Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 68: Rest (1)

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Nik silently looked around. The citizens avoided him like a plague. He gave off a terrible stench at the moment even if he was clean from all the gunk. His next course of action, of course, was to meet up with Katara and inform the guards of the colony to round up the Freedom Fighters still within the sewers and see if there is some kind of reward for it.

Nik walked out of the alley and he was instantly amazed by the structures almost repaired. Earthbending was truly efficient, Nik realized.

"Oh, lucky me. You both are here!" Nik smiled. The best way to meet up with someone was to wait where they departed from. Since Nik had promised to return then, of course, Katara and Suki realized that the best chance of meeting up with him is to stay near the intersection of the market of the colony.

"You listen here, mister—" Seeing Nik, the two tired women instantly flared, especially Katara as her wide eyes spewed flames of fury with a hunger that already motivated her to tear Nik into two. Yet, all of it faded when the lingering scent of the sewers reached towards the duo.

"Huooo!" Empty on the stomach, angry, and now suddenly disgusted, Suki couldn't hold it in and hurl to the side. Hearing her vomit, Katara's expression twisted as she covered her mouth with her shoulders trembling and her face strangely bobbing back and forth as if holding something back.

"Wow, that was disgusting," Nik commented, earning a rightful glare from Suki who wiped her mouth and straightened herself up.

They were near the corner of the alley so even if the trio's actions registered them the annoyance of the civilians, Katara's existence seemed to be keeping them tolerant for the moment. She had helped quite extensively to the point of tiring herself out and even when they were offered shelter by a few who saw Katara and Suki waiting near the alley, the two women had to decline.

"Let's find someplace to stay and freshen up... I'll tell you what happened along the way," Nik added. Humor aside, he felt a little bad seeing them waiting for him like loyal puppies so he didn't have the heart to give them cold shoulder even if they responded with annoyance.

As a well-developed colony, Chay Thang had a proper inn. The problem, however, was that it required payment.

"Oh, hun, no payment, no room," the middle-aged innkeeper glanced at the trio and kept a safe distance. The stench wasn't pleasing and the exhausted look on the trio's faces was enough to make the woman avoid them entirely.

"Oh, I have something," Nik smiled, fishing into his pocket before taking out a small silver coin. The currency of this world is simply diverse to the point that often, copper of other nations is not used but silver and gold are sought after. However, this is a costlier method due to the lack of proper conversion.

Gazing at the silver in his hands, the old lady grew a bit closer and finally spoke up, "One room, one day, and that's because I like yer face."

"This here is a silver," Nik smiled, not minding the act of negotiation and what he felt like a really low offer.

"I've got eyes," the woman snorted and glanced at Nik, "Those two behind you. Yer women?"

"Friends," Nik replied as the woman smiled, "Ya know, those two ladies have real talent. I heard. You're a waterbender, right? You can get a special price!" She grinner. Her words confused Katara and Suki while Nik took the chance to look around and found the lobby decorated rather exquisitely. Not to mention the door behind the large woman. As if understanding something, Nik chuckled, "How about me? How much can I fork out?"

He leaned over the counter as the woman stepped back hurriedly, afraid that she will catch Nik's stink.

"Without the smell, quite a lot," the woman scoffed.

"Come on," Nik rolled his eyes, "You can get us a better price, right? Think about it. The saviour of the colony wants to stay at your inn and I'm not sure how many feel once they find out you made a cheap fool out of us. And," Nik narrowed his eyes, "I don't see business flooding in with me standing right here."

"Fine. Two rooms. One for ya and the ladies. No more. And only one night!"

"With a washing room," Nik spoke up.

"Nuh-uh! That's the top room," the woman crossed her arms.

"One room with a washing room for a night," Nik continued with ease. He already had the upper hand due to his stench and didn't mind using it.

"Fine, fine! Get your asses into the wash and clean up. Smells like shit, I say."

Nik grinned as the woman tossed out an iron key towards him and he placed the coin on the counter, "Oh, and is there some reward on catching the Freedom Fighters?"

"Forget it, kid! They're the wrong crowd... bastards almost killed me today," the woman growled.

"Oh," Nik didn't say anything more. This wasn't the first inquiry regarding the Freedom Fighters and Nik now knew that his initial thought of rewards being on their heads was incorrect. Others had the same form of reply but there was no talk about the bounty.

"What was that?" Katara frowned as the trio stepped towards the stairs after understanding where their room is situated.

"What?" Nik inquired.

"That look she gave us and what special price was she talking about?" Suki eased into the situation with actual words related to it as he nodded with an understanding expression, "This is the only inn right?" Nik questioned.

"The only inn that has rooms instead of a barn divided by earthen walls," Suki sighed softly. Residence for travelers was quite a bit tricky here.

"This place also serves other needs aside from temporary stay."

