Pieces of Sonder

Chapter 12: Teaming Up

Keeping an eye on her MP bar, Freya channeled her energy through her staff and thrust it against the enchantment.

[250/250 HP] [110/115 MP]

“I guess lyfant enchantments aren’t really that strong,” she said to herself.

The tiny lyfant hiding in the firewood shrieked in anger. Lyfants were a familiar pest to Freya. The pudgy lizard-like demons liked to hide in woodpiles and set enchantments over the wood to make it unburnable. While useful for making a fireproof home, it was not helpful for families trying to get through a cold winter.

Throughout the year Freya checked woodpiles for them. This one looked to be a relatively recent resident. Not much of the wood was infected yet. The only thing she needed to do was break the repelling enchantment around the lyfant.

With its barrier gone, it tried to scurry out of the woodpile.

Freya threw a petrifying potion at it. The small bottle was enough to stun the lyfant. Carefully scooping it up, she put it into a special jar. Lyfants were pests to regular households, but builders paid for them.

“Thank you so much Shaman Evenkey,” a woman came up behind her and pressed a basket in her hands.

“This is what, the third time this has happened? I keep telling my husband to stop collecting wood from the far west forest, but does he ever listen to me? Oh, and this is some apple fritters. Eat ‘em while they’re hot! Thank you so much again.”

“You’re welcome, Mrs. Canera. Your woodpile should still be burnable. I don’t think you’ll have to replace anything. And thanks for the fritters, you’re better than the baker!”

The woman blushed, “My husband always told me I should open up my own place.”

“It’s not too late.”

She waved her hand, “I’ll leave it to the young folk. Thank you again Shaman Evenkey.”

Freya gave a small bow and walked back to the main road. She wondered how old Mrs. Canera was; she didn’t look that much older than her.

Her fritters really were the best. Freya liked almost anything sweet, but the mix of fried savory flavor with sweet apple hit a certain spot.

While licking her fingers of the last of the fritter, a beep sounded in her head.

[Infamous Biscuit: I found a tank for our party. Are you free?]

A rush of excitement flooded Freya. With shaking hands, she tried to reply quickly.

[Freya Evenkey: Yes]

[Infamous Biscuit: K we’re going to meet at the Slow Eye dungeon]

[Infamous Biscuit: Fast travel and meet us there]

Freya couldn’t understand how he responded so fast. 

Calling up her inventory, she put away her staff, messenger bag, and shaman cloak. Her clothes underneath were nothing special. Yina promised her a new outfit would be ready in a few days. Until then, Freya saw nothing wrong with her long sleeve basic shirt and loose pants.

Using the fast-travel system, Freya arrived at the location. Tucked between two large bushes sat the opening of a dark cave, she assumed to be the dungeon. Turning around to examine the rest of her environment, she saw Infamous Biscuit sitting underneath an old-growth tree.

“Good, you made it,” he said, standing up just as another person popped into existence.

The new man wore silver full body armor, making his heavy-set frame even more gigantic. Freya looked above his head.


[Lvl 14 Knight]

[500/500 HP] [30/30 MP]

“Morning,” Infamous Biscuit greeted the newcomer.

“Hello,” Tox said, “Nice to meet both of you.”

He wasn’t as tall as Infamous Biscuit, but his armor set made him seem like a larger presence. After quick introductions, a screen popped in front of Freya.

[Tox wants to join your party]

Freya pressed the agree button.

[All members have agreed to Tox joining your party]

Infamous Biscuit warned her beforehand that she should probably pretend to be a regular player in front of other people. Her NPC and shaman background might attract odd attention. So, Freya pretended this process was normal.

“Before we enter the dungeon, I want to share some information,” Infamous Biscuit said. “This is kind of a low-level dungeon for our team’s level, but I’ve heard it’s best to save your best skills for the boss. There’s a bunch of eyes in the dungeon that are linked to the boss, so if you have any special skills, try to hide them for as long as possible.”

Tox and Freya nodded.

“Anything else then?” Tox asked absently, looking to the dungeon ahead of them.

“No, that’s it,” Infamous Biscuit said, taking his staff out of his inventory.

“Then let’s go.”

Tox led the way into the dungeon with a long sword in one hand and a giant shield in the other. The entrance looked like a small opening to a cave. As they entered, Freya read the text box that popped up.

[Slow Eye Dungeon]

[Minor Dungeon] [Suggested Team Lvl: 12]

Given Freya and Tox were level 14 and Infamous Biscuit was at level 19, it was a good dungeon for them to all get used to working together. Freya worried they would need torches to see in the cave, but enchanted lights lined the walls. Neither player mentioned it, so Freya assumed it might be a normal thing. Infamous Biscuit was slowly filling her in on the game, but it seemed many things normal to him were still odd to her.

Yesterday Infamous Biscuit lectured Freya on how to work in a dungeon raiding team. 

She immediately applied her first lesson as a monster came into view; let the tank attract attention first.

The black-furred fox demon that appeared from the shadows charged Tox. Its head was almost at eye level with the knight.

[Black Vulpes]

[Lvl 10] [170/170 HP]

As it came closer, Freya noticed lots of white spots in its black fur. Once Tox hit it with his shield Freya rushed in.

Lining up her first punch, she realized what the spots were. 


Dozens of eyes covered the demon’s body.

The black pupils of the eyes shifted from Tox to Freya. 

Freya used her double punch skill to hit one of the eyes squarely. It blinked closed. She jumped back to avoid the foxes snapping teeth.

She ran to get behind Tox so he could attract its attention again but found him also retreating.

“Tangling vines!” Infamous Biscuit shouted.

Vines rapidly grew under the fox’s and wrapped around its legs.

“Don’t rush ahead of me!” Tox shouted.

“Sorry,” Freya apologized. She thought Tox was close behind her when she attacked, but maybe he was further behind than she thought.

Now that the black vulpes was momentarily held down, Freya thought it would be a good time to attack, but she waited for Tox to approach it first. He held back.

The monster broke out of the vines and charged.

~Info Corner~
Class Descriptions


[Suitability: Tank]

[Attaining knighthood allows one to build strength and endurance. Knights have a predisposition for wielding long swords and shields. They draw the attention of both friends and foes alike!]

[Innate Skills: Taunting Sound, Shroud of Protection, Judgment Strike]

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