Pet King

Chapter 79

Chapter 79: Second Group Starts, Sending message if come
Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

When Xiao Yan arrived at the gathering location, there were already four people waiting there. She parked the car a little far away, didn’t turn off the engine, and observed a little through the windows of the car. The four people were all young people, a little younger than her. When the group opened on BBS, there were obviously fifteen people, but in reality including her, there were only a total of five people who came. This was also very normal. It was literally two different worlds online and offline. To have an attendance rate a quarter of the total at this line of meeting was already pretty good. Xiao Yan adjusted the angle of the rearview mirror, and checked her makeup. There were no problems, so she drove the car next to them, stopped, and got out of the car carrying her bag.

Evidently, the Mercedes-Benz S500 she drove had caused psychological pressure on the few young people. They were talking jovially at first, but had simultaneously quieted down in a spontaneous manner. Their gazes were somewhat complex. They probably all walked or had taken the public bus here. There were no cars in sight nearby.

“Everyone is from Wang Haige, right? My BBS ID is ‘Spark’.” She gracefully greeted them.

“Hello, I’m Xiao Niu.” A man wearing sunglasses and a casual jacket spoke.

“I’m Lea.” A slightly short and slightly chubby girl smiled. Her smile was very friendly.

“Black Jack,” a tall and slender sporty man said.

“I am Gu Tianle, ‘Gu’, as in stocks. Yea…although it’s about to become ‘Gu Tianku’ [1]…”

An average looking guy wearing a denim shirt, a backwards baseball cap, an earring in his left ear and growing a very chic beard gave an embarrassed smile.

“Apologies, there was a traffic jam at the city’s center, I came a bit late…is there anyone else who’s coming?” Xiao Yan asked.

Gu Tianle was this group’s group leader, but he was obviously a bit powerless offline. Maybe this was his first time having arranged this type of gathering offline after having mustered up his courage. He looked around and said with uncertainty, “Probably…not?”

Lea spoke up. “Those who wanted to come should have all arrived already. How about we go first?” Everyone did not object.

They were the second group to come visit Amazing Fate Pet Shop through a group on BBS. After the group one visitors had come, there was a big commotion on BBS. One reason was because no one had thought that anchorperson Snowy with such small fame in the local city would be part of group one. The second reason was because Snowy’s live broadcast had revealed that Amazing Fate Pet Shop’s cats could perform stunts, and they were even collective stunts.

At the beginning, the group of spectators on BBS gave a first reaction of the video being fabricated, but this theory was quickly denied. That was because it was a live broadcast, so it wasn’t possible for it to have been fabricated. Also, a few people with small fame on BBS confirmed it from the side, and the famous bumping king and bumping mahatma had even more so patted their chests to guarantee the authenticity of the video. Thus, the organization of the second group was imperative. Led by Gu Letian, the second group was set up, and thus constructed this temporary group.

Everyone’s free time was calculated in the group. It was hard to cater to everyone’s preferences, but this time period was finally decided upon. Five of them came, and among the rest of the people, some backed away at the last minute. Some expressed that they couldn’t match up with the time and that they would go by themselves when they had time, and not with the group. Xiao Yan looked at the traffic signs and said to them, “I can’t park here. I will drive straight to the entrance of the shop. Everyone get in? We should all be able to fit with a little squeeze.” They exchanged glances, all hoping that someone would make a decision.

Black Jack shook his head, “Forget about me, I’ll walk there. I just need to cross a street to arrive there.” Lea was afraid that Xiao Yan would feel awkward and rushed to say, “I’ll sit if you guys don’t! I won’t walk if I can sit in a car, that’s my principle. No wonder I’m getting fatter and fatter, ahhh…” People who were good at laughing at themselves certainly have good relations with other people—especially a fatty who could laugh at herself. They always give a good impression of being harmless to humans and animals to people. The moment Lea’s words were spoken, everyone immediately kindly laughed out loud, and the atmosphere became a lot more relaxed. “I’ll sit too! Don’t sit if you don’t want to! I haven’t sat in a Mercedes in this lifetime yet! I can even brag about it when I go back!” Xiao Niu also followed to laugh at himself, “So what? I’m a loser, who am I afraid of?”

As a group leader, Gu Tianle was in an awkward position. If he also chose to sit in the car, then it would seem as if Black Jack was isolated. He found an excuse for himself. “I’ll also walk there. It happens to help me digest my food.”

Just like that, the five people divided into two teams, even though they weren’t a big number to start with. If it were a horror film, it would definitely be a prelude to death. Having said that, the gathering location was indeed very close to Amazing Fate Pet Shop. It was just two or three hundred meters plus a crossroads; it was just a difference of a few minutes whether you walked or took the car there. It just so happened that it was a red light at the crossroads. The Mercedes-Benz stopped behind the zebra crossing lines to wait for the green light. Gu Tianle and Black Jack waved at them when they passed them on the sidewalk. It appeared that they would arrive first. “Hey, let me ask you guys. Do you guys plan to buy pets?” Lea broke off the silence while she sat in the co-pilot seat. Xiao Niu sat in the backseat. He stretched his legs in between the two front seats, and said, “I have a disposition. My main purpose is to buy one to accompany my mom and dad. They are retired, and are bored and flustered at home every day. I also don’t want them to go play mahjong in a foul atmosphere, so I figured that I could buy a pet for them to find something to do.”

“Hey yo! Pretty filial, huh!” Lea praised him. Xiao Niu scratched his head in embarrassment and coughed, “I’ve just started working, and have made a bit of money, so I want to buy a gift of some sort. I just happened to see on BBS that the pets of this shop are pretty popular…but I heard that the price isn’t that cheap. It sounds pretty expensive…”

As he talked, his glanced towards the chevron symbol at the center of the steering wheel. Lea replied earnestly, “There is no good merchandise that is cheap, good merchandise isn’t cheap. You must buy good merchandise if you are buying for your parents, so that they don’t worry. It’s all right if it’s a little expensive as long as it’s good value for the money.”

Xiao Niu nodded, “You’re right. How about you, Lea?” Lea mocked herself once again. “I want to buy one to accompany myself. A female loser who’s poor, dumb, ugly, and fat like me definitely won’t have anyone who would want me in the future. I’ll just hold a pet and slowly grow old! Haha!”

Xiao Niu didn’t laugh in return, but instead retorted, “Lea, your character is good, you have good relations with people, and there’s no pressure when being with you. You will definitely have someone who will want you. Don’t they all say that fatties are common stocks and uncommon profits? Then again, you’re just slightly chubby.” He emphasized, “slightly”. Lea laughed. “Don’t compliment me in case you make me lose my determination to lose weight. I will blame you in the future!”

The two were talking and laughing, and Lea was afraid that Xiao Yan was being left out. She then asked, “Spark, how about you? You’ve come with the intention of buying a pet, right?” The light turned from red to green, and Xiao Yan was focused on observing the left and right, while focusing on accelerating. She replied, “I have a cat at home, and I heard that this shop can give baths to cats, so I planned to come take a look.”

“Oh.” Lea turned around to look in the backseat, “Then where’s your cat? Placed in the trunk?”

“I didn’t bring it,” Xiao Yan replied lightly. “I’m just taking a look first. I can’t let my cat be wronged.”

Xiao Niu was speechless, “…”

Lea was also speechless, “…”

Were all wealthy people such d*cks?


[1] The last part of Gu Tianle’s name, “Le”, meant, “happy,” in Chinese. To change it to “Ku” meant “to cry”.

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