People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 29: Stories of Our Ancestors

Friday, September 6, 1991, three o'clock.

This is a cabin on the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

A field behind the cabin is planted with pumpkins and lentils.

There is a crossbow and a pair of rubber shoes in front of the door.

Inside lives the invisible rich man of Hogwarts, the hybrid master of magical animals, the half-blood giant wizard Hagrid and his timid big dog Fang.

Harry knocked on the door.

He and Ron listened curiously to the barking of the dog and Hagrid's voice inside.

Hermione followed closely beside Basil, looking at the Forbidden Forest next to him with interest.

Basil was wandering in the sky, and his mind returned to the three-headed dog that he tried to use to make a summoning card not long ago.

The price of 5,000 gems made him discouraged.

He only had 16,865.477 gems now.

The echo of Harry, Ron, Draco, Hagrid, and Neville, which had not been made yet, would cost 5,000.

Not to mention, it costs 30,000 to recycle components after crossing the world.

Although it only costs 100 gems to cross the border when dying in another world, this is not a one-way ticket, and it may even be a permanent passage.

But he is not rich at the moment.

With a creak, the door opened.

Hagrid opened the door a crack, revealing his big bearded face.

"Wait a minute." He said, "Stand back, Fang."

Seeing that there were four people, he took a big step back and opened the door completely.

He held a black hound half the size of Ron, wagging its tail.

The cabin has only one room.

Ham and pheasant are hung on the ceiling, and water is boiled in a copper kettle in the brazier. There is a pink floral umbrella against the wall.

There is a big bed in the corner, with a quilt made of rags.

It doesn't look luxurious, and it doesn't match Hagrid's status as an invisible rich man.

But this is just at first glance.

In his subsequent observations, Bagel discovered that under the quilt, there was a mattress made of the fur of an unknown creature.

And the silk thread at the joint was emitting silver light, as white as pearls.

This was clearly the tail hair of a unicorn.

10 Galleons per strand!

That is 50 pounds, or 400 yuan according to the exchange rate in 1991!

And the average salary in China at that time was only 195 yuan!

"This is the tail hair of a unicorn!" Bagel pointed out without hesitation.

Hagrid, who was busy pouring boiling water into a large teapot and putting rock biscuits on a plate, raised his head.

"Oh, it's the hair of a unicorn," he said nonchalantly, "pulled from the tail, hung on a branch in the forest..."

"Running Gorgon!" Ron turned his head one by one as if his neck was stuck.

The hand that tried to resist Fang Ya licking his ear also stretched forward and turned into Erkang's hand.

"Hagrid, you know how much that's worth!"

A unicorn tail hair is four or five feet long, and only one tail hair is needed to make a wand.

Ron, who was touching his unicorn tail hair wand from his brother Charlie, felt very complicated.

"I use it to bandage animals when they are injured," Hagrid said with a shrug, "It's very useful... very strong, and it's also suitable for sutures, you see."

"Can I take some away?" Bagel coughed, "I want to practice knitting skills, and use them to knit a glove, which should be quite light."

Hagrid nodded casually, pulled apart the ham and pheasant hanging from the ceiling, and a bunch of long, soft and smooth white hair appeared in everyone's eyes.

He pulled it off and handed it to Bagel.

"That's all, is it enough?"

"Enough, enough." Bagel gently stroked the meaty tail hair, like stroking the skin of a lover.

These are all money!

No matter where you are, women's money is the easiest to earn.

The main ingredient of the beauty potion is the unicorn's tail hair.

It is also sold in the potion material store, 10 Galleons a bag.

But what is sold is the mane, which is not as effective as the tail hair, and the total length may not be as long as the tail hair.

Except that Ron looked at the white hair wrapped around Basil's wrist with envy from time to time.

The subsequent development seemed to be almost the same as in the movie.

Hagrid took the lead in complaining about Filch and his cat.

Harry and Ron took the opportunity to talk about Snape.

Harry said Snape hated him.

Hagrid avoided Harry's gaze and topic, and determined that Harry's guess was false.

However, Hermione, who had been looking at Basil stupidly, spoke at this time.

"I know the reason."

"Professor Snape once said something strange in the sorting waiting room. I went to find out later out of curiosity."

Hagrid wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, "Son, let's talk about something else."

Harry, "Go on, I want to know why he hates me so much!"

Ron, "Me too."

Basil put his hand on Hagrid's shoulder, "This can't be kept secret. Hermione knows about it, but how can you guarantee that Harry doesn't know about it? At least you are here."

Seeing Hagrid calm down, Hermione looked at Basil with admiration and continued, "I know from the portrait that Snape and Harry's mother were once a couple. Harry's father often teamed up with three friends to target him because of this. Later, for some reason, Snape and Harry's mother fell out. Harry's father took advantage of the situation."

"Three? My dad is someone like Dudley?" Harry was in a trance, "Hagrid, I remember you said that I look exactly like my dad."

He suddenly brought Snape into himself.

A dad who looks like Dudley, and friends who look like Pierre, Morken, and Gordon's dad,

"What's the name of their group? James's Army (Dudley's four-member gang is called Dudley's Army)?"

Hagrid quickly explained: "It's called the Marauders. And James is not that kind of person! They just like to make fun of people at most!"

"Fred and George?" Harry's eyes flashed with hope.

Hagrid began to hesitate, "It's much more excessive. But the school environment at that time was not like this! The mysterious man was rampant outside, and almost all Slytherin students were Death Eater reserves. The conflicts between students were also much more cruel! Everyone likes James and his friends! They regard them as heroes. Because most of the people they joked about were Slytherin students and those close to these Slytherin students."

"Snape is like that." Harry's tone was much more relaxed.

Hagrid's eyes wandered.

"Your father and the others think so. But in my opinion, Snape just grew up in the Muggle world and didn't understand the situation in the wizarding world at that time. He made the mistake of choosing Slytherin. He maintained friendship with Lily, who was born in Muggle, in the following years. He was not a bad person."

He wanted to find some good words, but none of them could be used on Snape.

"And Lily is kind-hearted, has excellent grades, and all teachers like her. In the eyes of your father and the others, Snape is undoubtedly a stain on your mother. In addition, Snape seemed to be at odds with them on the train, so--"

Thinking that Snape had always been a spy for Dumbledore, he did not mention that Snape was also close to Avery and Mulciber, who later joined the Death Eaters and often used dark magic to make appalling jokes.

Avery and Mulciber once wanted to attack Lily's friend Mary.

He mistakenly believed that Sirius was a traitor, and he thought that Snape and James had always been like this, and it was Sirius, the despicable guy, who was causing trouble.

It was just these words that he couldn't say to Harry.

This was too cruel.

Original text of the novel: ["...Think we should be friends?" Snape was talking, "best friends?"

"That's right, Severus, but I don't like the guys you hang out with! Sorry, but I hate Avery and Mulciber! What good do you see in him, Severus? Sneaky! Do you know what he wanted to do to Mary MacDonald that day?"

Lily walked to a pillar and leaned against it, looking up at the thin, sallow face.

"That's nothing," Snape said, "Just a joke, nothing--"

"That's dark magic, if you think it's funny--"

"Why would she marry him?" Harry said sadly, "She hates him!"

"No, she doesn't hate James." Sirius said.

"In seventh year, she started hanging out with James," Lupin said.

"Because James wasn't so arrogant anymore," Sirius said.

"And because he no longer casts spells on people for fun," Lupin said.

"Even Snape?" Harry said.

"Well," Lupin said slowly, "Snape is a special case. I mean,

he never misses a chance to curse James, so you can't really expect James not to resist, can you?\

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