People start to travel across the world in Gundam Creation

Chapter 9

It was precisely because of this that it was quite difficult for Lake to understand how Liuli got that figure. Even after he got it, he didn't give it to him... nor did he take it out to share with him the joy of shipping it.

"I drew it on the official website event before"

"Web activity? Isn't that the lowest probability extraction method?"

Lake was quite impressed by the so-called web event, because he was deceived quite miserably in the first place. The requirement for participation is points that can be obtained by purchasing models in the official store. However, this is not the most deceitful, because those points are obtained The models in exchange were all what Lake wanted. The most deceiving thing was that Inushiro, a shady businessman, had stuffed them with countless unsold realm fighters, realm fighters, and realm fighters in order to make money. , and other models that no one is willing to buy at all. Who wants those models that have nothing to do with Gundam, are still low in popularity, and have ugly looks? When Lake used points to draw these models of realm fighters, I almost didn't want to go to Inudona and talk to the staff who organized this event about my life ideals.

I like stuffing, which no one wants. It's just for the fun of clearing inventory. It's better, like Strike Freedom. MB, fix Bai Xueji and other sea view rooms are not too much. The probability of drawing is so that players can evaluate whether the person drawn has stacked the lifespan. Among them, it is undoubtedly the most difficult to draw. How to get the 1:1 figure Liuli?

"I got it with points."

Liu Li didn't know why Lake had such an unacceptable attitude, but she still explained the whole story truthfully to Lake and Eve, who had completely turned on the silent mode at this time and said nothing.

After Lake had finished drawing the points, he had no interest in this thing. Liuli didn’t smoke in the web event until the points were about to expire, she felt like she didn’t need to use them up and felt a little bit of a loss.

"Wait, something is wrong."

Lake couldn't help but interrupt Liuli.

"Liuli, you only bought one SD Yuanzu at that time. According to the exchange rules of the event at that time, the SD Yuanzu you bought was not enough to draw one and ten rounds, but only enough to support one single draw."

"I hit it right away."

Liu Li still didn't understand why. Isn't this strange? At that time, she thought it was so easy to get it, and she thought it was something that could be obtained casually.

So when she saw that the boss wanted this figure so much, Liu Li took it. This 1:1 figure was used as part of the"funds" to purchase the model store.

"Original, that’s how it is"

"Liuli, is Lake okay? He seems very disappointed."

"It'll be fine after a while."

Liuli said, who was already used to it.

According to Lake's previous behavior, he quickly thought that this was a sign that his bad energy was about to leave, and he would get better later.


Half an hour later, Lake, Liuli, and Eve arrived in front of the model store that had been purchased.

"Interstellar Model Shop, the name has not been changed."

Lake put his hand on his forehead.

"It doesn't matter what the name is, it won't matter. If you want to change it, you can change it."

"No, there is no need to change the name. If the name needs to be changed, the only good names that can be changed are Blue Eyes White Dragon Model Shop, Ta Nosi Model Shop, Li Abao Model Shop, Red Escape Triple Speed ​​Model Shop, etc."

"Aren't those names uglier?"

Liuli complained, and Eve couldn't help but nodded.

The three of them entered the model store. Lake looked around at the shelves. Lake was slightly surprised by how complete the shelves were. After Liuli took over, he bought so many more models. ah

"Thank you, Liuli."

Lake is not a fool. He knows very well who Liuli makes these models for.

Liuli smiled slightly and did not answer Lake's words.

"Well, it’s time to figure out why Eve is here to look after the store."

After a few minutes, Lake got down to business with a slight embarrassment. Although the blond girl Eve didn't have any strange thoughts about the interaction between him and Liuli,

Lake was embarrassed to be looked at like this by this person. Continue to look at Liuli

"Eve, this is for you."

Like magic, Lake took out a Harrow from the system space and handed it to Eve

"Wow, thanks Lake."

Eve's face was full of surprise and she took the big green hello that jumped into her arms.

"Hello, Eve"

"This Hello's smart phone is enough to help look after the store and protect Eve's safety. After that, we will recruit a female clerk to look after the store."

Lake said.

Harrow was modified by him by spending the points obtained from completing tasks in the system space. In addition to the normal mode of helping to look after the store, Lake also installed a guardian mode specifically designed to protect Eve from returning home.

Once detected If someone wants to do harm to Eve, this mode will be automatically turned on, activating the ultra-small machine gun hidden inside and the laser gun used against people to ensure that no one can harm Eve.

And recruiting a female clerk will even more Most of this is to protect Eve's safety. Well, a girl like Eve, who is not particularly old and looks very beautiful, may be bullied in the store even though the average quality in this world is very high. Hello, we need to add an extra layer of insurance, so we still need to find a reliable and kind-hearted girl to help.

"Lake, I can do this alone."

Eve said with a little confidence. She was very grateful to Lake for giving Harrow to help look after the store, but she still had to find someone to help look after the store. She always felt like she was being underestimated.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Eve, that's not what I meant, but you and Haro can't just visit such a big store. You have to find a clerk to help."

Well, although Hello's role as a store clerk is probably a selling point for this store, Inushiro has also sold a Hello-type pet machine, but the price and mobility are not as good as his. Under the circumstances, a Harrow clerk shouldn't attract too many people.



"Okay, I'll leave this to you Eve. If you really can't solve the problem with Harrow, Si Jian at home can directly connect to help."

After giving Eve a general introduction to what the job requires, Lake patted Harrow. When he encounters a trouble that even Harrow cannot solve with the lowest probability, he can ask the AI ​​at home called Si Jian to directly connect to Harrow. Helping, this was not Lake's idea, but Liuli's suggestion.

"Well, I will keep an eye on the store and wait for you to come back, Lake."

Eve said while hugging Harrow.

"Okay, let's go first."

After saying that, Lake opened the system panel and teleported him and Liuli to the SEED world.

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