Pirate: Hades!

Chapter 84 The navy responds to the intervention of 4 seas

"take care."

Hades clinked a glass with Newgate and drank heavily at the same time.

Newgate was leaving, following John's troops.

John and Wang Zhi will set off soon and sneak into the first half of the great route.

Through the means of coating, cooperate with the members of the fish-men tribe to dive into the deep sea, pass through the fish-man island and cross the red earth continent, and go to the paradise.

The action plan this time was very complete, with almost no flaws. Even Hades had to sigh that there were such talents in the Rocks Pirates' intelligence organization.

Of course, it cannot be said that there are no flaws, but the reality is that the overall strength of the Rocks Pirates has an absolute advantage.

With such an advantage, the Rocks Pirates' offensive efficiency was maximized.

The premise is that the navy also divides its forces. In this case, the navy will undoubtedly lose.

If the Navy is willing to give up some and concentrate its combat power on one or two core members.

It is still possible to achieve results.

Does the Navy have such determination? Of course!

In the battle on Kent Island, the navy knew that it was no match for the Rocks Pirates, so it decisively gave up the confrontation and instead sent strong men to deal with Hades, a little-known character.

It's just that Hades' strength was misjudged and the mission failed. In addition, the Rocks Pirates got involved and sent "Shiki" Shiki.

Of course, Hades had no intention of reminding him, and there was nothing wrong with the Rocks Pirates' strategy.

If you are targeted by the navy, it can only be said that you are not strong enough and have bad luck.

The Rocks Pirates are ready to move, like a beast about to break free from its cage, ready to explode at any time.

At this time, the Navy was also discussing how to deal with the Rocks Pirates.

Everyone frowned, guessing where the Rocks Pirates' target would be.

"Sihai must send combat power. If nothing is done, if the Rocks Pirates really attack Sihai, we can resist for a while and give an explanation to the participating countries."

Marshal Brak rubbed his temples, but knew in his heart that this was just a rhetoric.

All the elite naval forces from all over the world have been transferred away, so how can they possibly deal with the Rocks Pirates?

Even the pirates in the Four Seas are difficult to deal with with the current strength of the Four Seas Navy.

Moreover, the four seas are so big that it is useless to send a small amount of combat power.

Nowadays, the main position guarded by the navy is the New World, against the Rocks Pirates.

Even the world government does not allow the navy to put its main power in the four seas.

Once the New World Navy falls, the Rocks Pirates will be in a no-man's land.

Whether it's invading the Red Continent or wreaking havoc on the first half of the Grand Line through Fish-Man Island, it can be done.

As for the Four Seas, if the Rocks Pirates really send pirates to target the participating countries, the navy will most likely not be able to catch up.

The Navy has been criticized enough, and this time is no different.

But we can’t do nothing. If we really don’t do anything, the participating countries will have absolute reasons to refuse to hand over the heavenly gold.

Some franchise countries may be waiting for this opportunity.

After the first time, there will be a second time. When the time comes, the world government will be uncomfortable, and the navy will also be uncomfortable.

Therefore, this head cannot be opened, so the navy must take action.

Pirates in the four seas lost the strong suppression of the navy and gradually began to wreak havoc, affecting the overall economy of the four seas.

Some participating countries have issued an ultimatum, and the amount of heavenly gold this year will be reduced.

Marshal Brack has already had an idea, and is going to clean up the pirates in the four seas, deal with all the pirates who are jumping for joy, reduce the number of pirates, and suppress the overall strength of the pirates in the four seas.

This should be able to block the mouths of these franchise countries and give an explanation to the world.

As for those affiliated countries that may be destroyed, the world government can help rebuild them when the time comes.

As long as there are enough reasons and results.

As for how to communicate with the franchised countries, this matter is left to the World Government, and Brack has no time to worry about it now.

"In the first half of the great route, the eight bases are ready to patrol the surrounding waters. Once traces of the Rocks Pirates are discovered, they will report to the headquarters immediately."

The Navy has plans for the Rocks Pirates to attack the four seas and the first half of the Grand Route.

Despite the current intelligence, the Rocks Pirates have the highest probability of taking action against the New World Navy.

But there are some things that must be prepared in advance.

Moreover, the situation of the Rocks Pirates is very wrong now. There are many strange things, especially the loss of contact with the intelligence personnel, which gives Brak a somewhat ominous premonition.

As a naval marshal, Brak has seen too many things.

The situation of the Rocks Pirates was somewhat unreasonable, but he didn't know what the Rocks Pirates wanted to do and where their goal was?

All in all, the Navy needs to go all out to respond.

"Each sea area in the four seas is assigned three lieutenant generals to guard it. As the acting governor, he will coordinate the naval power of the entire sea area and be prepared to deal with the Rocks Pirates. At the same time, he will clean up the increasingly rampant pirates in the four seas."

Twelve vice admirals were dispatched, which seemed like a lot, but only three lieutenants were assigned to each sea area.

There is a list in front of Brack, all of them are vice admirals who are currently in the headquarters.

Take a pen and mark them one by one, and mark the notes at the back.

When others saw it, they knew what Marshal Brak was thinking. There was one vice-admiral for each of the four sea factions, and they were all sent to the corresponding sea areas.

The other two vice-admirals of the navy both sent their own lieutenants who had no connection with the Sihai Faction, and they suppressed the Sihai Faction in terms of numbers.

The position of Acting Governor has nothing to do with the Vice Admiral of the Four Seas Faction, and is held by the Lieutenant General of the headquarters.

This layout represents the beginning of Brak's involvement in the affairs of the Four Seas Navy.

The senior naval officials of the Four Seas Factions wanted to object, but had no reason. Factional disputes cannot be stated openly.

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