"What needs?" Katara continued as Nik stopped and looked at her, "Really? Can't you figure it out till now?"

She tilted her head in confusion, causing Nik and Suki to purse their lips but not willing to let his training partner in the art of waterbending be led away by a misunderstanding, Nik walked up to her, causing Katara to fight off the stench with sheer will as he whispered a few things softly.

Her blue eyes widened in shock.

"This place is a what?!" She gasped, almost screaming.


"Oh, hey, you guys are back," Nik smiled as Suki and Katara returned. The room wasn't really worth the price then again this was already one of the better rooms and the 'Washing' room was a separate space with a pipeline attached to it and a bucket to clean oneself. It was just a more primitive bathroom but at least, Nik wasn't smelling anymore. A large rug in the middle of the room gave a sense of class and the giant bed by the side made its intentions known already.

After they had settled in, Nik took out the rations and this time, Suki and Katara realized that they couldn't depend on Nik for everything so they prepared another package with emergency rations to keep on them at all times alongside a few coins. Already knowing what had transpired within the sewers, Katara and Suki explained that they had an in with the mayor and while Nik bathed, taking his time, Suki and Katara went to the mayor to have the sewers scouted.

The matter ended right then and there.

As for the wealth Nik just revealed? He had robbed Ukano of... basically everything, including his wealth once he wiped the office clean. The silver was the least valuable of the treasure as Nik felt that a few smaller gems were worth even more in the right hands.

"I'm so tired," Katara huffed. She had yet to take a proper rest and seeing the large, springy mattress, better than the frames and mattress within the servant's quarters of the palace, Katara felt like sleeping immediately.

But there were things they needed to discuss.

"We found a Messenger Hawk service near the walls of the colony. How about we try to send a letter to Omashu? To get an understanding of the situation and if Sokka and others have already left." Katara sat on the edge of the bed.

"Wait... didn't you go the opposite way? According to you, the Mayor's office is in the center of the residential area..." Nik gasped, "You explored the colony without me!"

"Hmph, you left us to starve. Consider it your just desserts!" Suki walked over and patted the mattress, appraising its quality as a satisfied smile touched her face.

"Fine," Nik crossed his arms and left the towel on his head, "But you do know that I'm the one sleeping on the bed, right? The other spot can be discussed by the two of you."



"I paid for it, that's why," Nik scoffed causing the two women to roll their eyes. But then they glanced at each other.

The question wasn't who was sleeping on the floor, since Nik carried mattresses around with him, but who would sleep on the bed with Nik.

"Why don't you decide?" Suki instantly thought of something and dumped the responsibility on Nik. Instead of fighting amongst themselves, it was better for them to let Nik decide as it will also clear a lot of things.

Katara understood the situation, too and even if she was a little nervous, she felt a bit excited, too.

Storing away the towel, Nik recollected everything he had been through and realized that in this world, this will be the largest bed he gets to sleep on. Michi's bed was better in quality but it wasn't like he was sleeping in for the night. He had to return every morning after the deed had been done.

'And I literally went through shit today... I deserve this,' Nik decided. His gaze first landed on Suki, causing her smile to turn even more prominent but as he glanced at Katara, the reactions were changed, leaving Katara's worried expression to ease into a soft smile.

"How thoughtful, to let me decide," Nik grinned as he walked up to Katara who was sitting on the edge of the bed, and held her shoulders. Her eyes were wide at this moment and many thoughts raged. Thoughts that Nik could interpret through her expression.

But what of it...

He wanted something else at the moment which was less troublesome than maneuvering his way through the delicate balance Katara and Suki had formed in their relationship.

"Katara, you need to move from my bed. I need to sleep."

"Hmm?" Katara blinked.

"I guess... I could sleep on the bed—" Suki was quick, but Nik was quicker.

"Are you kidding me? I like to have a bit of privacy... Suki, what are you thinking, trying to climb into a man's bed like that? Don't you know the consequences?"

Nik's words left things to the imagination but the direction of it was pretty clear as Suki blushed in embarrassment and anger.

"Of course, if you two really need to sleep on the bed, you both can," Nik added, "But I'm gonna be sleeping right here!"

With that, he jumped into the middle of the bed and took out his own sheets, and tucked himself in. He would be stupid to cover himself in sheets prepared by an inn that also shifted as a brothel.

His words, the smoothness of his actions, and the sheer disregard for the emotional turmoil the two women were going through regarding their budding crush left them speechless.

In their mind, a whole drama was already scripted for both the situations should they be accepted or left out...

But not this.

And this made them realize how eager they had exposed themselves to be, making both of them unable to look each other in the eye.

"Fine! Just give me my mattress!" Suki snorted coldly. But seeing the lack of motion from Nik, she was stunned once again.

"Is he... asleep?" She looked towards Katara as the waterbender pursed her lips, too.

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