Paradise Pokeball System

This Could Only Mean One Thing!

"Alright, let's do this!" I shouted and pressed the button on Knighty's ball, making her appear in a flash, but then Clive recalled his Pokémon and looked away.

"Uh, fine Pokémon you... have there. Do you think you might have a different one I can fight?" Clive asked me, and I looked at my Charcadet, who looked ready to fight, but she also looked pretty cute in that white dress.

"Sorry, but all my Pokémon are like this. To tell you the truth, I would love to be able to train the girls without having them fight, but I think a little friendly competition is good. I also want to earn the gym badges, meaning I will have to get stronger, and so are they," I explained, and Clive sighed.

"I hear what you are saying, my dude, but that Pokémon is just too cute! Ain't no way I can battle her!" Clive said, but then there was a flash of light, and Lumi, my Cosmog, appeared in the Pawmi Paw Print Dress.

"What about me?" Lumi asked, and Clive grabbed his chest in what looked like agony.

"Oh! You are even more adorable! A special Legendary Pokémon said to be able to travel across Ultra Space and Time! A truly fascinating Pokémon, but I have already seen your cuteness, and no way could I touch such a beautiful creature!" Clive gasped, and I laughed but then choked as a third light appeared.

There were only 2 dresses, and this could only mean one thing!

"What about me?! I am already wounded, so it should be a fair fight, right?" Popsicle asked to wear absolutely nothing.

"Popsicle! Get back inside your ball when you have no clothes!" I yelled at my Pawmi, but the damage was done, Clive shooting backward from the fountain of blood gushing out his nose.

"What? I just wanted to get in on the fun!" Popsicle complained as I summoned her ball and returned her to it, letting out a long sigh.

"Well, if you don't need us, we should probably get back inside. I hope your friend is okay. Now I can see why you want us to wear clothing. It seems our bodies have a self-defense mechanism thinger that hurts anyone that looks at us with no clothing!" Lumi said, and Knightly gasped as I slapped a hand over my face.

"The girls are getting new dresses today, and we won't have this problem," I said, but neither of the two was paying any attention to me.

"I was wondering when I get these enlarged breasts, but I guess they must be another way for us to defend the master, right?" Knightly asked, and Lumi crossed her arms under her breasts and hiked them up in her shirt.

"Yus! We have secret weapons if anyone comes to hurt the Master! We flash the fat blobs and surprise the enemy before attacking!" Lumi said while nodding and looking far too sagely for this conversation.

"That is not what they are for, and you had better not go around flashing other Pokémon and their trainers! You two get back to Prisma, and Lumi, do not put any more of those crazy thoughts into Knightly's innocent mind," I groaned as the two girls giggled and then flashed into light.

I walked over to Clive, who had blood all over his face, and handed him a tissue.

"I am sorry about that. I guess I should have warned you that my Pokémon can be a bit, uh, provocative," I said, but Clive just laughed and wiped his nose.

"It's all good, homie. I think this has been quite an eye-opener. Let's head to the Star Training Base and see if we can get some real battling in!" Clive said, then he pulled out his phone to call an air cab.

"Wait! You still want me to come with you?!" I exclaimed, and Clive nodded.

"But of course, my dude, but we will stop somewhere on the way. For this special training, you will need three of your Pokémon, so I think we should get another dress for the girls. While we are at it, I will introduce you to one of the gym leaders. It will add to the trip time a bit, but worth it!" Clive explained, but I shook my head.

"The girls were getting clothing, so there is no point. I think tomorrow will be better, and I can meet you in the morning to have more of the day. I can't promise I will be super early, but I will come if you don't mind waiting?" I suggested. I didn't want to leave the girls since today was their day out, and I could get in a bit more training.

"That is probably a good idea. That little episode with the girls took a lot out of me, so I might go get some rest after a bit to eat. Since I couldn't battle you, let me treat you to some meat skewers for you and the girls?" Clive offered, and I nodded.

I hadn't eaten lunch yet, so that sounded like a good deal to me, and I could check on the girls.

"That sounds pretty good. The girls would love some meat skewers, so let's do it!" I said as the air cab showed up.

"Clive! Are you taking the newbie under your wing?" Larry asked as we got in, and Clive nodded.

"Since I have more free time, I thought it might be fun to show him the ropes! Boy was in a coma for ten years, and even with his special mind, he still missed ten years of interactions!" Clive laughed, and I had to nod in agreement.

"You really landed in the right place when you came here, Landon! Everyone seems to want to help you, but I am not surprised. Most people are pretty friendly; they just want to get into a good battle," Larry said, but then looked back at Clive. "What is the blood from? You look like you had your own personal battle."

"Oh, this was nothing, just a small nosebleed, nothing to worry about, I assure you! Landon is a popular lad with the women, so I had been looking for a chance to snag him away. Not every day that you have a person come from another time, so I want to offer my guidance for the chance to ask some questions," Clive said and then looked at me. "What do you say? Not too bad of a deal, right?"

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