Overlord (WN)

Chapter Volume 2 1 part1

Hi guys, my exams are still not over but I was bored.

Triumphant Return Part 1

Translator: Frostfire10

"How can such a thing be!"

Along with the deep and husky shout, a fist was slammed onto the table.

The reason why the seven cups filled with liquid did not topple was that the fist was strangely lacking any force, and the table itself was sturdy. If the cups did topple, it would be a huge mess as the table was filled with several documents, all of which were easy to get wet.

No one reaction to the shout. The six men sitting in the other seats silently watched the man with the same look. However, within their eyes lay various emotions.

Empathy, understanding, confusion, and scorn—

The man who shouted breathed heavy breaths, as if to release the pent-up heat in his body. Grabbing the cup in front of him, he downed it in an instant. The almost full glass disappeared down his throat with a thunderous force.

His thirst would probably not have been quenched if he had not emptied it. Seeing that, one of the silent men spoke.

"Anyway, we have to decide on how to proceed with the attack."

That man's words reignited the fury of the first man.

"Are you saying to attack them after that!"

The strong force embedded in that voice seemed to shake the air, and any timid person would lower his gaze and quiver. However, the man he was looking at was not such a man. Responding to him with a calm look, his face spread into a thin smile.

"Yes. Did I say something strange?"

"Strange? That's not the problem! Is there a need for further attacks! They are simple commoners assembled by the Kingdom without any discipline! Escaping from that is natural for humans!"

"….Allow me to refute that opinion, general. We have been entrusted with the Imperial troops by the Emperor himself. And the reason we are here is to completely eliminate the Kingdom's army. Isn't the best opportunity right in front of us?"

"Best opportunity? Are you saying that this is the best opportunity? Attacking those pitiful people from behind!"

"Exactly. We are the Empire's generals. Then we should act to reduce the number of casualties from the Empire. Shouldn't that be our consideration is generals? Then why can we not attack the pitiful remnants of the Kingdom from behind? Or are you saying that we should do so after they have returned to E-Rantel and hardened their defenses?"

"I am not saying that! However, this is unethical! The war has been decided anyway. All we have to do is to send an emissary and most problems will be solved. This does not involve attacking them from behind!"

Of the eight generals of the Empire, the seven that were attending the expedition were present in this tent.

The general who raised his voice was Beliblad, General of the Third Legion. His face contained countless scars and he was a general known for his swordsmanship. With his muscular frame, his very presence caused any room to shrink. Since he was such a person, he was famous for being the most impactful of the generals.

And the man opposing him was the General of the Empire's Eighth Legion, Ray. He was a man recently chosen by the Emperor to be a general. His appearance was the direct opposite of Beliblad, with a neat and tidy figure and a face that showed his noble blood. However, he was chosen as a general not for his blood, but for his ability. And his personality was the opposite of his appearance, being a man of valor.

None of the generals said anything to the glaring pair. However, one could immediately tell from their eyes that they had picked sides. Most were agreeing with Beligrad.

To Ray, seeing his colleagues agree with such a naive thought made him want to laugh. Of course, he was not such a foolish person to show such thoughts on his face.

"Isn't that naive? We have yet to send an emissary. Thus, we may not do so. I am considering the worst case scenario."

"I do not know what cornered soldiers will do. It is clear that the Kingdom's morale is gone. Then we should not hastily act to prevent a war of extermination right!"

"Now maybe, but their morale might return after returning to the city."

"There is no way that their morale will increase after seeing such a massacre…. Rather than that, the Empire should say that we grieve for the Kingdom's losses and gain the upper hand in negotiations."

A massacre.

Ray recalled that scene.

That one-sided battle. The battlefield that was gripped in despair.

—It was beautiful

And the harvest of souls.

Everything was beautiful. It was a violent art that was permitted due to the overwhelming difference in power. The opening scene in a play of the gods that inferior humans could never reach.

Ray unconsciously let out a lustful sigh. His hardened manhood pressed up against his armour, causing pain to shoot through him, yet it still felt pleasing.

