People In Another World: Reincarnated Dragon, Call Me Godzilla

Chapter 26 The Protoss Of The Sun! Proud Golden Dragon Girl!

In the past, the private rifts and pathetic schemes of the ancient dragons tore apart the entire dragons, causing them to lose their supremacy in the multiverse.

Goreth knows how to restore his glory, and now he just needs to find the remaining powerful people to share with them the wisdom of the dragon pack.

In just a few seconds, Goreth and Star King Dragon ended their meeting and reached an agreement.

However, although it was very short-lived, Xingwanglong felt something from Gores that did not exist in the dragon kings of the past dynasties. More importantly, He has already understood his existence. Compared with the unmatched destructive power, the side he surrendered is more in line with the image of "pressure".

And not long after, Goreth will leave here to carefully investigate the whereabouts of the stolen "Star Dragon Egg", so that she can get rid of the fate of being bound by other races.

Watching the departure of the Black Dragon Emperor, Xingwanglong gathers the planets around its body in the palm of its hand, emitting dazzling brilliance like the Milky Way. In the short trajectory of the universe's destiny, he sensed the protoss relatives of the Star-Forging Dragon Clan scattered in the multiverse.

In the short moment in the past, Xingwanglong made a promise to Goreth: [If you can find the lost son of my family, "I will use the stars to cast the supreme Kagura for you".

Is it your own ultimate magic weapon?

Grace was looking forward to that moment.

When he left this world called Boundless Void, he felt a kind of emotion that had never appeared in Xing Yulong was sprouting.

It is for anticipation.

But at this moment, Star King Dragon called Goreth to stop him. He spread out his palm, and a sphere more abundant than the sun's rays appeared, and flew towards Goreth.

"Dragon Emperor named Goreth, remember, you have not yet gained the trust of our clan. But because you are different from other giant dragons who are arrogant and arrogant, you are willing to give a helping hand to our clan. As the "Star Dragon Ancestor", I should naturally offer my blessings to the newborn Dragon Emperor—this is my gift to you, and it can be regarded as your next help to my family

Gores stared at the front, a huge solar disk was about to be completed.

Immediately afterwards, a magic crystal ball shining in the starry sky flew towards him quickly, getting smaller and smaller, and fell into his hands.

The melting sunlight permeating the surface of this magic ball is the oldest batch of creations under the careful polishing of Star King Long Weili and Huimang.

That was the moment when Xingwanglong sprinkled its own light to thousands of creatures for the first time, and only the original protoss had a chance to see the treasure.

Goreth's heart trembled slightly, and he stared intently at the front, as if a warm energy burst out from a star in the magic crystal ball, stroking his fingertips.

And the energy inspired by each star is different, reflecting the creator's protoss, like a rare gem.

It is like a lightly burning snowflake in the universe, resisting the boundless darkness.

"The star is not made by nature, but from my heart. It is a star with life that I cast, only to illuminate the eternal emptiness, and will become my messenger to serve you."

That's the end of Xingwanglong's words.

Grace saw the gradual transformation of a star in a sphere in the palm of his hand.

Suddenly there was a flash of light ahead, and a beam of bright sunlight radiated out like an eggshell cracking.

This is unreasonable. But soon Grace realized that it was not a magic sphere, but an embryo of the protoss.

Stimulated by the power of Xingwanglong, it accelerated its evolution and aroused the great power that shook the darkness.

This is the "messenger" of Xingwanglong, or it can be said that it is like an apostle of Xingwanglong. It is the protoss of the sun and has the power of the realm. The protoss born in the sky is also the embodiment of the sun god, but it is not a sun god, but a protoss dragon.

It is also a "star-level war dragon" in the true sense.

【Name: Golden Sun Dragon Form】

【Length: 1.4 million kilometers (star dragon form)】

[Quality: comparable to the sun]

"...When the "Golden Protoss" appears, the real world will be distorted by her. Thus disturbing the physical laws of reality. Sometimes it will bring catastrophe and disaster.

"Although she is not malicious in the slightest, she has destructive power to mortals. Although she has such abilities, I don't want you to use her as a "war weapon". "

Moreover, compared with the darkness in the dead and cold universe, the scorching heat of the sun endows her with a mischievous and arrogant character, and occasionally likes to tease ignorant mortals.

Xingwanglong told Goreth about the situation of the "Golden Star Spirit Dragon", and the guy who appeared at this time also looked mischievous, looking at Goreth with curious eyes, very much like his parents It's the same as explaining what children say when they meet their elders.

Although the Golden Protoss may be much older than Goreth, Goreth is the Dragon Emperor, and his status in the dragon species is higher than that of Star King Dragon.

