Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 77: Redundant Assistance

The Makapu Village, needless to say, wasn't only superstitious but also believed whatever Wu predicted given her reputation.

"Ugh..." Katara groaned, sticking her tongue out as a chewed-out mush seemed to be sticking to her tongue while she cringed. Seeing her state, Suki and Nik dropped their spoons, causing the duo to sigh collectively and reply in their own manner.

"You don't have to eat a papaya if you don't like it." Nik groaned as he himself now began to feel disgusted by his dinner— eleven slices of papaya cut into pieces.

"I don't know why you're being so picky... I've eaten weirder things," Suki mumbled while chewing on her dinner. However, the consequential silence made Suki pause in her tracks as she realized what she had spoken. Looking up, she saw Nik suppressing a smile, she could tell, and Katara still with her tongue out but obvious surprise in her eyes and what felt like a moment of comprehension.

"Ugh... what?" Suki played it off. It will only be weird if she makes it so and the results were apparent as Katara shook her head while Nik shrugged with a short smirk.

"Anyway," Katara pouted, swallowing her mean fill, "Aunt Wu said that eating a papaya bodes well for me..."

Rolling his eyes, Nik retorted, "That's because you always fill on meat. Fruits are necessary to the body too, you know. It's got nothing to do with a predicted future but a simple and healthy diet."

"Oh, look who's talking. Mr. Eats-a-Lot!" Katara snorted in return.

"Hey, that's the secret behind my shocking strength. It just took a little time to show up."

"Anyway, we know for sure that our information still hasn't traveled to Makapu Village but it won't be long until it does so we should prepare to strike fast, save the prisoners, and leave the village so that nothing else disturbs their peace," Suki huffed.

"Before we decide anything, someone will have to sneak towards the Makapu mountain and understand the layout of the prison and see if there are any hypnotizing creeps... especially those earthbenders from that organization... what was it? The Dai Li?" Nik muttered and the two women thought in silence.

"Given that I can escape the easiest out of us three, I'll give it a shot," Nik ended up volunteering after a few minutes of silent recollection. Anyway, he could waterbend quite a bit now and have become a good sparring partner to both of them. Of course, compared to the true experts with rich experience, Nik knew he lacked plenty but even he was quite certain that if his opponent suddenly gets his clothes and items devoured then a great opportunity will represent itself... to defeat the opponent, of course.

What else to do with a naked enemy?

Suki hesitated for a moment but then kept her silence and glanced at Katara, "What would we be doing then till Nik figures out the prison?"

"Practicing by the stream?" Katara pointed out, "In fact, the three of us can use that excuse and Nik can slip out from there. The stream flows just a bit farther from the mountain."

Seeing Nik and Suki nod, Katara hesitated before speaking up, "Is it alright if I ask you two something?"

"Sure," Nik shrugged and Suki nodded.

"Um... we've been traveling for a considerable amount of time now and I wanted to know that during our stay in that village and colony... when I tried to 'avoid' fire nation citizens... did I come across as..."

Katara couldn't find the right word and seeing this, Suki promptly assisted like a good friend would, "A total jerk, yes. But an understandable one, of course."

Pursing her lips, Katara looked towards Nik, wanting to know his feedback, too.

"I thought it was alright," Nik hummed, "Don't get me wrong. Personally, I don't want to see you get caught up with more negative experiences. I don't want that for either of you. But... I did not mind it at all. Nobody's perfect, right?"

"Is this because of Sun?" Suki questioned, making Katara nod after a moment of hesitation. "It's just that after hearing about Sun from Aunt Wu, it really made me feel... wrong about my actions in the past. What if I had unintentionally caused someone else to feel just like Sun when it wasn't even their fault?"

"Oh, I'm sure there's no doubt about that," Nik replied, causing Katara to glare at her only for him to continue, "But it's ok. To feel angry even when it doesn't warrant any reaction. To blame. I mean, those who just accept everything and tolerate everything borders psychos," he frowned as he had lived the moment himself, "So... even when you do something wrong, at this moment, I just want you to know that it's going to be alright as long as..."

Katara grew quiet, her breathing slowed down as she felt mesmerized by Nik's understanding that reflected through his gaze. Thoughts rampaged in her head as Katara ended up recalling a few particularities of Aunt Wu's prediction.

'She talked that 'he' is a powerful bender... naive and playful... but is that truly it? Or is he even the supposed 'man?'

Sighing deeply, Nik smiled gently, "As I was saying... you will be fine as long as you believe Aunt Wu and finish your plate of papaya."

"Khnnk!" Suki snorted a snot bubble while suddenly breaking into chuckles. While she did hurry to wipe her nostrils, Suki couldn't stop laughing. Meanwhile, Katara shot a thin stream of water towards Nik which he quickly collected into a ball while she coldly scoffed, "I'm being serious!"

