People start to travel across the world in Gundam Creation

Chapter 36

No, it’s not just the pink cut black. The most important thing is that before this battle started, the person who created the Burning Flame must have planned everything with Lux Klein and was waiting for him. Ze went on stage like a clown to act out this scene

"…Klein and the unknown driver were all waiting for me."

The face under Cruze's mask was extremely ferocious at the moment. The new equipment specially equipped for the battle not only brought him a similar fate as before. He also had to forcibly stop the battle and was killed by the man opposite him. The unknown coalition pilot was manipulated like a puppet and was forced to follow the route designed by the opponent.

For Cruze, it was even more aggrieved than Heliopos was at that time. It was simply aggrieved. The feeling of being at home... is even worse than killing him!

He was obviously the one who played this kind of role before, but he has changed from a trader to this kind of clown again and again.

"It seems that Captain Cruze still needs help on his way back. Let me help you."

Although Cruze didn't open the public channel when he said this, Lake still felt Cruze's resentment.

Creation Burning Flame suddenly rushed in front of Xi Gu, and before Cruze could control the machine to retreat, Creation Burning Flame suddenly Yan kicked Xigu's head with one kick.

When the whole head was kicked to pieces, Xigu's body also flew out quickly.

"team leader!"

Aslan was shocked. He had just heard the news that Lux was being held hostage by the Union Army when he was fighting with Kira, and he angrily accused Kira of actually wanting to fight under such a despicable Union Army.

Then Captain Cruze was beaten out and his head seemed to be missing.

"team leader!"

"I'm fine. For the safety of Ms. Lux Klein, the entire army will retreat first."

Is it an illusion?

Why does the captain feel a little angry?

Aslan was stunned, but after thinking about it, he understood the reason for the anger as being caused by the despicable coalition using Lux as a hostage to force them to retreat and negotiate.

Then Ke Luze issued a retreat order and retreated with the remaining Jinn and Holy Shield. After the retreat, the Archangel first joined the advance team.

Regarding the return of Lux, it belonged to the Halbarton faction, and Copeman of the Non-Orchid Chrysanthemum faction also agrees very much.

It is a big trouble. The only people who have made friends with the high-ranking group are those in the Atlantic Federation who are very good friends with the blue chrysanthemums


Fuck you, what a shame. Is it because they don’t think about the political consequences?

ZAFT provoked the closest thing, and the unlucky one is the Eighth Fleet, not to mention letting the bastards above use it to satisfy their own interests. , the last remaining scraps will not be left.

Now the Eighth Fleet cannot get much supplies, and the fact that basically all of the fleet is composed of new recruits is the best proof, so now the two sides have shown their combat strength and given Copeman's feeling is that it would be best to have one less thing to worry about. After all, it seems that the fight can be won at present, but with such a small number of people in their advance team, they really can't bear that the battleship and MA are not used as targets by the opponent. The losses caused.

Therefore, with the unanimous approval of all senior officers, the Archangel quickly contacted the Kruse team through public communications and agreed to return Lux Klein.

And under Lake's impromptu suggestion Next, Malu, who was in charge of the negotiations, added in the negotiation that ZAFT's Cruze team was the culprit in destroying Orb's neutral satellite Heliopos, so it had an unshirkable responsibility for the destruction of Heliopos. , therefore, we hope that PLANT will jointly shoulder the refugee issue and be responsible for sending the Orb refugees currently taken over by the United Army to Orb.

In this regard, Cruze, who could vaguely see that he wanted to use the refugees to contain them from temporarily causing trouble, was thinking in his heart. Even though he was scolding, he could only hold his nose and agree, because after he led his team to retreat, the Supreme Council of PLANT quickly sent an order, asking him to lead his team to negotiate with the coalition forces.

And this kind of assistance to the refugees to return to themselves Neither the Sarah faction nor the Klein faction on the current PLANT Council would object to the country's request.

Therefore, Kruse personally led the people to accept the refugees and Lacus Klein, and was responsible for the process. The one who returned Lux ​​to the Holy Shield was Ruri Hoshino, who was driving the SD Originator, and the one who returned Nigel was Kira

"Please come over"

"Thank you, Liuli, help me say thank you to Lake"


"What a young girl. Aslan , who had confirmed that he had received Lux ​​and Nigel, had just felt disappointed because Kira refused to leave together, and he was looking at Liuli again with doubts. If he was an older natural person, he could still understand it. Because he is talented in piloting MS, why are there such young female pilots?

Is that girl also an adjuster?

The defense is really good.

Kruse, who was sitting on the Vesalis, turned dark.

On their side While sending out a shuttle to accept the refugees, the Archangel set up four mobile suits at the same time in order to return Lux.

This posture clearly shows who it is for, needless to say.

You have to concentrate on allocating them. The team is attacking.

Cruze calculated the possibility of killing the Archangel and the Eighth Fleet that were about to join the Archangel with several other nearby warships that could be mobilized for him.

Considering the current situation, his Xigu's head is gone, and the backpack's cannon is also broken. After repairing it, he can still catch up with the next battle, but if the same result happens again, Cruze cannot bear it. Therefore, additional teams must be dispatched. Even if the Creation Flame and the pilot cannot be killed, at least the Eighth Fleet must be severely damaged, or the entire Eighth Fleet must be killed.

Even if the wise general Halbarton is now marginalized by the Atlantic Federation upper class together with Blue Chrysanthemum, this It's an eyesore if he keeps them alive.

Getting rid of them is the best thing for his plan.


One day after the battle in which the Cruse team attacked the advance party of the Eighth Fleet, the Archangel reunited with the main force of the Eighth Fleet.

After reuniting with the main team, in compliance with Admiral Halbarton's request, the Archangel directly tied up with the flagship Menelaos and docked next to the flagship to facilitate Halbarton who wanted to come to the ship to take a look. Admiral

"Do you need me to appear next? Liuli asked Lake

"Yes, Admiral Halbarton not only wants to come to this ship to have a look, but also wants to talk to us officers. You always need a meeting, and the rest will be left to your reticent setting. Lake said with a smile.

In terms of the identity settings assigned to them by the system, their personalities were also based on their own.

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