People start to travel across the world in Gundam Creation

Chapter 14

Thor and others thanked him unaccustomedly.

They were having some trouble with Malu just now, but now they took a bottle of water from Lake, who was also a member of the coalition and one level higher than Malu.

"No need to thank you. Although you are temporarily recruited, you are still helping with the work."

"Well, after we finish the work for you, when it's safe, can you let us go?"

Seeing that Malu beside Lekebi seemed to be talking a lot, Thor couldn't help but ask this question.

"If the matter is almost resolved, I can let you leave.……"

"Major Lake……"

Ma Liu frowned and was about to speak when Lake said the second half of the sentence.

"However, if you leave right here, no one will really care about your life or death."

"How is it possible? We are Orb's people. Sai said incomprehensibly.

Heliopos is Orb's satellite. Even if the satellite is attacked by ZAFT, isn't Orb still a neutral country? Troops should be sent to rescue them.

"It seems you teenagers haven’t understood the situation yet."


" Liuli glanced at Lake in surprise. At this time, Lake had just added a few years to his age entirely because of the system settings.

Calling others a boy made him enter the role faster.

"First of all, the entire satellite has begun to block various shelters due to the battle just now, and the shelters are basically full as usual. Where are you going to take refuge?"

"You can wait for Orb's people to come to the rescue."

Thor said immediately.

"Waiting for Orb?"

Lake smiled.

"How long will it take for Orb to come over now? How long will it take for ZAFT to launch another attack and dismantle the satellite? Now, Orb has helped the Alliance build mobile suits. Don’t you still think that you have the status of a neutral country? You can avoid all trouble."

Hearing this, Thor, Sai, Kaz, and Miriali were all silent. Kira, who was on the attack, changed his mind a little because of Lake's words.

The situation is so dangerous, and he can pilot a mobile suit. To a certain extent, he has to cooperate with these coalition members so as not to cause any problems to his companions.

"Of course, I am just saying these words to tell you that Heliopos is not safe now. For the time being, obey our orders and follow us until you reach a safe place where you can disembark without revealing the secrets."

"Major Lake, are you telling the truth?"

Seeing that another drama king appeared in front of him, Thor couldn't help but ask

"Why did I lie to you teenagers? Besides, three units of the G series have been taken away by the other side. To a certain extent, the secrets here are no longer so important, and ZAFT will invest those machines sooner or later. The battlefield is used to strengthen our own combat power and slap the United States in the face. Why can't we let you leave if you promise not to leak secrets?"

"Uh, Major……"

Ma Liu on the side suddenly felt as if a knife had been stabbed in the back, and Lake's self-defeating behavior towards the United made Ma Liu stand out for a moment.

How could anyone in the Alliance Army complain about the Alliance Army like this...

Well, well, although her mentor and boss, Commander Hal Barton of the Eighth Fleet, occasionally complained about the Alliance in front of her, or even more. To be precise, the upper echelons of the Atlantic Federation have so much money. People who have been corrupted by blue chrysanthemums have begun to increase in the army and denounce the incompetence of the Atlantic Federation.

But is it really okay to say this in front of civilians or civilians in a neutral country?

After Lake successfully asked Thor and the others in front of him to sort out the current situation, Malu prepared to command a few people to install equipment for the assault.

Sword equipment with close combat as the core attack method was installed on the assault

"Is this an energy pack?"

Kira asked

"The energy pack and the equipment pack are integrated together. As long as they are installed, they can provide energy. The x106 should also be able to use this set of equipment."

Maru said and looked at Lake's creation, the Flame Gundam.

"It is indeed possible. After all, the interfaces are the same now, just plug them in."

"Current interface?"

"It's nothing, don't worry."

Lake waved his hand and ignored the topic.

"My machine still has enough power. I don’t need to charge it now. I’ll just give me the weapons there to use later."

"However, isn’t there not much equipment left in the machine body?"

Ma Liu wondered, the standard weapons such as beam rifle and shield that should be equipped on the entire machine body are gone.

"It's okay, you can fight as long as your hands and feet are still there"

"But that kind of attack method can't defeat enemy planes, right?"

"Captain, the ones you mentioned are only limited to other mobile suits, just like the PS armor. Because my body is equipped with new technologies, it is the most suitable body for melee combat."

"New technology?"

Ma Liu couldn't help but look confused. Although she had read relevant information about the G series before coming to Heliopos as the vice-captain of the Archangel to receive the G series.

However, it was only because of the joining of Lake and Liuli. For the two G series that appeared, all Ma Liu knew was the rough information given by the system.

The so-called new offensive and defensive position technology developed by referring to the relevant technical information of umbrellas leaked from Eurasia. No matter how powerful it is, it's impossible to fight without equipment.

If it really has such powerful technology, the technicians will not only install a custom backpack on this Gundam, but also make it use all-purpose assault equipment.

"That's it. Anyway, I don't have to worry about my body for the time being."

As soon as Lake said this, Ma Liu, who was not very hard-tempered and had a layer of military rank buffs, had no choice but to not discuss the topic for the time being. However, at this time, Ma Liu thought of another thing that she thought was very important.

"Wait a minute, Major, the two G's equipment should still be in the Gnaku over there. Now we should let them go.……"

"It's just parts and spare equipment. It would be better to wait until we meet up with other members of our team to get them."

Lake shook his head and said.

For him, those are some useless parts and interesting new ways of using high-loss equipment given by the system.

There is no need to rush to get them.

There is no need to create burning flames with those things. Still able to fight

"But now"

"The enemy might be coming now."

Leck, who sensed someone approaching, raised the corner of his mouth with an imperceptible arc. The next moment, just as Ma Liu was about to speak, a violent explosion came from above the heads of everyone, which was the important central axis of the satellite..In this explosion, the first one to rush out was Xigu, which ZAFT had only mass-produced in a small amount and was specially allocated to elite drivers.

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