration, and instantly forgot the hardship of being exploited.

During that time, even her urine and feces were collected! !

"Hold your head high! Princess Manshirley who saved countless lives——"

"Let everyone applaud you and learn from you. You are our role model!!"

Adolf's voice was a little louder, and even he admired it a little.

Manshirley couldn't help but raise her head as he spoke.

‘Pa pa pa...’

There was a round of applause, all of which were from the excited little people, and even Manshirley was so excited that her face turned red.

“Holy and holy Princess Manshirley, are you willing to continue to work hard for everyone?”

“With your thin body, you will become the most heartwarming healing goddess in the world——”

Adolf lifted Manshirley up again!

“I... I do!” Manshirley was so excited that her face turned red, and her eyes revealed passion and enthusiasm.

“Princess Manshirley is great!”

“Well done, Princess Manshirley!”

The little people cheered and applauded, all of them were proud of Manshirley.


Adolf’s shoulder, Violet covered her forehead with one hand and was speechless, this bad guy was too controlling of people’s hearts.

The following

Monet, Enelu and others had completely speechless expressions. Was this just coaxing a child?

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