Ray believed that that scene should be called absolute beauty, but unfortunately, no one agreed with him. The other generals believed that it was a merciless massacre that could not be called a war.

Rather than cries of victory, there were more pitying the terrible way in which the Kingdom's soldiers died.

Rather than agreeing that it was an overwhelming victory for the Empire, they were denying it and were disgusted.

"That's why we pressure them further. Cut down the remaining soldiers. Cut down their heads like wheat. Many soldiers died in that battle, and further attacks will definitely lower the Kingdom's power. Then we need only wait to swallow it."

"Bastard! But still!"

Beliblad stood up with a clatter. Everyone could tell that beneath his armour, his muscles were tense and ready for battle.

The generals had assembled here with their respective weapons. If they began to fight, then the Empire would lose two of its excellent leaders. Beligrad had not drawn his weapon, but he was a surprisingly short-tempered man. It was worrying how this might turn out.

In front of this uncertain danger, Ray's lax expression did not change.

It was not like he believed that he could defeat Beliblad or that he would not draw his sword. It was just that after seeing that earlier scene of violence, a threat of this level was the same as a light breeze.

"Wait, you two, calm down."

The one who stopped those two was the overall commander of this expedition, the General of the Second Legion, Natel Inyem Dale Kabein.

Stopped by Kabein, Beligrad could say nothing in response. With his face still red, he smashed down into his seat to express his anger.

"Both of your views consider the future of the Empire and I understand both of you seek to aid it. That's why don't get too heated over this."

"….Apologies, it seems I got a bit too agitated, General Beliblad."

"….I as well General Ray. My apologies."

The two lowered their heads, but they did not let go of their grudge. The anger and disdain did not disappear from their eyes after all. Ray, Beliblad, and the other generals watching them knew this.

It was especially to the glaring pair.

If you don't change your opinion, then I definitely won't. Beligrad's intent was transmitted clearly to Ray.

In the strangely tense silence, one of the generals spoke.

"….Just what is the Archduke?"

This was the question that everyone had, but had no answer to.

First was that that magic. The generals had no knowledge of that magic that massacred the Kingdom's soldiers.

Next was the consumption of the souls.

The only thing that came to their minds was the title their subordinates were using, [Demon Lord].

"A dangerous person."

"….Definitely. His personal ability is too dangerous. If that power was released in a city, it would be easily destroyed."

"Considering the time it took for those monsters to disappear, the destruction of at least one city is certain."

"It would be great if that were it…. But I do not think that that was everything. He might be hiding something more."

"I agree. That was the amount he was willing to show us."

"How strong were the troops the Archduke brought?"

"….The magic caster I asked went hysteric you know? He could not sleep from the shock. Do you still want to ask?"

"….Nothing can shock me more than this. Let me hear it."

"One can battle equally with the Strongest Warrior of the Kingdom, Gazef Stronoff, or is even stronger. And it's an undead so it can fight without rest."

"….Sorry. I want to laugh. Basically, it is a group of the strongest warriors who can fight without rest…. On top of our troops being unable to fight in a protracted battle with them, the chance of victory is so low."

"Yes. Even less than 300 can equal the entire Imperial Army."

"….We are being made fools of. Anyway, what was that ridiculous magic spell?"

"….Did the people feel this way in front of the Demon Gods?"

"The Demon Gods were destroyed by the 13 Heroes. Then does that monster even have anyone who can rival him present?"

"….I have not heard of anyone who can kill 100,000 soldiers in an instant. Well, for humans at least."

"Is it fine to leave such a dangerous being in the Empire?"

"….Is he not tricking His Imperial Majesty…."

Listening to his colleagues, Ray placed his cup to his lips and sipped its contents. His throat was not dry, but he wanted to avoid Beliblad from seeing the mocking smile he had from listening to his colleagues boring words.

The assembly of the smartest minds in the Empire could do nothing but act like drunkards in a cheap bar. If this was not hilarious then what was?

