Path to the Apocalypse

Space: 27 - Romance is hard

The three generals agreed to delay the marking ceremony, more due to the attempted assassination than their confidence in Chris's strength. They rushed through the end of the graduation, just hitting the key points before dismissing the graduates to the subdued cheers of the crowd. “Now why can't they do that every time?” Chris muttered as the squad headed to the exit. Usually the graduates would remain on the field, spreading out as friends and family flocked out to congratulate them, but there seemed to be an unconscious agreement that any socializing would happen off the field where someone had just been shot. “Keep it short and sweet, don't drag it out for no good reason.”

Beth whipped around to glare at him. “Is that really what you should be focusing on right now? Chris, someone tried to kill you! And if you weren't you, they would have succeeded!”

Chris blinked. “Well, yeah, but they said they took care of it, right? Plus it pretty much confirmed I can't die, so that's nice. Sucks that I lost my energy though… I'm going to have to spend a week mutating again, aren't I?”

Beth rubbed her temple. “Chris, the issue isn't whether they killed you or not, the issue is why did someone try to kill you!?!”

“I couldn't have been anyone who knew him all that well.” Nadia commented. “I would never have trusted a bullet to take Chris out.”

“I think it was explosive.” Chris offered. “Popped my head real good.”

Nadia blinked. “That's- closer I believe, but if I were trying to kill you… you'd pretty much have to find something that can erase your body from existence. I don't think that'd kill you, but it'd at least trap you in your space. Though you'd still have your minions…”

“Chris, have I mentioned you're terrifying lately?” Zack muttered, shuddering slightly.

“You mention it fairly regularly, yeah.” Chris nodded.

Zack sighed. “Just making sure.”

“Guys!” Beth snapped. “Why did someone try to kill my boyfriend!?!”

“Beth, you're the strategist here.” Derek pointed out. “What would someone gain from trying to kill Chris?”

Beth blinked, frowning as she thought about it. Like Nadia said, it couldn't have been anyone who had a full understanding of what Chris was capable of, or they wouldn't have used a gun to try and kill him. Or at least, they wouldn't have continued past the first shot. Beth paused. The shooter had shot Chris four times. That suggested an emotional component. A hitman would have maybe tried a second time, but definitely no more than that. No, the shooter had personally wanted Chris dead. No, they needed him dead! That many attempts was a sign of anger and desperation. But… who in the world could possibly have that level of investment in Chris being dead? He was a nobody! Sure, he had potential, but he hadn't done anything with it yet! Unless… Beth's eyes widened. “Do- do you think it was because of me? Because Chris is my boyfriend?”

Chris cocked his head. “You think Daniel hired a hitman?”

Beth shook her head. “No, the shooter had to have been someone who personally wanted you dead. That's the only explanation for how many times you were shot. They were frustrated. Desperate. You wouldn't get that from a hitman.”

Nadia frowned. “That- doesn't quite add up. If you were the goal, why would they hit Chris at the graduation ceremony? If they could get in there, they could definitely get him on the Scout base. Particularly since they would have had no way of knowing Chris would compete to leave a mark.” She narrowed her eyes. “Hm. Why would they wait until after the duel to shoot him? He was in the open for more than enough time to line up a shot before that. If you already have a golden opportunity, why wait for another?”

“Maybe it was because the duel was why they decided to kill him?” Carmen suggested.

Nadia cocked her head. “Someone who knew of Chris, but didn't know him? Just that he could use multiple abilities? Who had reason to suspect he'd participate in the ceremony… and personally wanted him dead…” Nadia scowled. “This isn't adding up. Like Beth said, the multiple shots screams personal, but who could have a personal reason to shoot Chris without actually knowing him?”

“Why don't we just ask Beth's dad?” Chris pointed out. “They got the guy, didn't they? He should at least be able to tell us who did it.”

They all paused, and Beth let out an awkward cough. “Right, uh, let's go find him!” She turned, marching off to find David. It didn't take long, because it turned out David was looking for them too.

“Ah, Chris, there you are!” David exclaimed. “Quick, come with me, we need to talk.” He waved for him to follow as he walked away.

“Dad, wait!” Beth called out. “What happened with the shooter? Why was he targeting Chris?!?”

David looked back, frowning slightly. “Beth, I-” He glanced at the rest of the squad, all of whom were watching him with serious expressions, before letting out a sigh. “Fine, all of you come as well. I'll explain everything once we get there. It'd be irresponsible to leave you all in the dark anyway.” David took the squad into a small building attached to the field, leading them to a meeting room where Samuel, Belinda, and a few others were waiting.

Belinda frowned at David as they arrived. “David, do you understand the meaning of confidential?”

David rolled his eyes. “Belinda, this is his squad. If anyone needs to know what's going on, it's them. Their lives are going to be at risk too.”

