Pirate: Hades!

Chapter 46 The Terrible Titan

Hades stood on the roof intact, and the flying gravel and impact were easily deflected by the invisible barrier formed by the domineering force.

The super destructive force of just one blow left those who were not dead, those who were seriously injured, and those who were watching from a distance.

Except for Hades, everyone looked at Titan's ghost-like figure in shock.

Only then did they realize what kind of monster they were facing.

The closer they got to the Titans, the more tragic the situation became, especially those guys who were not humanoid, they couldn't bear to look directly at them.

His heart has long been filled with fear, feeling the terrifying aura of Titan and his undisguised murderous intent.

People further away who didn't know what was happening were also very shocked when they saw the scene caused by Titan.

He didn't dare to get close at all, for fear of being affected.

But this matter was not over yet. Titan turned his head, grabbed the hammers, and walked slowly.



The footsteps sounded a little heavy, accompanied by a "gurgling" sound.

Everyone looked at Titan's figure in fear.

As Titan moved around, his arms waved randomly.

And every blow landed accurately on the fallen and injured pirates and criminals.

To be precise, their heads!

Every step he took meant that one or two heads would be smashed and exploded with a hammer.

The flesh and blood were blurred, and the brains were bleeding to the ground.

Even those pirates who consider themselves vicious felt unbearable vomiting when they saw this scene. It was so disgusting.



In their eyes, Titan was as cruel as a devil, harvesting every life in this way.

Titan didn't feel sick, but rather excited.

On Ruskaina Island, Titan and Hades are usually separated except at night.

He disliked the trouble of preparing food, so in order to satisfy his appetite, Titan spent most of his time eating wild beasts raw when he couldn't wait.

Just like a savage, just sprinkle some flavoring.

With the ability to eat gluttonous fruits and its powerful digestion ability, Titan will not feel any discomfort in his body.

And he likes the feeling of fullness that comes from enjoying delicious food. Under normal circumstances, he will not directly use the power of devouring it to refine it into energy.

Eating is human nature, and it is Titan's natural hobby. The gluttonous fruit strengthens Titan's instinct to devour.

It cannot be replaced by the power of devouring alone.

Titan, who had eaten a lot of beasts alive, would not be affected by this scene at all.

"Run, run!"

Faced with the constant killing of Titans, there are fewer and fewer people alive in this area, and it will soon be their turn.


He was severely injured, and his whole body seemed to have been drained of strength.

They wanted to escape, to break free from the clutches of the Titans.

On the periphery, a small number of people who were still in good condition found that their bodies could not move.

There was an invisible pressure that made their bodies unable to move at all.

Since he said to kill them all, how could Hades allow anyone to escape.

Hades has been able to control the overlord's domineering energy in a targeted manner, and the powerful sense of oppression affects their actions.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Titan also sped up his actions, and his target shifted from those who were injured and unable to move to the pirates who had a chance to escape.

Cooperate with Hades's overlord's domineering energy to eliminate them one by one to prevent anyone from escaping.

This is a massacre, and there is no ability to resist.

Soon, only Hades and Titan were standing in this area, and onlookers from afar did not dare to approach.

No one dares to approach at this time.

And Hades looked at all this quietly, like a hellish scene, without any discomfort in his heart.

"let's go."

Hades said calmly.

Now that the goal has been achieved, there is no need to stay any longer.

Hearing Hades's voice, Titan beat the last person to death, dragging the double hammers that turned blood red, and blood continued to drip from them.

Follow Hades's departure and walk into the distance.

After the two people left completely, the place was still silent, and they didn't even dare to approach.

Even the scavenger, who was used to corpses, did not dare to step forward at this time, and his arms were trembling.

Because the picture is so disgusting.

This was an unprovoked massacre in which many people were completely affected and had no involvement at all.

When Hades secretly released his overlord-colored domineering energy, he had already defined the scope of the massacre.

But are any of them innocent?

Kent Island is a specialized black trading island, full of underground forces and pirates. There are no good people on this island at all.

Even if there were civilians, they were either killed or fled to other places early.

Even a waitress in a red light district might have killed someone and had the status of a pirate.

In the eyes of Hades, there is no one on this island who cannot be killed.

Even the navy would not let anyone go easily if it wanted to attack this island.

In this world, except for himself, there are basically no rules that can bind him.

Even if they were really civilians, Hades wouldn't take action against them.

What's more, there are too many reasons to kill.

It took a long time before anyone dared to approach this "hell on earth" slowly.

"Are those two guys really not afraid of being liquidated? They caused such a big thing."

Looking at the disappeared figure, his voice was still trembling when he spoke.

Nearly two streets were destroyed, many of which belonged to the underground forces, and even the Dark King of the New World stood behind them.

The rest of the buildings can be operated on the island, but they all need to pay taxes to the person in charge of the island.

For such a big loss, someone must bear the price.

It seems that someone has already seen it, and they are looking forward to dealing with these two guys who don't know where they came from.

However, the terrifying combat power displayed by the Titans made some people have no expectations.

Even the underground forces may not dare to offend such monsters, and I don't know if there is any power on the island that can deal with them.

In the new world, those who understand current affairs will be heroes!

If it was really someone they couldn't offend, then they would have no choice but to admit the losses.

In the new world, status is always determined by strength, not business.

For example, four or five years ago, a big earthquake broke out in the underground world of the New World.

The Dark King who controlled the largest supply of goods in the New World and the King of Arms in the Underground World was assassinated.

The arms trade chain in the entire new world is in chaos, with countless forces competing to grab more benefits and occupy the market.

Even become the new king of arms and the king of the underground world.

However, in just one month, the guy named Victor's power expanded rapidly, easily occupying two-thirds of the original King of Arms' power.

The next month, with better weapons, Victor gained trade connections with various forces in the New World, including the Rocks Pirates.

This is not over yet. In another month, several forces with certain competitiveness in the arms trade in the new world have been destroyed or surrendered.

Some forces have existed over the years and have their own territory, which even the original king of arms cannot interfere with.

In this way, Victor annexed them and officially became the dark king of the new world and the uncrowned king of the arms trade.

The famous Dark King was replaced in this way.

Even the arms trade share in the new world is higher than that of the previous generation of arms king.

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