Pirate: I can draw all things in the dimension

Chapter 490 Spider Fairy Robin!

Speaking of which,

She suddenly chuckled and said, "Nami is right, Ron, you are a little too confident."

Ron hesitated and wanted to refute, but the House of Commons controlled the House of Lords.

Robin's demonic power is to grow flowers that can transform into various parts of her body within sight, would she be doing nothing during the conversation?

The answer is no, Robin is not an inexperienced cardamom girl, and there is nothing to be ashamed of.

"I usually like to be a human being."

Ron took a deep breath because he felt the technical gap.

No matter it is Nami, Vivi, Nokigao or Hancock, there is no way to compare with Robin.

Monet, who only has fun in his mind, will delve into this aspect, but there is no way to reach Robin's level.


He couldn't help but gasp, his toes were buckled in his shoes, and he just barely had to leave three rooms and one living room.

The point on the tip of the gun was provoked, causing the House of Commons to become even more excited, and the roof was raised.


Robin pursed her lips tightly. Her copied limbs were in sync with her original body's senses.

In other words, she felt something when her hands touched it.

It is precisely because of this that the eyes and ears have the function of eavesdropping on information.

In other words, whatever is eaten by the mouth in the palm of that hand is equivalent to what she has also 'eaten'.

In that quiet atmosphere,

Robin suddenly made a 'swallowing' movement, and then Ron also took a breath.

The petals flew away and then disappeared.

The red eyes seemed to be examining this process. After the limbs transformed by the petals disappeared, what form did the descendants take that entered.

Ron asked curiously: "Where did the swallowed stuff go?"

"I'm not sure, maybe we can test it."

Robin pressed his palm, knelt down on the desk, and then showed a charming smile.

Testing, of course, requires action.

What's surprising, or rather reasonable, is Robin's ability to play.

They moved to a slightly empty location.

Robin put on black-rimmed glasses, a prize given to her by Ron, which could enhance her vision to have no blind spots.

After using her ability, a large number of hands sprouted from the wall within sight, and then they grabbed herself.

"The boss doesn't want it"

The charming beauty showed a frightened expression, like a subordinate who was coerced by her boss.

Even the posture is made into a posture that is very problematic at first sight.

The arms worked together to grab Robin's arms, and then raised them above his head.

She raised her right leg like a ballerina, and Huahua's arms circled under her knees to lift her leg up.

Only her left foot was not restrained, because the flowery arms restrained her too high, and only the toes of her left foot could actually touch the ground.

‘Imprisonment XX Series’

Such a description suddenly appeared in Ron's mind, and the House of Commons couldn't help but feel angry, and then turned against Tiangang.

The little head controls the big head!

"BOSS, no. I can find another woman for you."

Robin struggled hard, but more and more colorful arms grew out of the wall, and then grabbed her pure white T-shirt.

It didn't tear it apart, but tightened it, letting the pair of milky white snowflakes come out.

Even pink hot pants couldn't escape the poisonous hand.

The sensory stimulation stirs up the boss's nerves.

He couldn't help but show an evil smile: "You are no better than others, so you should be honest so as not to get hurt."

Robin's eyes turned red, and his charming eyes were sparkling.

Then he bit his red lips and lowered his head slightly with an angry and unwilling expression. The 'surrender' on his micro-expression was immediately full of sensory stimulation.

The temperature in the room rose for a moment, and Ron's covering disappeared.

He stretched out his hand to have close contact with Yukiko, and the curious feeling was different from other people's touch.

But soon the surging desire drove him to go further and contact Robin at a negative distance.

There is no need to be cautious when meeting other people for the first time, soft beauties have unimaginable endurance.

What followed was the ultimate tightness, which made Ron take a deep breath.

"I won't let you go!"

Robin suddenly raised his head, tears falling from his eyes, that beautiful face full of unwillingness and hatred.

In a daze, Ron actually had a dislocated feeling that he was an 'evil boss'.

He couldn't help but go a step further and almost penetrated the enemy who made the harsh words to the end.

Robin groaned, and the curve of her buttocks swelled like a peach and hit the wall.

The evil boss and the unwilling subordinate were almost in close contact with each other at this moment.

"No, I won't, and I won't let you go!"

Ron's fingertips traced the fair and delicate skin, then he held Robin's extremely slender waist and pressed forward hard.

Robin's red lips parted slightly, and she couldn't help but raise her head, revealing a goose neck as delicate as snow.

She used such movements to soothe her feelings, and then the enemy bit her neck.


Suppressing the sound in his throat, the arm transformed from the flower fruit disappeared, and Robin wrapped his arms around Ron's neck as soon as he released his hands.

He forcefully pulled the man's head up, and then moved his red lips to greedily demand it.

It's like another mouth is hesitating about the tip of the gun!

More flowery arms grew out, and she entangled Ron who fell into the web like a spider.

Ron, who was bound, would naturally not surrender, and he wanted to take control.

He took another step forward, changing the positive and negative distance fiercely, almost killing Robin, the "fairy spider".

Even she, who was extremely gentle, could hardly fight against the "scorching sun" with almost unlimited energy.

Corners, tables, and even strange angles such as the ceiling.

In Robin's incredible behavior, the entire office became a battlefield between him and her.

There were many traces of the fight between the two.


is an adjective that Ron likes very much.

Not an object, but an adjective.

Describes the appearance of food flowing out pale white and sticky milk.

To show such an appearance, the inside of the puff must be filled first, so that the scene of the white cream flowing out can be appreciated.

Under Ron's strenuous watering, this time the puff was perfectly presented.

The white cream quietly flowed and stained the sheets that seemed to be fished out of the water.

Robin was lying on the big bed in her room at the moment, her charming face flushed, and she was exhausted.

As if she noticed Ron's gaze,

she subconsciously closed her thighs, but then she thought of something and changed her posture to the original state.

I heard from Nami and the others that Ron's bad taste includes "puffs"!

Sure enough,

Ron watched with relish, and seemed to have an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

Robin rolled her eyes, and then said in a hoarse voice: "I understand why they all think that way." (End of this chapter)

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