Paradise Pokeball System

PP SYS Ch 2: PP System!

"I-I'm not sure. I think I'm just really good at yoga," I lied, and she gave me a weird look before she started leading me back to my room.

"Well, considering that you have been asleep since I started here five years ago, I am pretty surprised to see that you are awake and moving around."

"I-I have?" I asked, trying to sound surprised as I tried to process everything that was going on. I didn't want to give away that I knew anything since that might make people suspicious of me.

"Yeah, you were in a really bad accident. We all thought that you were never going to wake up," the nurse said as she led me back into my room and helped me back into bed.

"What happened?" I asked as I lay down and stared up at the ceiling. "The last thing I remember is going on a trip with my parents to Aether Paradise."

"You don't remember?" the nurse asked, looking surprised. "Well, I guess it is better that you don't since it was pretty traumatizing."

She then proceeded to tell me about how I was caught in a rockslide while I was exploring some caves. She also told me about how I had been in a coma for the past ten years until just now.

I pretended to be shocked by everything that she was telling me, even though I already knew most of it from Cryo. It seemed like this AI was going to be more useful than I thought if it could keep giving me information like this without anyone knowing.

"What is supposed to happen now?" I asked, my eyes inadvertently falling on Nurse Joy's chest in her strangely low-cut uniform. It looked good on her, but it was almost too good, and it was starting to make me feel like I was unused to popping up below my waist.

"I am going to have to call the head of the facility and let them know that you are awake. They will want to come and talk to you," she said, and I nodded my head.

"Okay, that sounds good," I said as I tried to ignore the stirring in my loins and laid my head back down on the pillow. "I think I am going to go back to sleep now."

"That is probably a good idea," Nurse Joy said as she walked towards the door and then gave me a sexy wink that left me feeling confused and aroused. "I will let you rest for now, but someone will be coming in soon."

As soon as the door closed, I let out a deep breath that I didn't know I had been holding. This was going to be a lot harder than I thought if just Nurse Joy's wink could affect me like that. It seemed like my body was going to have some needs that needed to be taken care of sooner rather than later, but Cryo's words echoed in my head.

I had to catch the woman before she could get together with the man, or else everything would be for naught, but Nurse Joy was here and now, but she wouldn't be interested in someone like me. I was just a patient that she had been taking care of for years, and I didn't even have any clothes on.

I sighed as I laid my head back down on the pillow and tried to push all thoughts of Nurse Joy out of my mind, but it was easier said than done. Her big breast had been nearly spilling out of her shirt, and she was wearing her hair down, unlike the nurse from Melemele that had the round pigtails and her nurse hat on.

[You are going to meet your target tomorrow, so you have today to rest and enjoy the nurse if you wish. Her pheromone levels are high enough to show that she desires you, and I made sure that you grew up to have a desirable body. That is required for your system to function.]

I ignored Cryo's words as I tried to get Nurse Joy out of my head, but it was impossible. She was all I could think about, and my body was starting to respond in ways that I didn't know were possible. Then the door to my room opened back up, and Nurse Joy walked in, but this time she was in a full lab coat, but I could see hard nipples that were poking through the fabric, making my heart start to race.

[Target Nurse Joy Pheromone Levels suggest that she is interested in you and wants to mate. I suggest that you take the opportunity while you can.]

I tried to ignore Cryo's words as Nurse Joy started walking towards me with a seductive look in her eyes, but my body was starting to respond on its own. I could feel stirring between my legs, and I knew that it was, but this was all happening so fast.

"The boss and his scientist can't come until tomorrow, so that means it is just the two of us up here on this floor. No one can hear us," Nurse Joy said with a seductive smile that made me swallow the spit in my mouth. "You know, I have been here without leaving this floor for five years? Just you laying passed out, and me taking care of you, washing your body... it has been hard."

"I-I'm sorry," I said, not knowing what else to say as I stared at her with wide eyes.

"Oh, don't be sorry. It is not your fault that you have been asleep for so long. I am just happy that you are finally awake," she said as she sat down on the edge of my bed and started running her fingers through my hair. "You have no idea how many times I wanted to just take you into my arms and hold you close."

"I-I think I might have an idea," I said as Cryo's words echoed in my head again about her pheromones levels being high enough to show she desired me. My system must be working if Cryo could tell that, but what exactly did it do?

Nurse Joy then leaned in close, and our lips met in a passionate kiss that took away any thoughts of asking questions about my system. Her hands started roaming over my body as we kissed deeply, and soon we were both naked together on the bed, exploring each other's bodies with our hands and mouths. We were both moaning heavily by the time Nurse Joy finally mounted me and sunk down onto my throbbing member, and I groaned as I entered a woman for the first time in my life.

Nurse Joy rode me hard, and I soon found myself on the brink of explosive orgasm, but I managed to hold on long enough for her to reach her peak first with a loud cry that echoed through the room. She then collapsed against me as we both tried to catch our breath, and I wrapped my arms around her, but my body wasn't done.

[Your system is telling you that you need to mate with her in order to increase your chances of survival. I suggest that you listen to it.]

I tried to ignore Cryo's words as Nurse Joy started kissing me again, but I could feel my body responding, and soon I was inside her again, giving her everything I had as she cried out in pleasure. I soon found myself spilling my seed deep inside her, but even then, my body wasn't satisfied.

Nurse Joy and I ended up making love all night long, and I knew that there was no going back now. My system had chosen her as my mate, and I would do everything in my power to make sure that she was happy. This was my first time making love, but my body responded like I had been doing it for years, and I knew that it was because of my system.

The next morning, Nurse Joy woke me up with a kiss, and then she helped me out of bed. "I have to go and meet with the boss now, but I will be back soon."

"Okay, I'll be here waiting," I said as I pulled her in for one last kiss before she left the room.

Once she was gone, Cryo's voice echoed in my head again. [You have successfully mated with your target. Your system is now operational.]

A holographic screen then appeared in front of me with a bunch of symbols that I didn't understand, but Cryo explained them to me. They were all different abilities that my system could do, and I was now able to access them, but I was confused by two of the choices.

[PP System]

<Poke ball Upgrades>

<Paradise Poke ball Upgrades>(N/A)

<PP Upgrades>(N/A)

<Sex Tm Upgrades>(N/A)

<Personal Paradise Upgrades> (N/A)

Sex Tm and PP upgrades? Unfortunately, I could only access one thing, and when I did, it was empty, and I had no UP or Ultra Points. All in all, I was confused, but considering what had happened over the last 24 hours, that was to be expected.

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