Therefore, the messenger born from the creative power of the Star King Dragon has the same status as the apostle of the Dragon King.

(The status of the star dragon is the patriarch of the star dragon species, which is equivalent to the dragon king. But because the star dragon species has left the dragon dimension, it is not the dragon king now, and Goreth has no right to order them for the time being.)

Goreth could see the teasing look in the golden dragon's eyes as magnificent as the sun at a glance. She probably just pretended to be cute in front of Xingwanglong.

But it doesn't matter, since Xingwanglong handed her over to him, it probably means that he wants her strong nose to help him.

Secondly, let Grace teach this moody and mischievous "Golden Protoss Dragon".

Because his power is the nemesis of the stars, the final manifestation.

"Thank you for your proposal, but Xingwanglong, does she have her own name? And, her star-like body is too huge, once it appears, it will be a harbinger of earth-shattering changes, and it will easily have a devastating impact on the world. I mean, Could she be smaller? Or mimic other races.

Grace glanced at the "Golden Protoss", then looked at the Star King Dragon.

Xingwanglong looked clear, his pupils of vast will stared at the "Golden Protoss", and the latter showed a slightly displeased look at Goreth, as if blaming him for his request.

But under the gaze of a great father-like existence, the "Golden Protoss" did not dare to make mistakes, showing another attitude.

However, that is not the appearance of the dragon species, as if deliberately showing weakness or provocation, they chose the appearance of the weakest race.

She manifested as a beautiful blond girl wearing a crown headdress and a starry dress.

The appearance is about 1.7 meters, so small that it can't even compare to a grain of sand. Fortunately, Goreth doesn't need to use his eyes to 'see' at all, but can perceive her existence through the strong breath.

Her skin gleamed with sparks, and the power of the vast protoss within her burned brightly through her eyes. It gives people a goddess who wears golden rays, carries endless ancient knowledge, brings enlightenment to some people, and brings death to others.

A protoss girl born from the sun in the realm of life and death.

[Name: Illius (Golden Flame)]

[True identity: Manifester of the Golden Protoss, messenger of Star King Dragon's original mighty force]

[Level: God level]

[Ability: The ability to manipulate realms, the ability to create and destroy logic, is the most dangerous ability that can rival the power of a god. 】

"Illiers, you can also call me Jin Yan."

The girl from the Golden Protoss showed a sweet smile and stretched out her hand to Goreth.

"Grace Miraporesla, the last dragon emperor who has no existence in this world."

Goreth's huge body also stretched out its dragon claws, and made contact with the palm of the golden protoss girl.

In the next moment, the fire of the sun ignited ragingly, and with the explosion of the power of the realm of heat, it spread towards Goreth's dragon claw.

"Golden Tribulation Fire" - the ultimate state of heat, can burn all objects that exist in the material world [even the gods and demons that visualize the concept can be burned.

Just at the moment of shaking hands, flames spread across Goreth's dragon scales, melting the body made of strange substances.

However, to the astonishment of the golden protoss girl, the flames aimed at Goreth did not make him show pain or yell, showing a face of losing his composure.

Grace's expression was extremely flat, and his eyes were staring at her indifferently.

That's right, "Golden Fire" failed to make Goreth frown or faux pas.

Does he not hurt?

How can he be indifferent to the power that can burn even the stars!

Thinking of this in her heart, the golden protoss girl did not believe in evil and increased her strength, and began to show her real powerful strength.

She moved her fingers, tightly grasped Goreth's dragon palm, and felt the energy surge in her body.

This energy is like a bound flame, eager to be completely released.

The golden protoss girl pressed it into her body, allowing it to slowly flow into her flesh and blood.

There was fire in her eyes, and strength surged.

Suddenly, a star appeared in the twilight darkness in the distance, which was the golden sun slowly emitting light and heat.

It was as if the miracle of summoning a star and a world was presented in front of Goreth's eyes.

"Hmph, the protoss has no substance. But I am the golden protoss, the incarnation of the sun. Although you are the dragon emperor, it doesn't mean that I will submit to you in the future. If you speak bluntly - you have ways to deal with real stars ?"

However. At best, it was just the self-righteous arrogance of the golden protoss girl.


Grace blocked it with just one hand.

I mistakenly thought that the sun was the greatest celestial body in the astral world, but encountered a singularity monster with an overwhelming sense of coercion like a disaster.

Goreth, the dragon of singularity, swayed the stars with the force released around him, and even distorted their trajectories.

He raised the whole sun with one hand, the weight of the star did not overwhelm Goreth, but made him smile.

