Paradise Pokeball System

PP SYS Ch 13: Predatory Smile

[That is because it is a Ditto. It has the ability to change its form to match that of the Pokémon it is fighting, which makes it very difficult to deal with in battle.]

"So what do you suggest I do? I don't have any balls, and I don't know how good I would be in a water battle. I feel like I would get swept away," I said as I continued to try to feel for more Pokémon, but the rest were much deeper.

[Nothing. This was just to help you practice and to remind you that we are in the wild now. Even though this area had a low amount of Pokémon, my scans prove that is not as much the case anymore. It seems more Pokémon have been brought in over the years to help populate this area, so you need to be careful.]

I nodded my head and then stopped trying to sense the Pokémon. I then put the water bottle away and started to walk again. I continued walking for a few hours before I found a good spot to set up my Base Camp. The spot that I chose was not far from the lake, where there was one small pathetic excuse for a shrub, but it was the only vegetation I could see anywhere around me.

I pulled out my bag and started to set up my Base Camp. I followed the instructions that Cryo had given me, and soon I had a small dome-shaped tent with a bedroll inside. There was also a small table with two chairs, along with a lantern hanging from the ceiling.

"This is actually kind of nice," I said as I walked into my new home away from home. "What do you think, Cryo? Is this going to be good enough?"

[It is not the Ritz, but it will do for now. I have set this location so you can take a wormhole back here when you want to sleep. Now that you are set up, I suggest you take some time to get to know your new partners. You just have to close your eyes and think of which ball you wish to enter, and then open them. Once you are inside, you will receive your first mission and a chance to earn Pokeball Points, or PP, and other rewards like skins for your Paradise Pokeballs, Clothes for you and the girls, or Special Tm's.]

I nodded my head and then walked over to my table and sat down, summoning my three Pokeballs. I picked them up and looked at them. There was Nurse Joy's Pink ball, Cosmog's white ball with a black starry galactic coating running along the edges, and finally, there was Lusamine's ball which was almost completely black with just a hint of dark gray.

I didn't know which one to pick, but I decided to just go with my gut and start with Nurse Joy. I put the other two away and then gripped her ball tightly as I closed my eyes. I pictured Nurse Joy inside the ball, and then I thought about being with her.

I felt a warmth inside my chest, and then I was pulled into the Pokeball. I felt myself being compressed into a liquid state, and then I was spat out, and I opened my eyes to a massive plain of grass that was covered in a dome-like sky. I instantly started to heave again, but this time it wasn't as bad, and then I felt a warm hand on my back, and I turned back to look at Nurse Joy and then fell over in surprise at how she looked now.

Beautiful and sexy felt like words that didn't touch the creature that stood before me. No, she was much greater than both those words put together. She still wore her nurse outfit, but it now hugged her slender curves in just the right way. It also seemed to have grown shorter since I last saw her as it now only went down to barely cover her ass instead of all the way down to her mid-thigh like before.

Her long pink hair was now cascading down past her shoulders in gentle waves, and her blue eyes were now a deep ocean blue that seemed to draw me in. Her lips were also fuller than before, and they now had a slight pout to them as if she was inviting me to kiss her.

"Are you feeling better now?" She asked in a throaty voice that sent a shiver down my spine. "I can't have my Mate falling sick on me so soon."

I nodded my head, but I couldn't speak as I just stared at her in shock. I had thought that she was beautiful before, but this new version of her was on a whole other level. I felt my cheeks flush, and I had to look away as my body started to respond in ways that I didn't mean to.

"Is something wrong?" She asked as she knelt down next to me and put her hand on my cheek, forcing me to look at her. "You seem troubled."

"I-I'm fine," I said as I tried to push away the thoughts of what I wanted to do to her, but Nurse Joy looked down and saw the erection pressing in my pants with a smile. "I-I'm sorry."

"Don't be," She said as she leaned in closer so that her lips were almost touching mine. "It is only natural for your body to respond to me. We are Mates, after all."

"Mates?" I asked, confused as I tried to remember what Cryo had told me about mates, but my mind was foggy, and it was hard to focus with Nurse Joy's closeness.

"Yes, Mates. We are two parts of a whole, and we are destined to be together," She said as she finally closed the distance between us and kissed me deeply.

I had already had sex with Nurse Joy back in the Aether Paradise Facility, but now something had changed, and it was like my body almost needed to connect with her. Then a holographic screen with my first mission popped up, and it was about Nurse joy!

[Nurse Joy's Injection: Satisfy Nurse Joy.]

"What is this?" I asked as I looked at the mission.

[This is your first mission, and it is also a way for you to earn PP. You will need to complete this mission, and then you can receive your reward. I suggest you get started now.]

Cryo's words faded from my mind as

 I turned to look at Nurse Joy, who was now standing in front of me with a predatory smile on her face.

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