Paradise Pokeball System

PP SYS Ch 71: Cryo Unloads

"... Yes... But I am warning you that it is going to be intense, and we are going to need to rest for twice as long after," I told her, but she just turned up her nose at me. No wonder Cryo was so excited about this.

[You have to admit that her little attitude problem is starting to become vexing, to say the least. Since I am a combination of Pokémon and technology, I would not have the same patience that you have, but I also might not give any of them a chance to resist me. This is why you are the one in control and not me, but that is beside the point. I just need you to give her some of your saliva.]

"You want me to kiss her?!" I asked, but then slapped my hand over my mouth as Lusamine flinched back. Curse my absent-mindedness!

"What are you talking about! I am not going to kiss you!" Lusamine snapped but then looked away with a confused look, muttering to herself under her breath so I couldn't hear.

Suddenly, Cryo appeared with his blue body and white wings.

"There are other options, but this is the most appropriate for the current situation. You could cut your arm and have her drink your blood, or there is the option of her using her mouth or body to receive your seed. The main point is just fluid transfer, so I guess you could spit into her mouth," Cryo suggested, and I snorted at the last suggestion.

"You! You are the one that named that Quest and made me mad at Landon, weren't you?!" Lusamine demanded, but Cryo shook his head.

"The system that is inside of Landon came with me as a package deal, but I do not have control of it. The names that it gives are the most appropriate given the amount of data. Personally, I think that Ice Queen is fairly nice. Keep in mind that you have been treating the host of the system pretty poorly, to say the least, and more than one person has told you that. Another personal thought, since I am out here, is that Landon would have been better off just planting a bomb in the Aether facility to kill everyone after he left to save him from this headache. Him capturing you was only to prevent you and the rest of humanity from reaching Ultra-Space," Cryo explained, and I rounded on my Pokémon, but I was starting to wonder just how much he was my Pokémon. It was starting to feel like I was his human, even if I was given the assumption that I was in control.

"While I get that you don't like her, that was uncalled for. It is also something that you only decided to bring up now," I said, and Cryo nodded.

"While you may believe that, this is my only means of protecting you right now. I had no idea what kind of person you would be, so I already had many different plans to help you escape. While it was successful, having to listen to this woman batter you for choices that were hardly your own choice is bad for your mental health and your confidence going forward. Lusamine should know that she is the one thing that is holding you back from your full potential. Each time you make a stride forward, this ignorant woman acts like an overgrown child, throwing fits and insulting the progress you make. My job is to protect you and to help you grow, Landon, but if things do not change with Lusamine, I will have to suggest that you use Lumi to drop her off in another timeline," Cryo explained, but I shook my head.

"You know that I won't do that unless she wants that!" I argued, and Cryo nodded.

"That is why I can only suggest it. This is also why I just explained to Lusamine how I felt since this is the only way that I can help you right now," Cryo explained, and I looked up, but Lusamine was gone.

"Where did Lusamine just go?" I asked, but then she suddenly reappeared in a flash of light, but Cryo disappeared at the same time.

The two of us just stood there for a while, but then Lusamine spoke up. "Do you want me to leave?"

"No. I just want to stop fighting with you. Cryo isn't wrong about this, and I get why he said it. I am not as strong as he is, but I also am not willing to give up on you. I did catch you against your will, but I am not forcing you to do anything other than not letting you go down a dark path. If you really don't want to be here, then I understand, and I will get Lumi to take you somewhere else, and you can restart your life with no memory of this ever happening or me. Just know that I don't want you to go," I said, and Lusamine looked away while biting her lip and grabbing the elbow of her other arm that was held straight.

"I... I don't want to leave," Lusamine said softly, and then her eyes widened. "It's just that I am scared of the unknown, and this place is familiar, and so are you. I just don't know what to do..."

I nodded, understanding how she could feel that way. "Then why don't we start from here? You can take your time and get used to the idea of something new, but I will still help you in any way that I can."

Lusamine looked up at me for a long moment before nodding slowly and answering. "Alright, I guess that makes sense. For now, shall we start on that workout?"

I chuckled as I nodded. "Sounds like a plan, but do you still want Cryo to help you?"

"What does it mean if he enters my body? Will I hear his voice as well?" Lusamine asked hesitantly.


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