People in Zongman: The private diary at the beginning is exposed

Chapter 162

Chapter 162 Conduct research!!

[October 8, 2015, cloudy day in the new calendar]

[When I woke up in the morning, I saw through the window that it was covered by thick dark clouds, and the air was even more dull, so that my chest was a little relaxed, and my breathing was a little uncomfortable, and I could fully foresee that a heavy rainstorm was coming]

[Weather forecast also reported]

[It is said that there will be heavy rainfall and a storm soon, whether it is junior high school or high school college, all of them have closed school early, based on this, the dome and Yuno Masahi also seem to be completely free, don’t say how excited and happy they are at home, maybe this is the fun of students being able to go to school without going to school, okay, although for people like me who don’t go to school every day, I don’t feel the slightest, but I am a little disgusted by this cloudy day and rain.]

[Until my aunt finally couldn’t stand it, took a drill and put it in front of the dome, the dome was completely quiet, and Yuno Masari saw that the atmosphere was wrong, and immediately hid in my room, it was quite exciting, but even if she didn’t hide, it didn’t matter, anyway, Auntie couldn’t identify Yuno Masari’s real body, at most, she was caught by the dome and let Yuno Masari study with her]

[Perhaps, this is also the last thing Yuno Masahi wants to face.]

[……… ]

[Dome is studying, my side is also about to start, just saw that Yu Nai Yari has nothing to do, so I asked her to help me protect the Dharma, to prevent Aunt and Dome from suddenly pushing the door in, the secret exposure of cultivation magic is a trivial matter, one is not good to hurt Aunt and Dome is not good, after all, the research I am going to do in magic now is full of unknown dangers.]

[After a night and a morning, I got a lot of inspiration from the magical knowledge of the Gray Magician Association transmitted by Lavinia, it turns out that not no one in the wizarding world has carried out research in this aspect, but in the end it all ended in failure, so in the end it naturally became an irrevocable iron law in the wizarding world… ]

[I can understand that]

[Although, these are some failure cases, at least some magicians’ ideas are good, and they coincide with me, which fundamentally makes me take a lot less detours and saves a lot of time… ]

[……… ]

Wizarding ———

Some magicians of the older generation, seeing that the diary master was really ready to carry out deeper development and excavation in terms of magical attributes, couldn’t help but sit up one by one, with an extremely serious expression, like students seeking knowledge.

If someone else makes such a point.

These old guys, don’t say that they are serious about it, they have long been sarcastic and disdainful.

However, this matter is completely different for the diary owner, and even at the beginning, some of them feel in their hearts that the diary owner is completely delusional that this kind of thing is simply impossible to achieve.

Immediately, thinking of all kinds of incredible things that the owner of the diary has experienced and created, I can’t help but have a touch of hope and expectation for it, if this matter can really succeed.

If you successfully create the perfect magic of the healing type with the dark attribute.

Importance to the entire wizarding world.

It is completely a qualitative change, and it is also enough to completely break the rules and iron laws that countless magicians have been following, and the impact is no less than the first miracle perfect magic of mankind obtained by the diary master [miracle magic: Blue King Order]

As for success or failure.

I can only quietly wait for the update of the diary content displayed by the mobile phone in front of me.

[……… ]

[If you want to deeply develop and excavate the dark attribute, the minimum premise is to thoroughly understand the dark attribute, if you don’t eat it thoroughly, no matter the in-depth development and excavation of any attribute is nonsense]

[It is often said that darkness and light are positive and negative, two attributes that are absolutely opposite, I agree with this, but I also have some of my own opinions, darkness has corrosive, extremely destructive negative factors, that light, is one of the fundamental growth of all things]

[The opposite of the two, the two are supportive, they are not like water and fire are completely incompatible, even if it is water and fire, these two magical attributes have appeared in a person’s body at the same time, darkness and light are even more so There is no absolute opposition in the world, in my impression that the strongest person who masters light in the three realms is the God of the Bible, and the strongest person who masters darkness is the first demon kings of the underworld, which is understandable at this point.]

[If the two really don’t blend at all, Kiba Yuto’s forbidden hand transformation [Double Overlord’s Holy Demon Sword] in the future [Demon Sword Creation] is completely impossible. ]

Now, there is a loophole in that celestial system, and the polar fall of the three realms to control the saint and the demon has caused an abnormality, which is completely where to coax children.

[Even if the God of the Bible and the first demon kings of the underworld are powerful, they cannot completely represent the concepts of holy and devil, dark and light in the three realms, if the infinite dragon god Orpheus and the great red come, it is almost the same… ]

[……… ]

[In the dark attribute magic, my entry point is still based on the theory of opposites]

[……… ]

In the beginning.

The gods and gods and demons race, and even some secret beings, completely scoffed at the idea of the diary master.

To this ———

It is really only those magicians in the wizarding world who have studied it, and their gods and demons have not carried out in-depth development and excavation of dark attributes or other attributes.

How could it not be.

As the gods who have been dominating the three realms since the beginning of heaven and earth, the deep development of both the power attribute and the cultivation system is unimaginable to ordinary people

It’s just that those magicians in the wizarding world all ended in failure, but based on the long and almost infinite lifespan of these immortal species, although all the research in this area failed, some stubborn gods or demons did not completely give up, but still persistently researched.


These gods, who also studied attributes, saw the view of the owner of the diary in the content of the diary.

Start with the theory of opposites?!

Suddenly, many gods began to think seriously, as members of the same research on magical attributes, they were not like other gods, because the diary master and their own hostility and prejudice so degraded the diary master.

Instead, I seriously pondered the feasibility of this theory.

After all———

Everything in the world has opposites, but opposites can support each other or even integrate under certain circumstances and conditions, and this novel and popular theoretical view of cognition is really worth studying.


Someone was already one step ahead of them six years ago.

Suddenly, these gods put down their research and began to seriously read the contents of the diary displayed on their mobile phones word by word.

[……… ]

[Yes, if you carry out in this direction, you really get a lot of useful things, as long as it continues, maybe you can really succeed.]

[Looking at the sky outside, there is no light, even the moonlight is completely shrouded in thick dark clouds, and from time to time there is an extremely dull thunderous sound, it seems that heavy rain will come tonight… ]

[Regarding the excavation and development of the dark attribute, I will only carry out tomorrow, and at the same time, I also asked Lavinia to once again try to collect the research materials she has in this area, whether it is a complete failure or other circumstances and terminate]

[……… ]

[October 9, 2015, heavy rainstorm]

[……… ]

[Looking at the heavy rainstorm outside, this should be the first time I have seen such a rapid rainstorm, the storm even lifted the big trees at the door, in order to prevent accidents, I immediately arranged a dozen defensive and solid magic around the house]

[After all, these neon houses are built to prevent earthquake disasters when prioritizing this aspect, so they are not very good at storm resistance]

[……… ]

[After I repeatedly confirmed that there were no other hidden dangers, I put my heart down, but the leader of my aunt, who has been talking with my aunt on the phone, is extremely concerned about the situation here, speaking of which, I remember that a few days ago, the passionate leader of this aunt wanted to persuade my aunt to move with me and Qiong, and move to a house with a better safety factor at least, but was rejected by my aunt.]

[First, my aunt feels a little dramatic, because the location of our family is not the center of the heavy rainstorm, and we will not move for this matter, and secondly, my aunt has her own dignity and self-respect, even if the two people have almost confirmed the relationship now, but they do not want to rely too much on others, which is completely the embodiment of independent women.]

[In this regard, Dome and I completely agree with my sister-in-law]

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