Parasite King

A Note from the Author: The Future going Forward

Soooooooooooooooo!I Bet you all are wondering where I've been and what's been going on.

The Short Answer? COVID.

Long Answer? No, I didn't get infected. But I AM a Phlebotomist. That means that no only do I do everyone and their mother's testing, my county just went into level 3 alert (almost level 4). This means we've been stupidly busy and I've simply not had time to write. And when I DO have time, I don't have the energy. Hahahahaha!

Suffice to say, it's been extremely stressful the past few weeks.

But don't you fear! I'm not going anywhere soon! Someone Recommend me a great Idea!

What is it, you ask!? Tell you before you explode?! Why am I stalling?!

Why Good Sirs/Maams/Alien Dogs, It's a NEW NOVEL!!

*crickets chirping in the background*

Wait, wait, before you Kill me, hear me out. The way they explained it makes a lot of sense to me.

When Writers get into a lot of stress like this, the biggest reason for dropped novels is simply Burnout. Writing becomes a Chore that you "have" to do, more so when it's the same story over and over. DOUBLE so when they're not even getting paid to Write it, Hahahahahahaha!

So their Solution?

Start a new Novel!


Simple. With two novels, if one gets too much focus and you start to burn out, then you simply put a little more focus on the "Fresher" story. Then, when that one starts to grind on you, you move back to the old one that's had time to "cool down".

This creates a flow that keeps things from getting stagnant and stale.

and keeps your readers (and writers!) happy.


So that's the plan from now on. I'm going to be splitting my attention between the two, and when I start to feel weary of one, I'll focus more on the other, and vice versa.

Hopefully, this will help me with the stress as the whole COVID thing starts to calm down and I have more and more time to write.

That being said! Here is the new story I've been working on! I hope you guys enjoy it! 


Since Royalroad takes a few days to post it, I thought I'd wet your Whistle a bit and give you the first half of the Prologue here. Tell me what you think!

I wanted to try something a lot different from Parasite King or Rekindled, while at the same time scratching my itch, as you were.

"The story of how a Cultivation Universe was Conquered by an Interstellar Weapon Platforms"


Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.