"General Ray, what do you think of that person?"

"….He is amazing. With him, the Empire's defenses will be perfect, and our territory will increase greatly."

"….Is he not dangerous?"

"Who knows?" Ray smiled. The generals who sensed his hostility all furrowed their brows. "He might be dangerous. To those of you who are making plans against him."

Silence fell. The other generals ignored Ray and look amongst each other.

"The Archduke is the greatest contributor…. No the only one in this war. We are not the type of people who would like to scheme against him."

"Then you mean…."

"Exactly. General Ray. We are not speaking with that intention in mind."

"Then what do you mean?"

There was no reply. As Ray made a mocking smile, one of the generals spoke.

"Isn't it obvious that we are thinking about the future of the Empire?"

"General Beliblad. That future being?"

"When an individual is strong, the absolute authority of His Majesty will crumble. We will be troubled if we return to that time filled with incompetent nobles."

"I see. Basically, the Archduke is the same as those incompetent nobles?"

"That is reading into it a bit too much, General Ray."

"Oh, does General Kabein agree with General Beliblad?"

"I have similar thoughts. The Archduke is a new noble. Isn't it natural to come up with strategies to counter the Archduke to maintain stability as generals of the Empire?"

"It is as you say."

Ray shook his head several times.

No matter how they tried to cover it with words, their true fear could not be hidden.

Isn't it human to try to come up with strategies to combat the Archduke out of sheer fear? Even as Ray thought this, he did not show it on his face.

In front of the strong, the only things the weak could do was to try to flatter him or oppose him. The people here all chose to oppose him, but Ray was different.

Even if there was someone who would oppose that to help them, he was not someone that anyone could do anything about. The Emperor had probably understood this and thus granted him the position of Archduke.

However, while the generals would try to oppose him on their own, he did not want to be seen as complicit in this.

There was a need to maintain a connection to the Archduke.

As Ray thought that, the outside of the tent became noisy. The tent was made of several layers to prevent sound from leaking out. The reverse was the same. Basically, if sound could be heard from outside, it was quite the situation.

"Did something happen?"

"….Shall I take a look?"

As the Generals were getting restless, one of the knights dashed in.

"The, the the."

The knight could not form words in his panic.

His panic was large enough for him to forget proper etiquette.

Basically, it was that level of a situation, and considering the people that could cause the knights to act that way, the generals could make a guess.

And they were immediately proven correct.

"The, Archduke has arrived."

While it was the expected answer, the room quietened, and the generals looked at each other. While they were talking about this earlier, they needed to prepare themselves for that person to arrive.

Everyone except Ray looked towards the highest authority present.

"Let him in."

As if shot by Kabein's soft words, the knight dashed outside. The Archduke was stopped at the entrance. While it was their job, they probably felt like they were dancing on a knife's edge. Seeing relief in his retreating figure was probably for that reason.

After the knight left, the outside clamour quietened. It was like no one was there, and this worried the generals.

The Archduke.

He was a person of absolute power, and excluding the Emperor, there was no one above him. In times of war, nobles were expected to listen to the orders of the commanding humans, but it was not clear if the laws of the Empire could constrain such a being.

What if in doing so he was angered?

What if he was displeased as decided to use force?

Imperial law was still law and could change at the whims of the absolute Emperor. Then, the Archduke might not be restricted by the law. As absolute beings could not be restrained by such things.

If it were a normal human, if the law were to turn such a powerful being like the Archduke into an enemy, it would be overlooked. Then even the lives of generals would not be safe in front of him.

The entrance to the tent was slowly raised.

The generals all nervously swallowed. The one who would enter was extremely dangerous and was a being not restricted by Imperial law. The generals all immediately stood up. There was no foolish person who would welcome him sitting down.

The first to enter was the previous Head Magician of the Empire, Fluder. And after him entered the Archduke Ainz Ooal Gown. His exquisite clothes immediately told stories of his wealth.

