Paradise Pokeball System

PP SYS Ch 51: Demands

Miss Raifort leaned back slightly and gave me an appraising look before nodding slowly.

"Fine. Tell me what you know," she said, crossing her arms over her chest and giving me a stern look.

I took a deep breath and started to explain, telling her everything I had learned from Cryo about the past of Paldea and its people. It was clear that she was impressed by my knowledge, as she kept nodding and asking questions as I went along. When I was finished, she gave me one final appraising look before turning away.

"So, it seems that you are more than just a normal student," she said with a sigh before facing me once more, but her blush made Miss Raifort look like she was about to pass out. "Very well, I am just going to..."

I hopped up and caught her in my arms as she collapsed and looked down at her in alarm.

"Miss Raifort! Are you okay?!" I asked before carefully pulling her into my arms and carrying her to the a chair.

When Miss Raifort opened her eyes again, she shook her head and groaned before pushing away from me weakly.

"Yes, I am alright, but I don't know what came over me," she said with an embarrassed look on her face as she tried to sit up but collapsed back in my arms weakly. "I guess it just shows how little I trust you. I don't know why I can't get up."

I frowned but then stood up with her in my arms. "Is there somewhere I can take you?"

"The n-nurses office," Miss Raifort said, but then sneezed and groaned right after. "I knew that something felt off this morning! You! You got me all worked up and made it worse! Now I demand that you take me to Nurse Miriam's office!"

"Yes, ma'am!" I said with a smile before jogging out of the classroom and down the hall. The nurse's office was a few buildings away, and it only took me five minutes to get there. Thankfully, Nurse Miriam was still in her office, and she understood what was going on as soon as I explained.

"It seems that you have the flu, Miss Raifort!" She said after taking a look at her temperature, and then she eyed me suspiciously. "I don't know what you did to her, but I suggest that you keep your distance!"

I nodded and was about to leave, but she stopped me.

"I don't mean to leave! I haven't even introduced myself yet!" Nurse Miriam ordered, and I nodded as I waited for her to get Raifort into the bed and give her some medication.

I looked around the room, but there was no one but some sleeping Pokémon over on the couch. There were two beds, but the other was empty, so I walked over to sit down by the sleeping Pokémon.

One was a Ralts, and the other was a Hatenna, but when I sat down, they both blinked and opened their eyes. They stared at me with surprise, and the Hatenna pushed itself up to its feet with a loud yawn.

"Are you okay?" I asked both of them, and the Ralts nodded before curling up so that it was leaning against my leg.

The Hatenna hopped onto the couch beside me and curled up as well, and I petted both of the cute Pokémon. These were both adorable and would make for cute Pokémon in the future to catch. These two must already be Nurse Miriam's Pokémon, but it was nice to have them both cuddle up against me. I was glad that none of my other Pokémon like Lumi, my Cosmog, came out of the ball and got angry at the two for getting close to me.

"That's it, that's enough cuddles. Off you both go now!" Nurse Miriam said with a smile. "I just need to give Miss Raifort something, and then she will be right as rain! Now, off to bed, all of you!"

The two Pokémon hurried off the couch and into soft-looking round beds, and I stood up before walking over to the other bed and sitting down. I watched as Nurse Miriam went over to her desk to take her stethoscope off before coming to sit with me.

"Thank you for being so kind and gentle with them. They really have warmed up to you," Nurse Miriam said, and I smiled before nodding. "And I am sorry if I seemed sharp with you before as well. Today has been a long day, and these two Pokémon we found wandering on the grounds, but both of them looked injured. A few of the students tried to catch them, but they would sooner get knocked out than let that happen. I was called out, and I brought them inside. They seem to be fine right now, but I think the two of them were fighting."

"It can be hard to tell when Pokémon fight amongst each other, and it looks like they have bonded with me already," I said before looking over at the two Pokémon that were cuddled together. "Maybe my presence calmed them down or something."

Nurse Miriam smiled and then looked towards Miss Raifort, who was sleeping on the bed in the corner.

"It seems that you may have the same effect on people, too," Nurse Miriam said before standing up and patting my shoulder before getting back to work. "Maybe you should try to catch them? Now that they are better, I am going to have to let them back out into the wild. I heard that you are good at Bonding with Pokémon, so maybe the pair will let you catch them? It would be a lot of help if you could."

"I would be happy to try," I said with a smile before standing up and walking over to the two Pokémon. They were both looking up at me, so I sat down on the ground beside the two.

As I did, Nurse Joy came out, but to my surprise, she was in the white Pawmi print dress.

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