Paradise Pokeball System

PP SYS Ch 67: Charcadet Encounter!

The two of us lay there until some wild Pokémon started to come near us. Some of them I had never seen before.

One of them was especially interesting; it looked like it was wearing a metal helmet with a flame coming from its head and back.


[That is level 13 Carcadet, a rare fire-type Pokémon. The entry from the Pokédex says that its firepower increases as it fights, reaching over 1800 degrees. They also say that they like berries rich in fat, but I am sure she will like the Oran Berries you have.]

"That is an interesting Pokémon," Lusamine said as we both sat up to look at the Charcadet, but it ran behind the tree we were lying under. "Are you going to catch it?"

"Yeah, I would like to," I said as I pulled out some Oran Berries I had collected with Tallia. My inventory kept everything that I put inside of it as fresh as when I got it. That made me wonder if I could do the same for hot food, but I would have to try that another time.

"What Pokémon are you going to use against it? Someone that uses water, right?" Lusamine asked, but I shook my head as I held my hand out with the three big blue berries in it.

"No. If I am going to catch it, I would prefer not to resort to violence. They will take on a human-like form and be able to communicate with us, so beating them into submission really doesn't seem very productive," I explained, and Lusamine nodded and then turned to watch Charcadet.

The Charcadet came walking out from behind the tree, looking around at us with its yellow eyes. When it saw the food in my hand, it let out a small noise and started to walk toward me curiously.

I took one of the Oran Berries in my hand alone and offered it to the Pokémon. It sniffed it before taking a few bites and then began to eat the rest eagerly. I smiled as I watched it enjoy the snack, and Lusamine was also smiling as she watched it too.

As it finished eating, the Charcadet looked up at me expectantly, and I could tell that it wanted more. I grabbed another berry and gave it to the Pokémon, making sure to pet the side of her helmet while I did so.

It was metal, but it felt warm and almost had a soft feeling to it, but there was also a lot of heat coming from the Pokémon's back. I looked, and there was another flame that was almost like a tail, but not.

The Charcadet seemed to like this, so I continued to give it more snacks until she was full. After that, it slowly walked closer to me and bowed its head as if to say thank you.

"It looks like it wants to come with us!" Lusamine said with excitement, and I nodded.

"Yes, I think it does," I said, and then took out a Paradise Ball and showed it to Charcadet, but that made her back away.

"Hmmm, not as easy as you thought it would be?" Lusamine asked, but I shrugged.

"This is a rare Pokémon, so I didn't really think that it would be very easy to catch, but I do have an idea," I said, and then looked at the Charcadet. "I know that you are probably scared of Pokeballs, but the ones that I use are different. I don't know if anyone has tried to catch you before, but the inside of my balls are much different than other people's. I can enter them, and so can certain people, like Lusamine here."

I turned to Lusamine and summoned her ball in my other hand, and she nodded to me, seeming to understand what I wanted. I clicked her ball, and it opened up, causing Lusamine to glow bright white, and then she was sucked into the ball.

I turned back to the Charcadet, who had fallen over, and was now staring at me with wide eyes. I could understand the Pokémons shock, and I smiled, and then closed my eyes and re-opened them in Prisma in Lusamine's ball.

"Ready to come back out?" I asked, and then I had to laugh, making Lusamine narrow her eyes at me.

"Yes, but what are you laughing about?" Lusamine asked in an annoyed voice, and I stopped laughing, but I was still grinning.

"Just wait till you see its face when we come back out," I said, and closed my eyes, re-opening them back in Paldea.

Charcadet had fainted.

"What did you do to the poor thing?!" Lusamine asked as she rushed over, but I stopped her before she could grab the Pokémon. The grass had been turned to ashes under Charcadet, and I had felt the heat coming off of it when it was close to me.

"It fainted from shock, but you can't just randomly grab it. I am sure this is a Pokémon you have never dealt with before, but think of it like a Magmar. It has the flame on the top of its head, but there is also one coming from its back," I explained, and Lusamine stopped resisting me.

"So what do we do now?" Lusamine asked, and I smiled.

"We wait till it wakes up, of course. Then, if it still wants to come with us, we can try one of my Paradise Balls," I said, and then looked back at the Charcadet.

It was lying there with its eyes closed, but I could tell that it was still alive by the flames coming from its head and body. I had a feeling that when it did wake up, it would be surprised by how nice we were and, hopefully, excited to join our team. That was the dream, at least.

And so we waited until eventually, around one in the morning, the Charcadet awoke. It blinked several times before sitting up, looking around in confusion. When it noticed the two of us watching it, it scurried away, but not far enough for me to chase after it.

I called out to it, asking it to come closer. I told her that I just wanted to talk, and I didn't want to hurt it. After a few moments of hesitation, the Charcardet walked closer and stood beside me.


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