The air in the room weighed down on them as it seemed to gel and stick to their clothes. Kabein was the first to speak.

"Welcome, Archduke. There was no need to come here yourself. If you had called, we would have head over immediately."

"….There was no need for that, general. You are probably busy with handling the end of the war."

"I am grateful for such kind words."

Those calm and understanding words made the generals feel disgusted. It felt like he was acting, and it tugged on the senses of the generals. Thus the atmosphere felt like both sides were hiding something.

What was he thinking? What was his true intent? Unable to tell, the generals could not decide on the course of action.

Understanding his colleagues' dilemma, Ray merely laughed at them.

Archduke Ainz Ooal Gown.

His true intent was obvious if they thought about it.

From what Ray could tell, that massacre was not for the sake of killing the Kingdom's soldiers. There was a reason for displaying a spell of that power. This was as a person who could use such a fear-inducing spell was definitely in no way a fool.

Therefore, the Archduke's intention was to show them the massacre, that it was foolish to make him an enemy. Of course, his target was the people of the Empire.

That was a presentation for the Empire— Or rather for the Emperor. Showing them his power was to teach them that baring their teeth at him was foolish.

He meant that while he recognised the Emperor, and because he was granted the position of Archduke if they showed him respect, then he would do so as well.

Basically, the Archduke meant that if they showed him respect, he would not kill them immediately.

Although the reason for that was not clear.

The problem was the actions of the individual generals.

They were planning to become hostile to the Archduke. Ray believed that this was extremely foolish and should be avoided. There was no reason to become suicidal.

Well, Ray could understand why the generals were doing such things.

They were simply scared.

Shown power beyond humanity, they thought that if they did nothing, it would eventually fall on them. Not praying for it to pass. Not obeying and wishing for mercy.

Thus being hostile to the Archduke was the most foolish action they could take. Human foolishness, while cute, was terrible. Ray had no intention to remain on such a sinking ship.

It would be troublesome if he were lumped together with them. He had to show that he was different from them.

Ray hid the glimmer in his eyes and listened to Kabein and the Archduke.

"And may I please ask for the reason why the Archduke has come all the way here?"

"Ah. It's nothing major. I wanted to ask for the plans for later and to know where to leave my troops."

"Oh! My apologies. For word to have not reached the highest contributor to the war. Please forgive my mistake."

"It is fine. You are busy after all…. Yes, allow me to handle the bodies of the Kingdom's soldiers."

"….Will that be fine?"

"Ah, they are beautiful corpses. Allow me to handle them."

What were beautiful corpses? Was it right or wrong to accept that condition? Ray easily read Kabein's conflict. Even though there was only one answer. However, he remained silent. In fact, Kabein reached the same answer.

"I apologise for bothering the Archduke, but may I ask you to please do so?"

"Of course. My gratitude. General."

"Then…. After this, I shall contact His Majesty to discuss with him, and afterwards, I shall inform you of the details."

"Understood. I will probably take some time to handle the corpses. Please take your time."

"My gratitude. Then please allow me to prepare a tent that your troops can rest—"

"There is no need, general. If you lend me some space I can prepare it myself."

"Is that so?"

"That is so."

It sounded like a joke, but there was no one brave enough to laugh. They did not know if it was a joke or not. And they could not laugh in front of someone whose mood they could not risk spoiling.

"….Then General, could you please inform me of where to place my troops."

"Of course. Allow my subordinates to escort you."

"Then allow me to do so."

Ray slowly stood up.

"Nice to meet you, Archduke. I am the General of the Eighth Legion, Ray."

He then bowed with the utmost respect. It was of the same level as how he treated his master, the Emperor, or possibly even higher.

"General Ray. Having a general escort me is a waste, but can I request this of you?"

"Of course. Archduke."

"I see…. General Kabein. Do you mind if I borrow General Ray for a bit?"

"Of course. General Ray, please guide the Archduke to an open space in the garrison."

"Yes. Then Archduke, let us go."

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