Paradise Pokeball System

PP SYS Ch 41: Your Dirty Little C*m Slut

To my right was a door and a set of stairs that led up to the second floor, and to my left was an open-concept dining and living room and kitchen. There was also a long island coming from the far wall to separate them.

The place looked really nice, but I didn't see any male things around, making me wonder about Tallia's dad or if she had one around. Males heading off and not coming home wasn't something new, but it must have been hard on Tallia and her mother.

"It is so nice to meet you, Landon! I am sure you must be hungry after your first day at school. Tallia and I were just about to start dinner; would you like to join us?" Her mother asked with a warm smile but then turned to her daughter. "Why don't you go get changed and shower quickly before we eat? I am sure that I can keep Landon busy while you are gone."

[Warning! This mother's pheromone level is very high! It seems that she has been a shut-in, and a stay-at-home mother for most of Tallia's life. She might make a very good partner for you, but you should resist her. It would be better to form a Bond with Tallia first and then her mother. If you do it in the other order, you have less than a 5% chance of success!]

"Sure! I shouldn't be too long, Landon, but I am sure that mom has tons of questions for you!" Tallia said and then ran up the stairs.

That left me with the mother, but the moment her daughter was out of sight, the woman's demeanor changed. She walked over to me with a predatory look like Joy had used on me. Without even saying anything, Tallia's mother pushed me back to the couch and climbed on top of me, breathing heavily.

"So, you are the new and interesting male that my daughter seems to be head over heels for? You are quite good-looking, so I can see why, but I also heard that you are not the type to have just one woman! Maybe you might be interested in having both a daughter and her mother?" The mother asked me as she pinned me down to the couch with my arms over my head.

I could have easily overpowered her, but her scent was so strong, it was making me dizzy with excitement. Her words also cut into me, making them hard to resist, but then I suddenly heard Tallia coming back downstairs.

"Mom! I forgot to tell you that Landon made Saguaro and Hassel both cry today!" Tallia called down with a laugh, but didn't come all the way down the stairs as her mother stayed mounted on me. My heart rate was running wild now.

"Really? That is very interesting, but that doesn't sound like you are getting ready! We are both waiting for you, so you might want to hurry up," Tallia's mom said, and then she reached between our legs and started to rub my rock-hard erection.

"Sure, but I think we are out of towels upstairs! Do you have any in your room?" Tallia asked as she started coming down, and her mom grabbed me hard, making me bite my lip. What in Arceus was wrong with this woman?!

"No, I just put fresh ones in the closet in the hall, not the bathroom," Tallia's mom called, and Tallia's feet stopped near the bottom of the stairs.

"Duh! Sorry! I will be really quick!" Tallia called and then ran back up the stairs, and I let out a sigh, but Tallia's mom started to make out with me right after that.

I tried to push her away, but she just linked hands with me and pushed my hands above my head as my head spun, and I got lost in the kiss. I knew this was wrong, but Tallia's mom was so hot, and this was hard to stop.

Finally, she pulled back, stood off me, and waved for me to sit up like nothing had happened. I did as she indicated, and the woman sat down beside me but kept a polite distance.

"So, you can catch humans? What is that like?" Mom asked; I shook my head and then cleared my throat.

"Umm, I don't do it unless they ask," I said nervously, and Tallia's mother smiled at me. "What do I call you?"

"Mom or mother is good," she said, and then her sexy demeanor returned briefly. "But when we are alone, you can call me Mommy or even your dirty little cum slut," Tallia's mom whispered, and I thought that I was going to lose it. Where in Giratina did this woman even come from?!

"Umm, well, the inside of the Paradise Balls are all connected, and they create the perfect living environment for you to grow in. Right now, they are pretty limited, but I am going to make them better," I explained, and then Tallia's mom nodded.

"I see; well, it seems like you are a man of many talents, Landon. My daughter is very lucky to have found you!" Tallia's mother said before getting up off the couch and going back over to the kitchen to leave me dazed and confused, thinking about what had just happened.

[Warning! This woman is more dangerous than she lets on. She has been lonely for a long time, and it seems that she might be willing to do anything in order to capture your attention. Be very careful when around her!]

That was more than the truth, but I couldn't deny how hot Tallia's mom was or how good she tasted. I decided to keep my distance for now and focus on my relationship with Tallia instead. She was the one that I wanted, but there was a part of me that couldn't shake off how attractive her mother was. Still, I was not going for just one woman, so maybe having a pair like this might be good.

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