Pirate: Height 180 meters

Chapter 16

When the news about the reward of one billion Baileys spread, the whole world was excited, and people all over the sea were talking about it. Who is this? Is a newcomer so powerful?

Everyone was extremely shocked. Most pirates' bounties were accumulated step by step, but Adam gave people a feeling that he was at the peak of his debut, reaching 1 billion beli in one go.

Ordinary people who have been pirates for decades may not be able to reach this level of reward.

The most deceptive thing is that the Navy did not provide an explanation for why it put a bounty of 1 billion beli on a giant tribe. Only the word"comparable to the strength of a navy admiral" was left in the reward order. This is the only understanding the world has of Adam.

In fact, the reason why he concealed it and did not report it was that Warring States also had an unspeakable secret. He was also thinking about the face of the navy. The outside world must know that the aunt who was severely injured was not caught, and the navy was also hammered by Adam. How can he survive on the sea in the future? ?

Justice cannot be insulted!


Half a month later, on an island in the new world, after dealing with the navy and Big Mom, Adam temporarily stationed here to rest, and also used this place as a temporary base.

Click, click, click...

In the primitive jungle on the island, Adam's giant body moved forward. Every time his big feet landed, the huge island would tremble like an earthquake.

It is worth mentioning that at this moment, Adam's eyes were still bandaged and he could not see clearly at all.

He is currently undergoing special training on domineering.

The reason why Adam was blindfolded was to train his hearing and to be able to strongly feel the power of the other party's"voice", which is called seeing, hearing, and color domineering.

At first, Adam was still not used to it. After all, he had been living under the sun for a long time, and anyone would be uncomfortable being blindfolded suddenly. Moreover, he had tripped and fell several times in the past few days because he could not see anything. This time, Adam's tens of thousands of tons of body hit the island, which was a big deal. Several mountains and forests were destroyed by him.

However, every time he thought about the feeling of powerlessness he felt when facing Qing Pheasant before, Adam finally gritted his teeth and held on. Even though he was bruised and swollen from the fall, and suffered a lot of hardships, he refused to give up. If he wanted to continue in the future, whether it was armed or informed, he would Must learn them all.

After practicing slowly like this for a while, the situation finally improved. It was not that he had controlled the domineering power in such a short period of time. After blindfolding his eyes, Adam relied more on his hearing. He calmed himself down first, and then found a quiet place. He went to a place where he could listen to everything in nature and experience the changes around him. After a while, Adam seemed to have opened a door to a new world. His hearing became more and more acute, and his five senses became extra sensitive. He fell less and less often.

No matter what object, once it moves, it will make its own unique sound. As long as you listen patiently, the sound may be subtle at the beginning, but as time goes by, the day will come when all the hardships will be over.

After walking for a while, Adam found an open area. He sat down cross-legged, took two deep breaths of fresh air, and felt as if he was integrated into nature. His heart was as calm as ever.

"About 50 meters to the northeast, there is a group of large wild boars looking for food."

"There is a spacious river on the southeast side, with hundreds of small fish and shrimps in it"

"A hundred meters behind me, an ancient dinosaur is secretly watching me, hahaha...You have so much courage, you actually treat me like food. Aren’t you afraid of being stretched to death with such a big body?"

"There is also one on the west side……"

Adam carefully felt the changes around him. After covering his eyes, he relied entirely on his ears to move. His hearing became more and more developed in the process. As long as he is willing to exercise, his range will definitely become wider and wider in the future.

"This guy is making rapid progress, and the basic prototype of the Haki has been formed. As long as he continues to persevere, it is only a matter of time before he can fully control the Haki."

Not far from Adam, Krick was silently watching everything in front of him. Once Adam learned the Armament Color and the Knowledge Color Haki, the Yonko and the General would all be younger brothers at that time!

"Having said that, should I run away during this time?"

Cracker lowered his head and thought hard. He had had enough of being a meal ticket. Adam was a little hungry, so he asked him to help make biscuits for the people to eat. Cracker was crying without tears. They were used for fighting.

He even tried to eat a cookie man, and almost tripped his teeth. Only Adam had such good teeth.

"I'd better wait a little longer. If this guy finds out, he won't let me go easily."Click finally chose to endure it. It is natural to leave Adam in the future, but not now, because even if he runs away, he has nowhere to go. There is not even a ship on this island. How can he get there? When he came, It was also Adam who waded step by step from the sea.

"Go get some sleep first."

Cracker turned around and left. Half an hour ago, Adam asked Cracker to make a hundred biscuit men to eat. He is still a little tired now, and the most speechless thing is that Adam claimed that he only ate 30% of the cookies. If you are full, when the exercise is over, let Cracker make more biscuits for people to eat.

This is one of the reasons why he is eager to leave Adam. He is exhausted every time just preparing food for this guy.


Guys, I’m a newbie with a new book, please support me, thank you from the author!


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