Belinda paused for a moment before nodding in acceptance. “Very well. All of you, please have a seat.” The squad shared nervous looks before doing as she said, wondering why their lives would be at risk. “As you may have realized, we're here to discuss the issue of the attempt on Private Vincent's life. In particular, the identity of his assailant.”

“Who was it?” Beth asked immediately, flushing as Belinda leveled a glare at her.

“That is what we would like to ask you.” Samuel interjected. “The shooter was both invisible and cloaked from any detection abilities, protected themselves with a barrier when our forces attacked, set off a pulse that stunned everyone around them, and used several other abilities to cause confusion as they made their escape, including teleportation. Does this seem familiar to any of you?”

“Wait, you didn't catch them?!?” Nadia asked incredulously. “I thought you said you dealt with them!?!”

“We did.” Belinda snapped. “We forced them to flee and quadrupled our surveillance so they wouldn't have a chance to return. Now, who do you think would have been capable of this?”

“An elite Vanguard?” Beth suggested hesitantly. As they progressed, Vanguards would gain an extensive kit of ability tools, turning themselves into single unit armies that could tear through whole tribes single handedly. She just couldn't see why anyone like that would target Chris.

Belinda shook her head. “Ability tools can't be used as quickly and flexibly as the shooter was capable of. The invisibility, cloaking, and stunning pulse could be explained using them, but the shooter demonstrated the ability to direct the barrier as they wished and could teleport in multiple directions at varying distances. This also doesn't account for the phantom images or sediment manipulation they used. Additionally, we have systems in place that would catch the activation of an ability tool. It's possible the shooter has discovered some novel method of activating ability tools, but it's more likely that they simply have multiple abilities. Like him.” She gestured towards Chris.

“You think the shooter is related to me?” Chris asked, cocking his head.

“Not as such. More, we wish to study what you're capable of in order to better understand what the shooter might be capable of, in order to better account for the risk they represent.” Samuel replied. “In that regard, let me introduce you to Salvador Perez, the head of the Ability Management Department, and Jo Vuntula, the leading expert on abilities.”

Salvador nodded at him with a smile. “It's a pleasure to meet you. I've read more than a few reports on you, and I must say your ability is fascinating. I look forward to working with you.”

“I believe you've actually been working with one of my employees for some time now, Dr. Bartholomew Jacobs?” Jo commented.

“You're Jacobs’ boss?” Chris blinked. Jo looked like she couldn't be all that much older than him.

Jo smirked. “Don't be fooled by my appearance, I have an ability that allows me to stay young. I'm actually old enough to be your mother.”

“Try grandmother.” Salvador coughed, earning himself a glare from Jo.

Chris nodded. “So how does studying me help?”

Belinda grimaced. “This incident has allowed us to realize our security has some… flaws. Our systems are designed to catch those who are invisible or cloaked, not both. We need to figure out a way to detect someone who has made themselves utterly undetectable. I doubt we'll be lucky enough for their next target to be unkillable.”

Beth leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table. “What I don't understand is why they targeted Chris in the first place. We figured out it had to be something the shooter themselves was passionate about, and it was triggered by the duel, but we can't figure out what about the duel could possibly motivate someone to want Chris dead that badly.”

The generals shared uncomfortable looks. “We believe this may have been enemy action.” David explained seriously. “The shooter had to know they'd only get a few shots off, and we believe their primary target would have been the soldier who placed their mark on the Wall of Ascension. Then, when Chris displayed his astonishing capabilities, he became their immediate target. It explains both their lack of knowledge and their clear desperation. Particularly as an enemy who possesses multiple abilities themselves. They would be able to see the threat that Chris represents more clearly than any of us.” He gave Chris a significant look. “If that is the case, we're going to need you to get as strong as possible, as fast as possible. The City itself may depend on it.”


The squad returned to the barracks in a subdued mood. They'd managed to smile for their friends and family, getting pictures with them in their official uniforms, but it all rang hollow. It was hard to celebrate finally being soldiers when they knew they might be called to lay down their lives to protect their people all too soon. “So… we're for sure sleeping in Chris's space tonight, right?” Zack commented. “Cause I'm not going to be able to sleep thinking about some super soldier sneaking in and gutting us all.”

Carmen scowled. “Well now we are! Why'd you have to put that idea in my head!?!”

“How could you not be thinking it already!” Zack retorted. “Someone took four shots at Chris at one of the most high security events in the City, and escaped! I don't think they'll have much trouble sneaking into our barracks!”

“We'll need to sleep on the floor tonight, but tomorrow we should go buy some rocks or sand so I have enough material to make us all beds.” Chris commented, realizing that no one was going to be comfortable sleeping outside his space.

