Paradise Pokeball System

PP SYS Ch 49: Jolene

"I am the one that seduced this young man, not the other way around, but you must be the one that my daughter said was violent," Tallia's mother said, and Lusamine flinched.

"Lusamine is still trying to get used to things, but Landon really isn't a bad person. I decided that I wanted to be caught by him after hearing about what was going to happen to him in the future. There is a special Pokémon in his mind that helps him, so he also may seem a lot older and more experienced than you would think for a twenty-year-old that spent half of his life in a coma," Nurse Joy explained, and Tallia's mother nodded, and then she looked at my Cosmog, Lumi, and my Pawmi, Popsicle in their more human Paradise forms.

"That's amazing! So you can really change them into people?" Tallia's mother said in amazement, and I nodded.

"Yes, with the help of my Paradise Balls. I also have a few new techniques that I am working on, but I am still learning," I said, and then Nurse Joy smiled.

"I think you were both in the middle of something, but if you ever wanted to have tea sometime, let Landon know. Lusamine isn't much of a talker, and Lumi and Popsicle are more like my children, so it would be nice to talk to another mature woman," Nurse Joy said, and then she and the two Pokémon flashed into light and disappeared back into Prisma as I returned her ball to my inventory.

That just left Tallia's mother, me, and Lusamine, who was glaring at me. I could almost feel the anger coming off her in waves, but I really wasn't sure about what to do.

"You might have Joy and this woman fooled, but I know that you enjoy having us imprisoned like this! You are just a sick and twisted pervert that-" Lusamine growled, but suddenly, Tallia's mother got up and slapped her. The strike had not been hard, but Lusamine still stepped back in shock, putting a hand up to her now reddening cheek.

"From what I understand, you were on a crash course to not only destroy yourself but also bully and mentally abuse your future children. That is what was just shown to me by the Pokémon named Cryo in my head just now. While I don't know if that is true or not, your attitude now and at the school with the Art teacher, Hassel, shows that something like that could be possible if your mind was infected by an Ultra Beast. You should be thankful that he took you out of that place if that was what your future had in store. I am sure that this isn't easy, but I think that Landon is only trying to help you, but you are taking your frustrations out on him like a little girl," Tallia's mother explained, but her words got softer as she spoke.

Lusamine just looked at the ground and then nodded before flickering into light and returning back to Prisma.

Tallia's mother then looked up at me with tears in her eyes, "Thank you, Landon. I am sure that this will all be resolved soon, but from what I have seen, her life hasn't been easy."

I nodded, not sure what to say.

"I hope you are not angry that I hit her?" Tallia's mother asked as she sat back down beside me, and I wrapped an arm around her, kissing the woman's cheek.

"No, not at all. I am glad that you could talk to her, and I think you might even have made some progress with Lusamine. I know her life was rough, but that is why I let her act out because I did force her to come with me," I said with a sigh.

"I think that she needed that. Unfortunately, that took more time than I had thought it would, and we are going to have to put this off for another two days. Tallia is home all day tomorrow, but I am sure that she will be with Nemona and you all day. You are more than welcome to come for lunch with them, and I will be wearing more clothing," Tallia's mom giggled, and then kissed me passionately for a while before pulling back with a mischievous smile. "Did you like the picture that I sent?"

"I did, and I am sorry about all this with the Pokémon; I got us sidetracked. Do you think there is a name I can call you by?" I asked, then added, "Besides the pet names you have already picked."

"You can just call me Jolene. As for your girls and Pokémon, I did ask for you to show me them, and I had a really good time with you today! The fun stuff can happen at any time, but I have been dying to have someone to talk to. It is also really nice that you are very attractive and have a decent body, which makes relaxing with you and talking so much better if we can enjoy each other as well," Jolene said and then kissed me again before getting up.

"Thank you, and I will keep that in mind. I was really nervous about this, but this has really been a great experience. Like Nurse Joy said, I can drop her off in the morning if you women want to talk tomorrow while I am out with the girls, if you want?" I asked, and Jolene nodded as I got up and headed over to put my shoes back on.

"I think that would be great. It can give us a chance to talk about more serious things in private, but you can also leave that Lusamine girl. She is about the same age as you, and not that much more than my daughter, so I think it would be good for her to come and talk with us girls. Well, I should go get started on some dinner for Tallia, but I think I need to put on a few more layers before my daughter gets home. I will see you tomorrow!" Jolene said, leading me out the door with a warm hug goodbye.

I left Tallia's house with a big smile on my face, but when I pulled out my Rotom Phone, I quickly called a cab. It was already quarter after one, and I had History class with Miss Raifort at one. She had already shown that she didn't like me, so I had best hurry!

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