Pellan Rise

16: Interlude 1

Nia leaned casually on her glaive and gazed at the roiling and expanding reality disturbance as it consumed nearby matter for it’s bizarre conversion. There wasn’t much for it to consume out here in this vast expanse of wild grass.

Still, Nia could make out the terrifying creatures that had originally been rabbits or field mice howling in agony and fury at the world. Periodically they caught some poor creature in their grasp and extinguished its life, before delivering the body to the disturbance to be reborn anew. The disturbance did not just look abhorrent to the eyes, it sounded awful too, emitting a low grating buzzing sound that would shift frequency at random.

Lea stood next to her, also leaning on a glaive. The two girls looked at each other. They gazed at themself in thought. They had a lot of questions.

Turning to her companions, two mouths spoke for one mind, “Looks like I was wrong Ghel, the Reality Anomaly is active here after all.”

Ghel shifted the 8 foot tall suit of Arcanomechanical armour he piloted and allowed the chest to open slightly, revealing his small dark furred head. His long pointed ears were tilted toward Nia in a display of attention.

“This looks like an entirely different infestation though. It’s too new, as though they’re starting again from scratch,” he commented matter of factly.

Before Nia or Lea could reply, another one of her companions spoke, “We’ve never seen a world that could eradicate the Reality Anomaly entirely before though. Surely this one has just lain dormant or something?”

The woman who spoke was of the same species as Ghel, but she did not pilot a gleaming suit of armour. She stood at four feet tall and carried a maul almost as big as she was.

“Ammie, you know that sounds just as ridiculous as it being cleansed from the world,” Nia sighed.

Ammie shrugged, her long lavender coloured hair bobbing with the motion.

Off to the side, a man in a tight coat and sharp pants grunted in surprise as he gazed at a shimmering ball of liquid green light he held in his hand.

“What is it Farden?” asked Lea.

“I’m detecting AMIs on this world. They’re damaged somehow though. If what I’m seeing in my scrying is correct, they should have vast capacity and abilities, but they’re stunted somehow. It’s like they’re having problems connecting with the CPL and are running off alternate connections to the leyline network instead,” Farden replied, eyes still glued to the shimmering orb in his palm.

“Are they corrupted? Drawing energy from other sources or anything like on Andegral?” asked Nia immediately, her voice sharp with worry.

“Can’t tell sorry, they seem to be channeling almost all of their energy into maintaining some vast spell over the world. Many have tendrils of power connecting to places or individuals around the globe, but there’s also a large minority that are solely concentrated on the main task. And no, I can’t tell you what the spell does. Not from here.”

Lea sighed, “Alright, let's wrap this up. We’ll sort out the data back at the Bastion.”


I looked over at Syl sitting next to me on the couch. She was already looking up at me with her huge funny blue and gold eyes. The way her nose was crinkling as she smiled was adorable. I’ve never had a friend like her, where I’ve felt so attached and in such a short space of time. I really never want to let her go.

Sitting as close as I was, I was able to enjoy the warmth her little body put out. She seemed so tiny, but she’s always so nice and warm. Whereas I’m the opposite. Constantly freezing, especially the extremities like my arms and legs. Anyway, Greg was making a fool of himself again, which appeared to be status quo among the new friend group I had been added to. I liked them, they’re a fun group.

I guess Jeremy was cute too, he had a great smile that made everyone around him want to smile along with him. I really didn’t feel like getting into another relationship though. Every time I’d agreed to go on dates with a guy I’d ended up… just bored? I don’t even know if that’s the right word. Sure, some of them were great to hang out with, but I could never see myself with them you know? I’m pretty sure Jeremy also has a thing for Syl. It seems like it, although he was a bit upset about the revelation that Syl is his friend Sam.

Either way I had to leave soon, as much as I wanted to stay. Mum would shit a brick if I was any later getting home than I already was.

“Hey guys, I have to get home before mum gets pissed, so I’ll catch up with you all in Pellan yeah?” I asked the group with regret.

I heard a small disappointed sound from next to me and found Syl leaning in to me and looking up with a sad expression. Damn. She is too cute. Still, I do need to leave.

I sighed, “Sorry. My mum is kind of a tyrant.”

She gave me a lopsided smile and nodded, “Alright then, I’ll show you out… except I kinda need my arm back.”

“Your arm?” I looked down.

My tail was wrapped around her arm.

She giggled when I noticed, and hit me with another doe eyed smile. Shit her eyes are big. I felt my face go bright with embarrassment and quickly as I could I unwrapped my tail from her arm.

“S-sorry!” I stammered.

“It’s fine Karen.” She said. Then she reached out and tweaked my tail!

Something I’d quickly discovered when my change happened, was how sensitive my tail was. Why that was I had no idea. Why does a darkling need a sensitive tail? It wasn’t really an erotic feeling, more like a ticklish feeling. I squeaked and jumped in my chair.

We both stood up, the others had been talking about Pellan while Syl and I had our awkward little moment and they looked over at us.

“I’ll see you guys later!” I told them. I hoped they didn’t think I was bailing on them or anything. I liked them and I wanted them to like me too.

They all said their goodbyes to me, Liam nodding in understanding. He knew about my parents. Knew about what they were like. He knew pretty much everything about me really, since the start of primary school.

“Don’t forget to put your illusion back up!” shouted Dana as we headed for Syl’s front door.

Oh shit. I quickly activated the spell and saw my old skin colour return over the new in a shimmer. Syl opened the door for me and held it that way while I stepped out. I turned and looked at her. The step down onto the porch meant that we were now eye level. I wanted to go back up and hug her goodbye, but I’d stupidly already walked out the door. Damn.

I gave her a lame little wave and said, “See you later.”

She gave me an equally lame wave and mimicked me, “See you later.”

Shit now my lameness was infecting other people. I’m sorry Syl. I turned to leave when I heard her giggle again. I turned back. She was holding my school bag out to me now.

“Oh, crap. Thanks Syl,” I said sheepishly.

“No problem Karen,” she grinned.

Ten minutes later and I was stepping through the door into my house. We had a pretty nice house, all things considered. It had three storeys and a bathroom for every bedroom. My parents were wealthy, but not wealthy enough to be casually opulent, and they hated that fact.

“Karen! Where have you been? You’re half an hour overdue! I’ve told you so many times that you need to hurry home in case something happens at your school or on the way home. I will not lose you like I lost your brother,” my mother yelled as she rounded the corner of the hallway.

Brother. She’d called my sister my brother again. My older sister had been transgender. Born into a frail male body, she’d eventually begun transitioning as she got older. I loved her. I still loved her, but she was gone. I mumbled an apology to mum that involved some excuse about helping a teacher do something, then I made my escape up to my room.

I had at least made it back to the safety of my room without mother completely killing my little buzzy happy feeling in my chest. Closing the door with a sigh, I slung my bag at my bed, missed and stomped over to it. I had a lot of homework to get through before I could get into Pellan for the night.

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