Paradise Pokeball System

PP SYS Ch 59: Chansey Egg Omelet?

The following day, I woke up and kissed Lumi goodbye, and she moaned it back to me, and I broke away from my Cosmog as she pulled her blanket over her fluffy yet gaseous hair.

I waved goodbye to her, then turned and left the room. I had gained a new appreciation for Lumi and our Bond, and I couldn't wait to find out what else we could do together.

I closed my eyes and opened them, standing in front of Joy's Poke-Center. I walked over and then inside to hear the sounds of Lusamine and Joy coming from the kitchen. As I headed to the back of the building, I could smell food being cooked, and my mouth started to water.

"Good morning, girls," I said as I walked into the kitchen to Joy making an omelet and Lusamine playing on a Rotom phone that looked identical to mine.

"Good morning! Are you feeling hungry?" Joy asked as I walked over to kiss her, and I nodded with a smile.

"Yes! Is that the Chansey Egg Omelet?" I asked, and she nodded.

"Yes, You can have this one, and I will make more after," Joy said and then cuddled into me briefly. When she went back to cooking, I went over to sit at the table with Lusamine, looking at the phone in her hand, but then I ripped it out as my face went red.

"What do you think you are doing?!" I snapped as I took the phone and closed the new images that Tallia's mother had sent me overnight, it seemed. "How did you get my phone?!"

"I took it from you while we were upgrading things. You weren't leaving, and I was going to give it back to you. I just wanted to see what technology they had access to. If you would hurry up and do something with me to get our Bond up, then I might be able to get my own with this stupid system of yours. That, or you could just buy me one of those or a computer to use. Something to pass the time in here!" Lusamine complained, and I groaned as I put my phone in the front pocket of my pants this time.

[increasing your Bond with Lusamine will require a lot of work, but gifts could be a way to soften her some. Currently, you have 23,500$, but you are going to need to earn more than that to get something like a phone or a computer. To do this, you are going to have to collect materials from Pokémon that you catch and battle or battle other trainers. There are also artifacts and other rare items that you can find and sell like gold and stardust. There are numerous ways to earn money, but they all involve exploring and making your Pokémon stronger. The areas that have stronger Pokémon are likely to have better things since they are less accessible to lower leveled people.]

"I will do my best, but things are just getting started for us. If you want, I can let you use my phone while I am in Prisma until I can get you your own; deal?" I asked, and Lusamine sighed.

"I guess that is better than nothing, but why is that woman sending you such lewd and provocative pictures? I would never dream of doing something so unladylike!" Lusamine declared, and Joy giggled as she flipped the omelet.

"I would send some to Landon if I had a phone if he was going to be away for a while or maybe if I wanted some personal attention from him. I think that Jolene is just lonely and really likes Landon. I also think that she is interested in coming to Prisma and getting out of her daily life as a single mother. It is kind of the best of both worlds for her if she can also hook you up with her daughter. I know it sounds weird, but a woman like her might feel comforted that she can keep her daughter near and with a man she trusts," Joy explained and then plated my omelet, bringing it over to me.

"That is the most messed up reasoning that I have ever heard. But I guess it would make sense. Jolene seems really close to her daughter, but if it is something that they both want, then I will do my best. I will try to do my best to earn enough money for Lusamine to get her own phone or a computer, but it may take some time," I said, and then started to eat my omelet as Joy started on the next omelet.

"No problem, but I recommend that you take things slow with Jolene. She may be able to help us, but she is still a woman and can have her own feelings too. Just be careful around her," Joy said, and I nodded as I finished my omelet. I leaned back in my chair, feeling much better after the delicious meal.

"That was really good, thank you. Maybe this afternoon, we can go out and try to find some rare materials or start battling other trainers. What do you think?" I asked, and Lusamine nodded while Joy smiled.

"I think it's an excellent idea! Are you still going to meet the girl this morning?" Joy asked, and I nodded.

"Yup, I just want to go see the new Pokémon first. While I have some good Pokémon now, I want to find out who wants to be a fighter and who doesn't. Since the girls are all in human form now, I don't want to force anyone to fight. I think it is already going to be hard enough when I face other trainers and they see the girls. I am still not really sure how I am supposed to deal with that, but we will have to see when the time comes," I said with a sigh.

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