"I am, too," Nik nodded, "And you didn't let me finish."

"Then go on, finish." Katara narrowed her eyes.

"Wouldn't be as impactful as now," Nik scoffed.


"I hardly lie," Nik reproached with a huff, this time making both Suki and Katara roll their eyes.


Aunt Wu's mansion was large enough to accommodate the trio separately, allowing them to have private rooms and beds which they found quite satisfying as they were quick to settle in for the night after their dinner.

Once Nik entered his room, he immediately slumped on the mattress face first, his hands pushing in the pillow to make it more comfortable as he groaned in comfort. The day wasn't as physically or mentally exhausting but thinking of tomorrow, Nik couldn't help but let a tired sigh escape his lips.

"Lavabending... just when I thought this world couldn't get any more dangerous," he mumbled. He had just begun his exploration regarding waterbending but now being able to spar with Katara and having a better control over this ability, Nik had achieved a few things on the sly.

As he sighed, a strange gust picked into the room but it was quickly curbed, too.


At least, that's what Nik believed he had accomplished. While Nik needed to move in a 'flow' for waterbending most of the time since this flow wasn't necessary to induce a change of temperature over the water he had in control, by constantly experimenting in his personal space, Nik found that Airbending was freer than that. It felt like an expression of wildness to him. And recalling how Aang moved certainly allowed Nik to try many things when it came to this hidden art.

Of course, he still kept this from Katara and Suki.

With just the ability to control air and water, Nik would rather not have himself consider half of what Aang is— in their built. But aside from this more casual reason, Nik didn't want more of himself to be exposed without a reason just because by empathizing with Aang and others... those who would definitely be considered a sore sight to a few powerful individuals, Nik had managed to push his identity on that list, too.

During this time, what Nik had been unable to achieve, however, was the ability to bend air and water simultaneously. If he tried to control one, he would fail to connect with the other, and on and on it went. This didn't dampen his drive, though. It only made Nik reserve it, channel his determination into things he could actually achieve.

Like scouting the prison under the Makapu Mountain.

Silently, Nik began to wave his fingers, causing the wind to gather around him. His hair took turn for the worse, the edges of his clothes waving to the soft gusts as he simply enjoyed the magical sight he was able to create in front of him. The lamp threatened to blow out but held on still.



Two gentle knocks broke Nik from staring at his own handiwork, enchanted- and stop his actions before clearing his throat.

Although the walls and the wooden door made it harder to hear, he still identified only one individual after the noise of gusts of air came to an end. Opening the door, Nik smiled.



"Nik isn't in his room!" Suki gasped, emphasizing every word with tremendous worry as Katara, who had just opened her door, tilted her head in confusion, "Maybe he's... you know, replying to nature's call? He does eat a lot..."

"And," letting Suki in, Katara crossed her arms, "Why do you know if he is in his room or not?"

"I had something to talk about," Suki brushed off Katara's righteous suspicions and pushed, "And I'm sure it's not what you're thinking... I just feel weird, that's all. I'm certain that something's going on—"



The knock on Katara's door stopped Suki in her tracks as the waterbender stood up and greeted the visitor.

It was Meng.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you this late in the night but Aunt Wu wanted me to let you guys know that she's taking a walk with Nik. She didn't want the two of you to feel worried."

"Ah, I see, thank you." Katara smiled and nodded.

Closing the door, Katara looked at Suki, shrugging, "See?"

"... yeah," She mumbled her reply and stood up only for Katara to narrow her eyes and reach up to her. Katara held Suki's shoulder and continued with a soft smile, "But you looked so worried just now... could it be that you think he is not trained enough? Or... is it something else?"

Seeing the teasing smile on Katara's face, Suki blinked. The embarrassment she felt suddenly disappeared as something just clicked inside of her.

Why was she and Nik even hiding their relationship in the first place? It's not like he or she had explicitly stated it... it's just that most of the time they did a few things, Katara would usually be nearby, sleeping. Or practicing further away...

"Of course, I would worry," Suki breathed, grinning, "We're close, after all."

"Huh?" Katara was left stunned as Suki winked and passed by her but not before continuing in a whisper, "And he trained me the past few days harder than I ever did him. You can say, he's a passionate teacher, too."

Even after Suki left, Katara still blankly gazed at the spot, her mind reeling.

"Hah?!" She loudly exclaimed.


"Why are we here?" Nik looked around. He and Wu were on the outskirts of the village and while he looked relaxed, internally, Nik had raised his caution to the maximum. Ready to bend element and attack of vanish into his personal space without hesitation.

