Paradise Pokeball System

PP SYS Ch 23: Paldea

At the Poke-Center, I headed to the basement after waving at a Tanned Nurse Joy, thinking about my own Sexy Nurse Joy. I accessed a computer terminal, and Cryo got some information about our world map and pointed out a strange far-off land on the map.

[Paldea is a region that is secluded and focuses on a school there for Pokemon Trainers. We could go there, and you could explain your situation to the headmaster and see if they might have a job for you to do to blend in. I think that we might be able to make you seem... interesting, so we might have to drop you from a great height, but I would calculate the proper place for you to come out, so you take minimal damage. There is this, or take your chances here. The reason that I suggest Paldea is that it does not have any major crime families, and I can take you out of this timeline, meaning that Mohn can't chase us, but we have to come back at some point for Cosmog's samples.]

I thought it over and nodded. "Let's go to Paldea, then. It feels like the safest option right now."

Cryo seemed pleased with my decision as we both set out to leave the basement, but there was a commotion coming from upstairs on the main level of the Poke-Center, and I could tell right away it was Team Snagem.

One of them had a snagging machine, and he shouted at Nurse Joy. "Where is that stupid trainer with that Cosmog! We saw the bastard come in here!"

"Sir, I'm afraid I don't know who you're talking about," Nurse Joy said sternly. "You can look around if you'd like, but please try to remain calm."

[Do not do anything. That is a machine, and you are in range, so I can affect it.]

The Team Snagem member was angry now and pointed the snagging Machine at Nurse Joy before he pressed the button. Nothing happened, though; it looks like Cryo had already disabled it. He screamed and threw it on the ground, then stormed out of the door with his friend following him silently behind with a scowl on his face.

[Make sure to retrieve that Snag Machine so it can be repurposed.]

"Are you okay?" I asked Nurse Joy as I walked over and grabbed the strange hand, and then took my backpack off to put it in, but I put it in my inventory once it was out of sight.

"Yes, but you should probably get out of here. I am pretty sure that they are looking for you, and I don't want you to get hurt," Nurse Joy said, her voice trembling slightly.

I smiled at her reassuringly before turning back around. "We're leaving now, but thank you for your help."

Nurse Joy nodded and waved as we left the Poke-Center, with both Cosmog out of sight and Feebas inside my team's Paradise ball in my inventory. We weren't done yet; Team Snagem was still out there looking for us, so it was time to get out of town and open another Ultra-Wormhole. We had bigger questions to answer:

Where were we going, and what would happen when we got there? The place sounded pretty good, and I was excited to see new Pokémon if this region had some, which I was sure that it would, but it was weird knowing that I was going to be leaving this timeline. I still wasn't really sure what that even meant.

[It means that you can go explore something new without worrying about being tracked by Team Snagem or Aether Paradise. It also means that you will be able to evolve your Pokémon on a different timeline, so don't worry too much.]

I nodded, but then I heard someone shout from behind me. I quickly turned around, and there were two people in black vests with no shirts under them. They were Snagem members, the same ones from earlier.

"There he is!" One of them shouted as they began to raise the one Snag Machine they had between them.

[Landon, run! It is too far for me to affect!]

I didn't wait; I ran immediately towards the closest alley and dove in, making sure they couldn't follow me. Once I was safe enough to take a break inside an alley, I caught my breath," That was close."

[Indeed it was. We need to go somewhere out of Team Snagem's reach soon, or else we will have far more than trouble.]

I nodded and checked what I had on my person. My Poké Balls, the Snag Machine in my inventory, and some money were all that I had.

[We need to get to Paldea soon, then.]

"Right," I said with determination before heading out of the alley and running towards a different part of town to get out as a Cryo made a path lit up for me on the ground to lead me out of town.

I could hear the cries of the Snagem members in the distance, but I was already too far. I thought about what would happen next as Cryo, and his light guided me on, a feeling of excitement and anticipation mixed with anxiety all at once.

What would Paldea be like? What kind of people lived there? Would they accept us and our story, or were we walking into something more dangerous than we expected? Only time would tell, but for now, I just had to focus on getting away.

I ran until I reached the place that Cryo had targeted and summoned Cosmog's Paradise Ball from my inventory without any hesitation. Then I shouted out a command, "Cosmog, Open an Ultra-Wormhole to the location that Cryo gives you!"

Cosmog began to glow brightly and shot straight up into the sky, and then came back down with a loud crack as an Ultra-Wormhole opened. I quickly jumped in after Cosmog returned to her Paradise Ball before it closed, and we were off to our new destination: Paldea.

The feeling wasn't as bad this time, but the moment that I popped out of the wormhole, I realized that this was about to hurt as I started to fall through the air. I heard Cryo's voice again, [Calculate the landing!]

I quickly thought about the proper angle for me to hit the ground and braced myself as I landed with a thud. The pain shot through my body, but it was nothing compared to what would have happened if Cryo hadn't been there to help me.

The sickness was there, but the rest of my body felt broken, but the sand under me was so nice and warm. I could hear the sounds of waves crashing against the shore and smell the salty smell in the air. I opened my eyes to see a vast ocean of water from the beach I was lying on.

[Welcome to Paldea, Landon.]

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