Paradise Pokeball System

What Just Happened?!

"While you might not feel beautiful, you are to me. As for the rest of the girls, none of them will make fun of you, nor do they think of you any differently than anyone else. The only one that can make you feel better is yourself, and this is a journey that we will take together," I said softly as I looked into her eyes, and I felt her start to relax more against me.

After a few moments, Feebas finally let go of me, and we both swam back up to the surface. I gave my Feebas a kiss on the forehead before she swam away and left me alone while she swam around in the pond.

I put my clothes back on and thought about what I had just done with Feebas.

The process was long and slow, but I knew that it could work if I remained patient and kind. For now, I would focus on being there for Feebas and helping her build confidence in herself.

It would be a long road, but I was confident that I could do it.

After a while, Feebas came back over to me and slowly drifted closer until I reached out and pulled her into me. Now that she was in a better mood, my mind was starting to wander, and I was fighting to keep myself from getting an erection as she cuddled into me.

Luckily, Feebas pulled away slowly and then smiled softly. Even with her pock covered face and strange skin, I could still see the beauty in her. I knew that once she evolved into Milotic, she would be one of the most beautiful Pokémon in Prisma. The problem was that I could only get her to evolve if I could make her believe that she was beautiful.

"I am going to see how the other Pokémon are doing, but I will stop again soon," I said, and Feebas nodded at me. I still hadn't thought of a name for her, but I couldn't think of a good one at the moment.

"Thank you for coming to see me. I feel a bit better now," Feebas said and then disappeared under the water as I climbed out of the water.

I was without a towel, so I was forced to stand and air dry for the moment, but there was a nice warm breeze. Still, the drying was going much slower than I wanted, so I took a jog around the pool but ended up getting lost in thought as I did about how I could help satisfy Lusamine so I could start upgrading her habitat for her.

"Umm, Landon?" Lusamine's voice asked me, and I was pulled out of my thoughts as I slowed down to see her in front of me.

I smiled at her, but then I noticed that she wasn't looking directly at me, and her face was red. Then I remembered why I had been running and took off again, back over to my clothing.

"Sorry about that! I had meant to jog to dry off but got lost in thought!" I laughed, but Lusamine only nodded, still looking red-faced.

"It's... fine. I... don't mind that much," Lusamine said, and I sighed. I had just gotten on good terms with her, so the last thing I wanted to do was mess that all up.

"Good, I will try to be more mindful in the future," I chuckled, but then her face turned ever redder which served to only confuse me more.

"I said it was fine!" She snapped and then crossed her arms at me. "Are you ready to go yet?!"

I didn't answer right away for fear I might say something else to aggravate her, but she didn't really seem that mad. This reaction seemed to be more like she just didn't want me to treat her differently from the other girls.

"Yeah, but let's stop by and check on my Charcadet, Knighty. I sent Leilani and Popsicle to go see her, but I am worried about them," I said, and Lusamine relaxed.

"Alright, that sounds fine, but we are supposed to be going to meet with the girls so I can go shopping with them," Lusamine said, but then I noticed that she was wearing the Pawmi dress.

"Wow, you look really cute in that dress!" I said, making Lusamine blush, and she tried to hit me, but I sidestepped her fist and took her into my arms in a smooth motion.

Without any hesitation, I pressed my lips to Lusamine's, but what happened surprised me. She melted into my arms like butter and immediately started to kiss me so passionately that I was forced to take step after step backward. The entire time, Lusamine's lips devoured mine until I tripped, falling back to the ground, but she didn't stop there. Lusamine followed me, and the two of us tangled together like vines.

Finally, one of us had to break away for a breath, and we both ended up laughing as I lay on my back, still in shock from what had just happened between us.

Then Lusamine jumped off me in surprise, and turned away from me, then disappeared, leaving me spinning like a top.

What just happened?

I picked myself up and shook my head. Looking back at Feebas's pond, I closed my eyes and then opened them to the sounds of two women arguing.

"The Master likes me better than you because I have been here longer! Landon has also mated with me! Have you done that?!" Popsicle, my Pawmi, demanded as she and then Charcadet glared at each other with foreheads pressed together. There were also flames and bolts of electricity coming off both of them, with Ralts sprawled out on an endless resting couch, looking very cute.

"You think that you have his attention now, but you are nothing more than common! You act tough, but you will never be as special as a rare one like me!" Knighty, my Charcadet, retorted back.

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