Pick Me Up!

Chapter 25: Weakly Dungeon (4) Part 1

Floor Update: Now on the 5th floor.

Although the weekday dungeon is opened on the 5th floor, there are only three types of dungeons available right after its opening: Isalta Mine, Candleroot Forest, and Singmir Plateau.

In these three dungeons, you can collect inferior elemental stones from the monsters that appear and exchange them for promotion stones, which will enhance your abilities.

The schedule goes as follows: the mine on Mondays and Tuesdays, the forest on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and the plateau on Fridays and Saturdays. On Sundays, all three weekday dungeons are accessible.

I found myself sitting on a bench in the square, relishing a juicy chicken leg.

It had been quite a while since I last tasted meat. I realized it had been over a month since I arrived in this place without a chance to savor its succulent flavors.

Yesterday, thanks to Jenna’s successful hunt, we finally had some meat for our meal. It was a welcomed change. Apart from the debate of whether it tasted good or not, surviving on just potatoes wouldn’t provide a balanced nutritional intake.

“You waited, didn’t you?”


“If you dared to say you didn’t wait, I would have pouted.”

Jenna emerged from our lodging.

She had a bow and quiver strapped to her back, with a dagger hanging from her waist.

“Did you enjoy your meal?”

“It was thrilling! I feel like I have eaten a whole deer.”

At this moment, a lively party was likely underway in the lodging’s dining hall.

Well, that wasn’t our main concern. I spoke up:

“Iselle! I want to venture into the weekday dungeon.”

[Get ready, I’ll open the door!]


The portal to the space and time realm gradually materialized. The current time displayed is 7:48 a.m.

“The available opened weekday dungeon is the plateau, right?”


A day had elapsed in Earth’s time since yesterday. We had been gradually constructing a calendar by comparing the time in the waiting room with Earth’s time. With the last morsel of chicken leg in my hand, I cleanly separated the remaining meat and tossed the bones into the nearby trash bin.

Jenna and I prepared to step into the space and time portal together.

[Climb the tower and save the world!]

[Main Dungeon: Current Floor – 5][A different dungeon experience awaits each day!]

[Weekday Dungeon: Singmir Plateau (11 hours)][Collect a variety of rare materials!]

[Exploration Dungeon][Access denied! Available after clearing the Main Dungeon 10th floor.]

As I looked to the left, the entrance to the main dungeon appeared as a pitch-black void. Given the heroes’ autonomous actions, it was a natural consequence that there were no other accessible areas apart from the weekday dungeon.

“By the way, can we truly become stronger by collecting these materials?”

“Have I ever been wrong? Just follow my lead.”

Jenna, like myself, was on the verge of a promotion. To achieve her promotion, she needed to gather two elemental stones.

Therefore, only the two of us were heading out. Aaron seemed to be compensating for yesterday’s missed training as he tirelessly practiced with his spear since the break of dawn. Dica was there with him, lending a hand.

[I’ve opened the passage. Just step into the mirror!]


I raised my gaze.

Dark clouds loomed in the ash-gray sky. Anytng, our usual connection point, remained disconnected.

Placing my finger on the mirror’s surface, I quickly entered. Faint ripples spread from the point of contact as if the mirror itself reacted to my touch. After taking a deep breath, I pushed my body forward, completely immersing myself into the portal.

The landscape had transformed.

A fierce wind howled, causing the tall reeds in the field to bend low.

[“Temporary Party (Han, Jenna)” has entered the weekday dungeon, Singmir Plateau (Lowest Level). They will gather materials and return!]

Ahead, a dimensional portal unfurled—a gateway reminiscent of the one we had encountered in the forest.

Jenna emerged from the portal, her hand pressed against her forehead as she took in the surroundings.

“What a magnificent view! The cool breeze is refreshing.”

As we stood at the edge of the cliff, the expansive plain stretched out beneath us. While we couldn’t determine the exact height, it seemed to surpass a minimum of 1,000 meters above sea level. Extending our hands beyond the cliff, we encountered an ethereal barrier obstructing our path.

Inside the cliff, a sprawling meadow unfolded before our eyes. Suddenly, a red flower caught my attention—a vibrant bloom nestled within a crevice.

“It’s a Lifebloom.”

I had seen illustrations of this flower, and its six divided petals—a vital ingredient for crafting healing potions. If time permitted, we should gather some before leaving.

“Follow my lead.”

“Got it!”

We pushed through the meadow, forging ahead.

The monster you need to catch here is the Highland Tracker. They have a simple movement pattern. If you follow along here, a river comes out, and around the river…

‘I’m lucky.’

We found it right away.

[Highlands Tracker Lv.10]

Highland Tracker was a giant wolf with blue-black fur.

He was drinking water with his feet in the river. We were crouched under a rock about five meters from the river.

“Is that big boy the prey?”

I nodded without speaking.

I took my sword out of the scabbard and raised my shield. Jenna put an arrow on her bow.

In this realm, we would face the Plateau Trackers—a challenge we were well-prepared for. Each weekday dungeon housed its distinctive guardian: deer in the forest, wolves in the plateau, and snakes in the caves.

“Aim for their legs.”

“Wouldn’t it be better to go for a headshot, taking him down in one strike?”

“He’ll retaliate fiercely.”

Jenna drew her bow, aligning her sights with the wolf, while I unsheathed my sword and raised my shield. She nocked an arrow.

Jenna fixed her aim on the wolf.

The arrow was released.


The wolf agilely evaded the arrow, as if anticipating the attack.

“He evaded!”

“I told you, it won’t be that easy.”

This wolf possessed a unique skill called “Surprise Evade,” which had a high chance of evading projectile strikes. Although attacking non-vital areas would decrease their defensive capabilities, it seemed our tactic had failed as well.


The wolf emanated a clear sense of hostility.

There’s no longer a need to conceal ourselves. I stepped out from behind the rock, slowly revealing my presence.


Yellow droplets flew as the wolf growled.

This creature surpassed the ordinary forest dwellers in size, much like the Forest Queen. Its sinewy limbs displayed robust muscles, and with each growl, its sharp fangs gleamed in the light.

“He looks tough, but I think I can land a strike.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll provide an opening.”

“Let’s go!”

I charged forward, wielding my shield, as the wolf lunged at me.

‘I have to use the Frenzy State.’

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