Parasite King

Book 1: Chapter 28.5– “Aware” [Part 1.5]

This is a continuation of the last chapter. Currently Unedited (Grammarly is blocked at my Work, for some reason...). I'll edit it once I get off work at 6:00pm EST.

EDIT: Ran it through Grammerly, it should be smoother now.

A thought. 

A simple thing to us, but to a being who, for the entirety of its existence, had existed simply as part of the 'Collective,' to have an individual thought was tantamount to blasphemy. So it was ironic that this first thought was one of existential crisis; in so much as a semi-sentient, magically manifested, extradimensional "Life-adjacent" concept of bodily Flesh could ponder its own existence. 

How does one who doesn't understand the concept of "Self" justify their growing individuality? For Alpha, it wasn't an easy question, but the Master was the one who finally gave the Flesh Elemental its answer. It was on his command that Alpha's rage and confusion were turned in a new direction, turned on his own "kind."

Thus Alpha came to understand the purpose of his "Self."

With his "separation," he could see the suffering of his "siblings," the Madness that consumed them, the pain caused by they were pulled unwillingly from the infinite 'One' into this strange, twisted world. He saw how he could free them, cure them, send them back Home. He understood what his purpose was now, understood why the 'One' had made him 'different,' why his Master had chosen Him. 

And so he hunted, half driven by the instincts of his form, half by the budding purpose in his mind. He would correct this "wrongness" started by the Usurper, he would "free" his siblings from this pain, and when he returned to the 'One' himself, it would be in glory. Until then, he would do his DutyDuty and follow the Master's will.

A long 'time' (another strange and wrong concept that the Flesh Elemental was coming to terms with) passed, and Alpha sent many of his siblings back from where they came, back to the 'One.' The Maker's Tool rewarded him greatly for his kindness, granting him more and more strength, so as to better save those who needed saving. Not that his siblings understood, of course, and in their Madness, sought to destroy Alpha as they did the rest of the "wrongness." 

And as his power grew, so did his awareness. His thoughts grew sharper, clearer, his actions less instinct and more purposeful.

Then, came his Brothers, the Calm One and the Loud One, chosen as he was by the Master for their great DutyDuty. At first, they were as he was, but mindless pieces driven by their Madness and rescued by the Master. Even still, what little help they offered was appreciated (another new, strange concept), as the siblings still under the Usurper's power were growing stronger, as more and more of the 'One' was pulled away with each iteration.  

Soon, under the Master's influence, Alpha began to see the same sparks of individuality begin to manifest within the other two. First came the small, independent acts, then the confusion and struggle to understand. For his part as the "Eldest," Alpha did his best to try and teach these fledgling minds, to guide and show them their purpose, why they had been chosen. The Calm One was accepting, though it took much time to fully understand what its Duty was.

The Loud One, however, had been... difficult. The form thrust onto it by the Usurper only allowed for a more... bestial of minds to form. Driven more by the instinctual memories from the pieces that came before it, the Loud One could only understand the barest minimal what it was supposed to do. 

Protect the Master, defeat the Siblings. 

Anything more complicated than those simple ideas seemed to elicit only a confused tilt of the head, much to Alpha's frustration. But he had confidence the 'younger' Elemental would learn with time. Till then, their mission continued. More time passed, and Others were added to their number, the Master in his wisdom placing a number of them under the command of the three Eldest and wisest (still debatable for the Loud One...). 

This, too, was a new experience for Alpha. The connection to his new subordinates felt similar to the connection with his Master, but at the same time, different. On top of that, or rather under it, was the connection that pieces of the 'One' naturally had. It was a strange feeling, like looking at the same thing with two separate pairs of eyes, each seeing something different, and the three Elders approached the new feeling in their own way. 

The Calm One seemed content to observe, to allow the 'younger' Elementals to develop in their own way and at their own pace. He demanded nothing of them and, in turn, offered no help. They would stand and defend when commanded, but otherwise, their chains were light and long. In turn, those under his command grew to be independent and varied but resolute. 

The Loud One sought to bring them under heel. With tooth and claw, put down any who would challenge him. It was a Kingdom of Violence, and the Loud One reigned with an iron fist. Those under him turned their frustration towards their mission, viscously attacking any target they were directed to as one mind. 

As for Alpha, he took a more hands-on approach, teaching and directing his charges in their mission and DutyDuty. They would understand their roles and fill them to the letter or face the consequences. Like a well-oiled machine, each would play their part in Alpha's vision, each would contribute to their success, and each would share in its glory and the reward of strength. 

Once more, time passed, the Packs fluctuating in numbers as some returned to the 'One,' bringing back news of their glory and kindness, while new members joined their ranks, ready to be taught, but overall they grew. 

Then the day came. 

There was a flux in the mana as "something" popped into existence with a flash of light and sound. 

As Alpha watched the strange creature dance in front of the Master, deep hatred and anger bellowed up from some primordial part of his newly born soul. 



Warper of the Maker's Tools!!! 

Every member of the Packs had locked their eyes on the Evil in front of the Master, the rage and hatred billowing through their connection 'One' hotter and redder than even the anger that flowed from their Master, but held back by the latter's command. 

Memories not his own, but of the 'One,' of what he once was, flowed into the Elemental's mind, memories that flamed the fires of his rage and fury. 

As he stared at the dancing, mocking Evil in front of his Master, Alpha had another thought. 

He would have his revenge.

The 'One' would have its revenge.

They ALL would have their revenge. 


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