People start to travel across the world in Gundam Creation

Chapter 51

As for the cruiser that had been deployed in another direction to sneak attack on the Archangel, it was packed with battleships as soon as it appeared, and the two fake MSs were sieved by concentrated fire.

The entire battle situation can be said to have briefly tilted towards the Desert Tigers and then overwhelmingly towards the Archangel.

"I didn’t expect Desert Tiger to appear so soon."

At this time, Lake controlled the Creation Flame to face Butterfield, who was driving Lakor and bringing his lover Aisha with him to fight.

Once he attacked, he paid no attention to anyone and only came towards him. He was looking for The rhythm of his duel?

"Isn't this all thanks to you, Brother Baylek? My team has been reduced to this in one fell swoop. As a captain, I can't even stand up if I don't come out."

Butterfield said, while Lako fired the beam cannon at the Creation Flame, his voice full of distress.

"Really, that's really sorry, I always like to be quick about this kind of battle."

As he said that, Chuang Ranyan raised his ship-cutting knife and slashed at the two green beams that were coming, and scattered the beams directly.

"????Hey, Brother Lake, are you really human?"

In Rakko's cockpit, Butterfield, who looked uncomfortably with Aisha, couldn't help but ask.

He just showed him a hand-to-hand bullet a few days ago, and he had already judged that the other party was on the MS. It was definitely not that easy in the end, but this time he held a big knife that looked like it was on fire, and used it to split the light beam.

Was he fighting someone, or was he fighting someone wearing a coat? Fighting a monster piloted by a human-skinned monster?

He can defeat this kind of opponent by relying on people. Even if there are other battles on Te Ya's side, he won't be so short-changed, right? It's so small to fight this kind of monster. Can it be solved by producing a machine?

"Of course I am a human being, and there is no need to think about whether I am a specially adjusted human being who spent a lot of money. Today's technology cannot reach my level."

No, it turns out that you yourself know that you are extraordinary." Butterfield twitched the corners of his mouth, how could he spit out this?

"It's really strange that someone like you can appear among natural people."

The chat is still going on, but Bartfield's operations are not as easy as the words in his mouth. While the muzzle of Rakko is firing a beam, he is trying to distance himself from the creative flames.

"I'm just an ordinary person who has learned the Dimension Overlord style."

After Lake said that, he created a flame thruster that glowed brightly, leaped into the air and kicked towards Lako.

"So fast!"

Butterfield was startled and hurriedly controlled Lako to dodge to the side. It was only when the flying kick almost hit his face that he managed to avoid it at the extreme angle of the flying kick.

However, at this time, he was created However, the ship-cutting knife in Ranyan's hand was shortened by the distance between the two parties. The moment the burning flame hit the ground, it slashed towards Lakou's gun barrel.

"This is basically the end."

Without waiting for Tiger's next reaction, Lake controlled the creative flames and kicked Lako away. He jumped up and a rail cannon shot from behind exploded on the ground.

"Red machine! Yitzhak roared angrily.

Duel, who was stepping on the flight pedal, raised his hand to shoot two green beams of high power after seeing the flames of creation avoided. Lake first used his ship-cutting knife to split these particles at will.

Then he observed Mei Compared with the equipment used in the previous battle, the duel now has new equipment.

There is a new shield, which is obviously a double-shot large beam rifle, and The large beam saber thing is obviously the same thing as the new equipment used by Xigu driven by Cruze before. It seems to be something similar to Xunlei's attack shield system, with the other side free Missile launchers added to shoulders

"Aren’t you happy that you’ve added so many things?"

Lake asked curiously. Well, in order to ask this question, he cut to the public channel and said it. Because of the distance, only the Desert Tigers heard this except Yitzhak himself.

"Not happy, hey, this nickname suits that kid quite well."

Bartfield, who was manipulating the damaged Rakko to stand up, smiled when he heard this. When the white-haired boy came to him, he opened his mouth with a red machine, and his face was so angry that it could be said that he was gnashing his teeth in hatred.

Said. I'm not happy, it's really appropriate

"Andy, when did this happen?"

Aisha couldn't help but have a black thread hanging on her head..

"What, not happy, you bastard!"

The nickname Lake mentioned, and the approval of this nickname by Bartfield, who even though he asked his subordinates to help remind them and provide information to help them correct the OS after arriving, he refused to let them solve the problem of creating the Flame at the beginning of the battle.

Take a look. It broke a chord in Yitzhak's mind.

"You have a bad temper. This is just a friendly nickname for you."

Seeing the duel begin with fierce attacks on him with beam rifles, missiles, railguns and all the weapons equipped on him, Lake didn't feel nervous at all.

While still teasing, he controlled the Creation Flame and held the ship-cutting knife and the whole body moved at high speed on the spot. It spun up and turned into a small red tornado that crashed towards Duel.

As for the attacks launched by Duel, they were all swallowed up by the tornado.

"This bastard, why do you always……"

At this moment, Yitzhak was feeling both angry and a little broken. Why, what exactly was it? Every time he thought he was ready, but then the other party would do something like this that completely violated his common sense.

Why on earth is there such a mobile suit in the world? It is obviously a G-series body, but their body does not have this kind of performance.

"How can I keep losing to this bastard?"

Knowing that escaping was impossible, and having no intention of doing so, Yitzhak backhandedly removed all the extra equipment from the duel, took out the large beam saber under the attack shield, and used all his strength to attack the red tornado created by the burning flame.

Since this The battery in the attack shield didn't have much power left, so he might as well use it all on the beam saber and gamble on whether he could use this opportunity to kill this damn red machine. In an instant, the particles colliding with each other sparked a dazzling arc.

"I played pretty well this time. I’m just looking forward to my next battle with you."


Just when Yitzhak was confused, the red tornado disappeared, and Creation Yanyan, who was holding a ship-cutting knife, chopped off Duel's attack shield and his arm.

Then, he kicked Duel over with one kick. Taking advantage of the moment when Duel was kicked over, Yan Yan, who had withdrawn his ship-cutting sword, grabbed Duel's feet.

"Mr. Unhappy, next I wish you a pleasant journey.

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