"There are a few things I would like to speak of," Wu smiled, "It's the things we left off from the day. Do you know what actually happens when I predict someone's past? Not the future. Not any other natural disasters. No. Those need natural spiritual talents and aside from Meng, I have yet to see someone in my proximity display these gifts.

I'm talking about the past.


Things that I need to know to understand who I am dealing with."

"I don't know," Nik shook his head as Wu merely nodded at the fire nation soldiers guarding the entrance of the village and allowed them to pass through, finally exiting the village.

"It's like any other item in the market. I fish out for the information I need and pay the price."

"So, there is a market of information on all of us?" Nik caught on to what Wu seemed to be suggesting.

"Yes," she admitted, "But just a little more spiritual than you might imagine."

"Long before there were men, there were other beings of great power. Those of primordial origins and I meditate to connect with just one such being," Wu turned around, looking at Nik with a hint of astonished expression on her face as she muttered, "Consider my surprise when this being— The Keeper of Past— could not find anything about you except for a few things that happened the past few weeks."

"The Keeper of Past?" Nik chuckled, "What is that?"

"The correct wording is— Who? Of course, I cannot reveal my secrets as easily as I have stumbled upon yours," Wu replied somberly, "But as I would be assisting the Avatar soon enough, I wish to assist you, too. To help you learn what you have truly gained and let you know of the dangers that creep in your direction."

Nik frowned for a moment. This sounded more like a threat than any words of assistance but Wu did provide them shelter and they hadn't gotten off on the wrong foot so he didn't want to act abruptly. "Wu, I think that—"

"I will wait for you here," Wu smiled as Nik finally noticed the mist crawling around him. His pupils shrunk momentarily but soon his vision started to swim while he heard Wu's fleeting voice, "Remember, the Fog of Lost Souls is your acquaintance now, too."


'Just when I think— Oh, everything is so great now— I am shoved into this fresh hell again.' Nik groaned internally, watching the clash of two streams of color. White/Blue and Red/Black.

The two streams clashed constantly. But this time, Nik felt a bit different.

There was no flame that separated the two streams that would only leave a small sphere of violet in the middle.

"You... have to do it... or he will catch up..."

The space around Nik trembled as the soft whisper lingered to his senses. The two streams of colors, instead of separating, joined together and formed a brighter ball of violet that instantly shot in Nik's direction once again.

"Huff!" Nik gasped, sitting up while spitting out the blades of grass from his mouth. It was already morning and Wu seemed to be seated under the canopy of the nearest tree while meditating with her eyes closed. The moment he calmed down finally, Wu seemed to have recognized his awakening and opened her eyes.

"Do you now get it?" She inquired curiously, finally causing Nik to snap at her.

"No!" He groaned in exasperation, "If only you, or someone else would explain what the hell is going on instead of showing me flashes of darker and brighter colors, things would be simpler! Thank the gods I don't have a heart condition or with the amount of those flashes, I'd be done for already!"

He huffed, "Who's this Keeper of Past? And what's going on? Speak, with your mouth, instead of confusing me further with your actions."

Not expecting such a thing, Wu grew dazed for a moment. Thinking for a moment, she nodded, "I see... I... no, we hadn't considered that and I acted as I was told. Apologies for such a cryptic manner of interaction... but that is just how spirits communicate. At least, with me. Then it is my job to make sense of what I have just learned."

Nik frowned, "Is that it then?"

"Depends on what you've... experienced and learned," Wu shrugged.

"But I can tell you what I believe I have figured out by now," she suddenly spoke up, "And in return, I want you to do something for me."

"If it isn't too—"

"It isn't," Wu shook her head, "I have predicted the arrival of Katara and Suki only. Thus, you are the variable that may cause something unfavorable to the village. For that, I need you to promise me that there won't be any bloodshed from the stay of the three of you in this village."

"I mean," Nik muttered. Wu had already hinted that she knew why the trio had arrived here but hadn't blown their cover so speaking things a bit more openly now didn't make him feel alert.

"I will try." he finally agreed as if he was the greatest warrior and the soldiers of the village were given a great handicap now that Nik couldn't go all out.

Seeing this, Wu nodded and began explaining what little she does know of the situation.

"I believe that because of an accident, you encountered a spirit of strange properties that may have provided you certain gifts."

It was really hard for Nik.

To not roll his eyes.

Wu turned out more useless than Nik could have ever imagined her to be.

He silently checked his status screen to note any changes and it was better than Wu in this regard since Nik did learn something new.

[Name: Nik Faran

Age: 20 (80)

Code: GC—EHG—98034

Authority Rank: 1 (5.89/100)

Paradise: Transmigration

Title: Transmigration Intern

Bloodline: Adonis' Ember (Common)

Physique: 2.3

Mental: 1.8

Energy: 18.6→ 21.6]


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