“I'll take the floor over being dead any day.” Zack muttered.

“It's kinda sad that this is our last night in the barracks and we won't even sleep in it.” Beth sighed, laying a hand on her bed nostalgically. This place had been their home for almost half a year. Tomorrow they'd receive their platoon assignments and they'd have to move to the platoon's off base housing. It was kind of sad to leave it behind without even giving it a proper send off.

“We could take a walk around. Say our goodbyes.” Chris suggested. Everyone immediately turned to look at him with various expressions of disbelief. “What?”

“Chris, are you feeling okay?” Derek asked seriously.

“Yeah?” Chris frowned, giving him a weird look.

“I think we should take him to the infirmary, just to be sure.” Beth commented, studying him intently.

“Guys, I'm fine.” Chris assured them. “Why would you think I'm not?”

“Chris, I've known you for over a decade, and not once have you ever suggested we take a walk.” Derek replied. “You left the place you called home for most of your life without even a second glance!”

“Ah.” Chris nodded. “I guess this is a bit out of character for me, huh?” He turned to Beth. “I'm going to propose, and it involves you and me walking. Okay?”

Beth froze, before flushing deeply. “Chris, I'm pretty sure you aren't supposed to tell me that.”

Chris shrugged. “Maybe. But when you think about it, our entire relationship has been a slow walk towards a known conclusion. Seems somewhat fitting that my proposal be the same.”

Beth smiled, then bit her lip nervously. “Are you sure it's safe? With- you know?”

“I doubt they'd know where I'm taking you, and since they weren't waiting in the room when we got here, I doubt they know where to find us on base either. Plus, your dad would be an idiot if he didn't have every squad he could spare searching for intruders at the moment, and you dad is not an idiot.” Chris countered.

Beth nodded tentatively. “True… okay, let's do it!” She agreed, smiling brightly and grabbing Chris's hand, dragging him out the door.

“Wait! Put us in the space first!” Zack called out, getting no response back. “Damn it! If I die because of this, I'm so going to haunt their asses!”

Beth dragged Chris for a bit, before slowing down, flushing as she glanced at him. “Uh, where are we going?”

Chris chuckled, squeezing her hand as he walked up beside her. “Just walk where you want to go, and we'll get where I'm taking you.”

Beth narrowed her eyes at him. “Is that a riddle?”

“No, it's portals.” Chris smirked. “I spent most of the past two weeks getting my minions in place for this.”

“Oh.” Beth flushed again, falling silent as they constantly to slowly walk across the base, slowly relaxing as she began to focus on just being with Chris. She glanced around the base. “Is it weird that I'm going to miss this place?”

“Kind of.” Chris replied. “Particularly since we're still going to be here a lot.”

“No, not- I don't mean the place, I mean boot camp. Yeah, it was tough, but there was something almost carefree about knowing every day was focused on being better than you were yesterday. All you had to do was keep pushing yourself, without worrying about what people would say or how people would take it. It was just you versus everything keeping you from being a better you. I was very… pure. I'm going to miss that.” Beth finished with a sigh.

Chris frowned. “I'm not sure I'm capable of worrying about what people will say or how they'll take something.”

Beth smiled, leaning closer to him. “And that's why I love you. Because when I'm with you, I know it's just about us. It isn't about who I am, or what you can get from me. All you care about is me being me.”

“How is you being you different from who you are?” Chris asked, raising an eyebrow.

Beth rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean. There's Beth, daughter of the Scout General, high-tier, celebrity, on the front of magazines, paparazzi everywhere, and then there's… me.”

Chris blinked. “Magazines? Paparazzi?”

Beth frowned at him. “You never noticed the people taking pictures of us? I mean, I'm not a movie star or anything, but there's always three or four people following me around with cameras. I'm more than certain our relationship has been documented in at least one magazine. Though likely with little to no factual connection to what our relationship actually is.”

Chris cocked his head. “I honestly never noticed… Eh, whatever. Shall we move on?”

“Let's.” Beth agreed, squeezing his hand happily. Chris opened a portal, taking them to… “Is this the Maze?!?” Beth asked incredulously.

“The first level. Don't worry, I had my minions clear this stretch. Fribolt and Firbolt had a field day freezing and burning everything in sight. I had to bring in new moss so we'd at least have some light. That's why they're the ones keeping watch so nothing sneaks up on us.” Chris explained. “Not the most romantic spot, I know, but… well, this is where it all started. Where we spent weeks just walking and talking, getting to know each other. Thinking back, I think this is where I first fell in love with you… it just took me a while to realize it. I couldn't bring myself to leave it out when I was planning this.”

