Paradise Pokeball System

PP SYS Ch 11: Like Sylveon And Umbreon

I was spat out onto the hard ground, and my body immediately rejected the sandwich that I had eaten earlier, making me puke my guts out, but it was not just one heave. I was stuck dry-heaving till not even bile would come up, and then I crawled over to a sandy spot and laid down in the hot sand.

[Your body should be fine now, but it will take a couple more trips before your body can handle the strain of being squeezed through a soup can. The Ultra-Wormholes were not meant for human travel, and that was the first time your body was turned into pure energy. The same will happen for the girls the first few times they come out. This can be fixed with skills as you get stronger with your Pokémon and Humans.]


That was right, I had both Nurse Joy and Lusamine caught in my Paradise Balls, but only one of them wanted to be caught. I had to think about how I was going to try and talk Lusamine down or what I was even supposed to say to her?

[Remember what I said about humans adapting. It will take them a little time to adjust, but they should be able to adapt to the idea of being captured if you explain it well enough. You are in the southeast region of Orre right now, and the City of Phenac is north of you. You should consider going to Phenac so you can earn some money for supplies since the trip across the wasteland region of Orre will not be easy. There will be no place to buy supplies, nor will there be anywhere in the Guyana region. These are things that you need to keep in mind going forward if you wish to go off-grid to get stronger.]

I stopped what I was doing of just lying in the sand, not hard, and got to my feet. I then walked over to Cosmog's Pokeball, picked it up, and looked at it. It was still white with the black stary galactic coating that ran along the edges.

"You said that I can go inside the Pokeballs, right? How do I do that?" I asked as I put Cosmog's ball away and pulled out Nurse Joy's. Strangely, the ball was slightly pink.

[Yes, you can go inside the Pokeballs, but it is not necessary. If you wish to do so, all you have to do is think about being inside the Pokeball of your choice, and then when you open your eyes, you will be in what is called a subspace. This place exists outside of time and space where all Pokémon reside when they are captured in their Paradise Balls. Each space is separated, but they are all connected, and you and your Mates can travel between them.]

"Mates? I thought that Nurse Joy was my Mate? What do you mean by mates?" I asked as I put Nurse Joy's ball away.

[Each human that you capture with a Paradise Ball is your Mate, and they will see you as their Mate as well. The only thing is that they have to accept it in their heart before the bond can be truly complete, but it can also be used to force them into submission if necessary.]

"What do you mean forcing them into submission?" I asked worriedly.

[There is a dark side to the bond, and that is where your darker desires can take over if you let them. If you force your human mates to do things that they are not comfortable with without their consent, then it can damage the bond.]

"So, what you are saying is that I could make Lusamine do things against her will if I wanted to? That doesn't seem very fair." I said with a frown.

[No, it is not fair, but that does not change the fact that it can be done. It is your responsibility to make sure that you treat your mates well and with respect, or else the bond will break, and they will be free from your control.]

"So, what about humans outside of Paradise Balls? Is Nurse Joy and Lusamine going to do battle for me?" I asked as the thought occurred to me.

[No, the women inside of the Paradise Balls are not going to fight for you. They will see you as their Mate and want to make you happy, but they are not going to be your personal soldiers or bodyguards. The only thing that they will do is what you ask of them.]

"So if I asked Lusamine to come out and help me with something, she would?" I asked curiously.

[In Lusamine's current state, I suggest that you do not try summoning her or entering her Pokeball. You have to think about your relationships with these women, similar to the way that Sylveon and Umbreon evolve. Like all Eevee Evolutions, they require something special, but in this case, it is for you to have a high Bond or Friendship level with the woman in question before you can summon them from their Pokeball.]

"So, if I want to be able to summon Lusamine from her Paradise Ball, then I am just going to have to get her used to the idea of being with me?" I asked, trying to understand.

[Yes, that is exactly right. You are going to have to talk with her and try to get on her good side. This may take some time, depending on how stubborn she is, but if you are patient and understanding, then it should not be too difficult.]

"So, how do I get back to Aether Paradise?" I asked, changing the subject.

[The same way that you came here. You just have to open up an Ultra-Wormhole and think about where you want to go. I do not suggest you go back until your Pokémon are strong enough, and at your current stage with your system, you can not get any more Paradise Balls until you make Cosmog stronger. You will also have to increase your bond with both girls before they are willing to come out on their own.]

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