This pressure gave the Golden Protoss girl an unprecedented sense of crisis.

"Protoss, when facing an opponent stronger than yourself, it's a bad idea to attack directly from the front, no matter what?"

Grace, who holds the sun in his hand, can clearly feel its weight.

He also fully recognized the strength of the golden protoss girl. If she exudes her divine power, she may even be able to rival the incomparable and powerful gods.

Distort the existing laws, disturb the balance of the stars, and even shatter the realm of heaven and earth.

(this... this guy....

The girl of the Golden Protoss, Iliers Jinyan opened her eyes wide, and struck the Dragon Emperor's dragon claw from bottom to top with her palm, as if to let him put away his calm and composed posture. The power of the protoss realm that has accumulated countless years of star frost is enough for Goreth to take it seriously.

However, this blow caused the golden protoss girl herself to suffer an unprecedented impact.


It's not just the backlash of power, but the exaggerated body density of the opponent. After the gravity dragon body above the black hole released the protection of the force field of the world of mortals, it swallowed the energy of the golden protoss girl, allowing her to endure the final blow. destructive power.

Therefore, in order to avoid crying out in pain, the injured golden protoss girl still gritted her teeth and held back

All severe pain.

Then she turned her body and kicked Zhongyan Dragon Emperor.

A foot with the mass of the sun is simply not something that ordinary life can afford.

But still the same sentence, no matter how huge the sun is, it cannot be compared with quark stars and singularity monsters in terms of density. When an egg hits a stone, even if the egg is bigger

In the end, he hurt himself.

?However, for the Dragon Emperor is obvious that the blow from the golden protoss girl is completely ineffective.

Facing a blow that can shatter the stars, this is a phenomenon that has never happened so far.

The golden protoss girl turned pale.

If he takes the stars as the target, if he makes a serious move, 080 himself should be completely smashed, not even the internal organs are left.

(Could it be that this Dragon Emperor has no water at all, is not an ordinary dragon, but is actually a dragon ancestor in disguise...?)】

[Dragon God Crown] Holds the mighty power to summon all dragons.

——The golden protoss girl quickly saw the strongest crown created by the dragon gods of the past dynasties and many dragon ancestors, and even the meaning represented by the "Dragon Emperor".

"Kneel down."

The roar of the Black Dragon Emperor that could shake the world echoed throughout the universe.

Although it is based on the cognition and meaning of the ancient dragon language, this roar shows off the overwhelming sense of absolute existence.

After being impacted by this roar that seemed to shatter her eardrum, the golden protoss girl could only maintain an amazed expression, looking up at the Black Dragon Emperor in front of her.

"I'm the dragon of the Protoss...! How come! Why does the oppressive power of the giant dragon have an effect on me...?"

The speech that was barely out of his mouth contained a lot of fear. The golden protoss girl has always looked down on the giant dragon species in the past, but the existence of the dragon emperor possesses everything that cannot be done at all.

Compared with the super-standard presence.

Emerging from the thick cloud of mortal dust covering nothingness was a singularity dragon whose full length could not even be calculated correctly.

The power of the realm of the golden protoss girl was forcibly suppressed, making her feel as if the fluid had congealed.

Realizing that this is the strongest dragon species ----- "Emperor of Dragons", Ilius Jinyan trembled with fear, but these are not the real horrors of Goreth.

Just showing her body above the black hole is enough to shock the world, and it is a "natural disaster" in any universe.

The huge body that transcends intelligence seems to be mocking all living beings who are equal. The giant dragon who has become the ultimate dragon is not a problem in terms of personality compared to the star king dragon. In front of him

Before, the dazzling stars will no longer shine, the stars will wither and die, and the world will no longer roll.

"How is it possible... this kind of power...!"

The golden protoss girl felt a heart-piercing cold, and the power on her body became nothingness as if it had been taken away.

What you see in front of you is not only the extinction of the sun, but also the falling space debris and the distortion of time, as well as the dimensional wormhole that is destroyed and torn apart.

It seems that in front of the final primordial ring, everything is just insignificant garbage.

Create matter from scratch, and matter can only circulate continuously in the transformation of form, just like the moon in the water and the flower in the mirror.

And all of these are the magnificent power of "Ultimate Singularity".

It created time, and only then did the universe come into existence. Stars are just dust in the universe. Even if the singularity has not yet become the ultimate singularity, it is not something that a mere sun can touch.

Grace let go of his palm, and the dragon claw that devoured the power of the golden protoss girl also took it back.

Opening her eyes, the Golden Xingli girl stared at the black dragon monster in front of her that exuded a great sense of presence like a treasury master. .

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