Beth nodded slowly, relaxing slightly. “That was another time that was very pure, wasn't it? All we had to do was focus on surviving. And each other.” She bit her lip nervously for a moment. “I don't think I knew what to feel about you while we were in here. You were just so different from everyone else I've ever known. I think I was just enjoying the fact that I could be myself around you, because you didn't even know who I was. And I was worried that once you did… you'd be like everyone else.”

“I guess you didn't know me very well then, huh?” Chris smirked. “That's what you get for doing ninety percent of the talking.”

“I did not!” Beth protested, shoving him. “I talked maybe sixty percent of the time!”

“Definitely at least eighty.” Chris countered.

“Seventy, max.” Beth retorted.

“Seventy-five?” Chris offered.

Beth narrowed her eyes at him. “Fine. As long as you admit you spent seventy-five percent of the time you did talk talking about Derek, which was the other side of the issue.”

Chris cocked his head. “That's fair. He is the centerpiece of most of my stories. Mostly because anytime I had an idea to do something, I thought it was a better idea to get Derek to do it instead.”

Beth snorted. “He was your minion before you had minions, huh?”

Chris paused. “Kinda actually… but in the same way I use my minions now. Not so much controlling them, but more knowing what kinds of things they're inclined to do, so when I have something I want done, I know who to go to.”

“Don't make the person fit the role, make the role fit the person.” Beth quoted with a nod. “Still wish you'd had a bit more of yourself to talk about. It almost feels like we wasted time. Though I suppose there's no way we could have reasonably gotten engaged any sooner…”

“Yeah, we always would have had to wait until after boot camp.” Chris agreed. “I was frustrated enough with you just being my girlfriend.”

Beth flushed. “Yeah… particularly when it got to Sunday, and all I wanted to do was-”

“Ah.” Chris held up a hand to stop her. “We're just getting engaged, not married. Don't put ideas in my head.”

“Maybe I want ideas in your head.” Beth muttered, before sighing. “No sorry, I don't mean that. It's just- today has been rough.”

Chris put his arm around her shoulder. “I know. I get it. The idea of someone out there targeting us… let's just say I really wish I was strong enough to connect you to my space right now.”

Beth curled closer to him. “Me too.” They stood like that for a moment, just holding each other, before Chris opened another portal and took them to the next area. “Is this- the strip mall?”

“Yup. Our first outing together. Not a date, but not not a date either. Seemed significant enough to have a place in the walk.” Chris explained, leading her along.

Beth smiled. “I think this is where I started to finally believe you were who you seemed to be. Anyone would have jumped on the chance to have the rich girl pay for all the expensive things she was pushing you to buy, but you didn't even flinch. And then there was the portal… the whole City would have called you a hero for it, even as they marched headlong into their deaths.” She paused. “Actually hold on, I started to believe you were you at the inspection point, where you tried to get yourself killed. Why wasn't that on the walk?”

Chris shrugged. “I couldn't get access. They don't let random people walk around in there for some reason.”

“Ugh, rude.” Beth grumbled, sharing a smile with Chris. “But still, this was good. It helped me learn you weren't just after what you could get from me.”

Chris chuckled. “Ironically, this was where I learned what you could offer me. Someone to care about the things that don't even register for me a lot of the time. I need that.”

Beth mock gasped. “So you are using me!”

“Only when you want to be used.” Chris grinned.

Beth paused. “I think I can live with that.” The next portal took them to the gardens of the Emerald Pavilion. “I probably should have guessed we'd end up here.” Beth rolled her eyes. “Where you captured my heart by refusing to defend my honor!” She clutched her chest and pretended to swoon.

“Oh, is that what I did?” Chris raised an eyebrow. “I thought this was where I learned why you needed me. Someone who wouldn't play games with you, who would focus on the things that mattered, so you wouldn't have to worry about the things that don't.”

Beth flushed. “And I learned you could be that person, even when it turns everyone against you.”

“Not the important people.” Chris retorted, grabbing her waist and pulling her close. “Those people only get closer.”

Beth bit her lip. “Is this our last stop?”

Chris grinned. “There's one more.” He opened a portal to the hill overlooking the lake, pulling her through. “This is where I learned it wasn't just friendship, or companionship, or a lonely boy and a lonely girl clinging to the first person they could… it was love.”

“Me too.” Beth whispered, tears in her eyes.

Chris got down on one knee, pulling out a small black box and opening it. “Beth, will you marry me?”

“Yes!” Beth exclaimed, snatching the ring and putting it on her finger, before jumping into his arms as he stood and kissing him for all she was worth. “I would have said yes even if you had just knelt down the moment you had the ring.” She muttered as they parted. “But I'm glad you didn't.”

“I was tempted.” Chris sighed. “Romance is hard. But worth it. Definitely worth it.”

Beth smiled. “I love you.”

Chris smiled back. “I love you too.”

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