Paradise Pokeball System

PP SYS Ch 44: Pokeball Upgrades!

"Breed me more, master! I don't want to be done with the game yet, master!" Popsicle cried as I stabbed my dick up into her wetness as I held her up.

"Yes, I will keep breeding you, Popsicle! We can play this game forever." I said with a grin as we kept fucking.

We both cummed again and again until the pleasure was too intense to take anymore. I carried Popsicle back over to a bedding area of long grass and laid her down before cuddling with her under the tree canopy. We watched as the sun set around us in Prisma's sky as I rubbed her belly again.

It was definitely a day that neither of us would forget anytime soon; we had formed an even deeper bond than before through playing such intimate games together.

[The Quest, 'Pawmi's Playtime!' Is now complete!]

[Quest Rewards: 50 HP, Common Fire Brand Skin x1, Pawmi Paw Print Dress x1, TM 011 Water Pulse x1]

I looked over the rewards and grinned as I saw the new TM, but it was also good that I got another dress for the girls. Popsicle was already sleeping on my chest, so I thought that this would be a good time to check out my menu again.

[PP System]

[3 Up Added for the capture of first Rare Feebas!]

[1 Up Added for the capture of first Common Pawmi!]

[10 UP available]

<Pokeball Upgrades>

<Paradise Pokeball Upgrades>

<PP Upgrades>(N/A)

<Sex Tm Upgrades>(N/A)

<Personal Paradise Upgrades> (N/A)

I still didn't have access to the last three, but I had yet to check out the Pokeball upgrades, and I wasn't feeling that tired yet. I was curious to know what kind of upgrades they would be and how they would help me to catch the Pokémon. I was dead set on trying my best not to have to use force with the girls that I caught, but if I wanted to do that, I was going to need some advantages.

[Pokeball Upgrades]

{1}[Catch Rank: Level 1]

{2}[Base Type Boost: Level 1]

{3}[Critical Capture: Level 1]

{4}[Paradise Ball Skin Boost: Level 1]





I read through the upgrades and thought about how they would help me. The Catch Rank upgrade seemed like a no-brainer. It was common sense that if I had better catching abilities, then I would have a higher chance of getting the Pokémon to stay in my Pokeball after being caught.

[Catch rank 1 allows you to catch Pokémon up to level ten easier. If you get Gym badges, you can get Pokémon of higher levels to respect you. If you catch Pokémon with a higher level than your Trainer Rank, they might not listen to you, even if you have a high Bond level with them. If you raise them from a lower level and they exceed your Catch Rank, they will still respect you. Your Pokémon and mates want to see you succeed, but newer ones that you meet need to know that you are strong if they are to respect and listen to you.]

That made sense, and I knew about the gyms and about Pokémon respecting me, but I had thought that my Bond Level would override the respect part. I guess that wasn't the case.

The next upgrade, Base type boost, was a pretty interesting ability to me. It sounded like it could help with the Pokémons base type and make my Pokémon stronger, but what would it do for the humans?

[Base-Type Upgrade allows you to increase your Pokémon's base type's effectiveness by 10% when fighting. The Humans also have base types, but they are unlocked at Bond Level 3. When they get their Base-Type, The women will gain elemental abilities that will help them with their chosen path. These abilities will be non-combat skills.]

So the girls were going to get abilities like me as well? That made me curious to know what kind of abilities they were going to get, but I bet Nurse Joy got some kind of healing ability. I had no idea what someone like Lusamine would get, but I was a long way away from Bond Level 3 with her, so I put the thought out of my head.

Critical Capture was something that I hadn't heard of before, but it sounded like something really useful for those times when I needed to catch rare Pokémon or tough ones that wouldn't stay in my Pokeball.

[With this skill, you have a 3% chance per level to successfully capture a wild Pokémon on the first throw into your Pokeball.]

Finally, there was the Paradise ball skin boost; this one seemed quite useful as well since it would make all Pokéballs more efficient when they had the skins and look much nicer with new skins too! I had yet to even try one of the skins to see what it would do to my Pokémon, but I was curious about what would happen if I put them on a human Paradise Ball?

[This upgrade increases the bonus from the Skin used by 10%. You cannot use Elemental Skins on Human Paradise Balls. Instead, you will get special Theme Skins that will change the theme of the Paradise Ball.]

More interesting things, but I had yet to find any of these Theme Skins. I looked over the choices, and then put one Ultra Point into my Catch Rank, and then closed that menu back up.

While there were good things there to upgrade, I wanted to focus on the insides of the balls for now. I went back to the PP System menu and selected the Paradise Pokeball Upgrades.

[Paradise Pokeball Upgrades]

{1}[Interior Terrain: Level 2]

{2}[Interior Design: Level 1]

{3}[Habitat Design: Level 2]

{4}[Habitat Bonus: Level 1]





I stared at the selections, feeling myself start to get tired, but I wanted to make sure that I did something before bed. The one that I wanted to pick was Habitat Design, but it was a staggering 6 UP!

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